How to Potty Train Your Dog FAST! Updated for 2024!

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🔸 Learn the importance of controlling your dog's environment
🔸 Discover the benefits of crate training and puppy-proofed areas
🔸 Find out how to establish a consistent routine and rewards system

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We got a rescue puppy and within 2 weeks she was outside potty trained.

I used the bell method. I put a bell on the door handle, which i rang each time before we went outside. When she went potty, she got lots of praise.

Within 2 weeks she understood that ringing the bell was her way to tell us she needed to go out.

Shes two now, the bell is gone but she gives us a little woof to let us know.


Love, love, love Bark Box!! It changed our home, our relationship with our dog and her's with our children!!


Just got a new puppy. Never trained my own dog before. I have watched so many videos and I really like yours. Thank you for the great info!


That's exactly what happened to me with a dog I just rescued. Second day I took her for a walk, she didn't poop. As we were going up the stairs(3 flights), she stopped on the second and refused to go any farther. We walked past the other apartments to the other end of the staircase and reluctantly went up the 3rd floor Not 2 minutes into the house she went into the spare room and pooped. Rookie mistake on my part. But she is teaching me so much!!


I think you are spot on with setting expectations. Stuff is going to happen with a puppy that we were trying to avoid. Small price to pay for endless love and devotion.


What if your dog gives no signs at all that they need to go? Our dog will be playing and then just stands and pees.


Thank You Zak! I’m getting a pomsky puppy in just 4 days and I can’t believe what good timing this is. 🙏


I am using a bell but only our older dog knows how to use it. Our younger dog just stands by the door thank you for explaining the signs. My dog sometimes gives me them and I never knew why. I will look out for them now! Thank you!


Thanks for the video - you're so right, even for experienced owners it can be tough: We adopted a 7 yo dog who'd never lived inside a house (retired breeding Beagle) and we'd potty train her for weeks; next to no accidents. But sure enough, even right after pottying outside, she'd come in the house and, lightening-fast, squat down for a little spray of pee, which I interpret as a marking behavior (especially as we have 2 other dogs). Catching THAT any time before it's too late is hard, as she doesn't interrupt her Beagling-around behavior for more than an estimated second to squat down.


New Sub!!! we just rescued a pit bull puppy, she's 10 weeks old on Sunday. I already taught her how to walk down the front porch stairs. We're working on walking UP. She can get to 2 stairs inside the house, like a good girl. She also has learned NO, AND SIT. Thank you for this. My dog is on my FYP/shorts. I needed this video for potty training. I haven't had a dog since my Buddy died in 2016ish...My Sasha still has accidents. I have cats too, thank you for the tip on the urine cleaner.


Just brought home an 8 week toy poodle. She is teeny tiny. Don't know what I would have done if it wasn't for your videos! Wish you were in Maine!


Really good, thorough video! Great work! And it's fun to see the dogs again. Shade looks like he came along wonderfully, & cheers for Veronica & Shade playing together so well. Inertia, as always, rules. Kudos to you & Bree!


Hey Zak!!! Could you do a video about socializing dogs who weren’t socialized with other dogs in their first year? I have a chihuahua who’s my first dog, and we’re struggling a lot. He’s very reactive to other dogs, and he’s my first dog. I didn’t realize how important socializing him was. I really want to fix this problem but I’m at a loss. Thanks for everything!!


I am really struggling with finding rewards for my puppy. He has a very sensitive stomach and so far the only thing he’s been able to eat is just his kibble and he does chew on a bully stick but I can’t find treats for him. Do you have a recommendation for treats? Should I just stick to basic meats like cooked chicken or turkey? Do you use just the meat section foods or use like meat from the deli? Thank you so much! We have a baby Rottweiler and I am trying to make sure he starts off as good as possible and are using all of your videos for training. So far he’s been the BEST puppy I’ve ever seen in my life. Thank you for these free videos! They are lifesavers!


We have our new 9 week old puppy for a week and a half now. We gave too much room to explore and had lots of accidents, now narrowing that. I feel we’ve already set bad habits, can we still correct those after she’s used to our mistakes? ie not taking her out enough, no crate except at night (she can go eight hours at night) cries in crate during the day if we even try. So glad I found your channel! 😊


All our dogs understood the let’s go out and go potty. We had one smart GSD where if we weren’t paying attention when she needed to have the door opened she would actually come and grab your hand and pull you. She was so funny she’d do her business then spin her wheels and she was done. That dog though; we got her from our good friends and neighbors just down the road at 7 weeks old. She was one of 12 and I spent 2 weeks before she was home with us running over every day where I would put her in the bottom of Hanks 16 ft aluminum boat and feed her boiled chicken livers. That dog if she made 2 messes that was about it. But I was a kid at home and I would run her out every 4 hours. There was only one time where I had to grab her when she made a mistake early on. The whole house was linoleum except the carpet in the living room. She went in past the doorway and thought it was grass under her feet and started to squat. Dogs like kids when you start; they don’t know or understand anything. That’s the keepers job to teach them. It’s surprising how fast they can pick things up when you remember they can’t speak or talk with you but they can show you. I did this first with this dog and also my last one. I taught them to ask for what they want by giving the paw. I did that with food stuff. Mainly to avoid a food thief. If they asked politely 99% of the time they got what was asked for. That dog loved chicken. I took once when we had to run to town; I put 3 drumsticks right at the edge of the counter. She never touched or took them. But I sure got asked when we got home. She got all three, without the bones of course. This last dog when I tried this it was really fast how quickly he understood. It’s a bit like taking and showing a young child that can’t speak yet how to be able to ask for what they want using a hand gesture.


We have had our dog for a little over a month and is 7 months old. We have had so much trouble in potty training. We keep puppy pads in the house because of accidents and we have carpet. We have tried every in the video except we don’t have a fenced in yard.


My baby Chuchu will walk to the door and look at me. Another GS girl Simone would give a bark or just came to me. They always give a sign and we just need to see to understand them ❤


I'm just finding your channel, because
I am getting a new puppy. Do you still offer your 30 day free guide?


My female dog goes in the garden during the day and never has accidents during the day. She goes out before bed at 10 at night but since the winter started she can’t hold it during the night. However she is good at using the puppy pads. I put a row of 3 pads down just in front of the sofa and she uses one or two. Sometimes none!
So it’s not a big problem except for the expense. And she is worse in wet weather because she doesn’t like rain.
I mention that the dog is a female because over the years my experience of many dogs suggests that dogs have better bladder control.
