Entry level fountain pens

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In this video, I cover a number of 'entry level' fountain pens that are fairly cheap (ranging from about $3.30 to about $28.00) and that I consider to be good 'beginner's' pens. Clearly, some of these are a bit more high end than the others, and the fact that they're cheap does NOT mean they are bad pens!

For your convenience, I've put the pens with price indications and filling mechanisms down here, in the same order I discuss them in the video.

1. Pilot Petit1, $3.30, Pilot cartrdiges;
2. Platinum Preppy, $3.95, Platinum cartridges/converter [?]/eyedropper conversion;
3. Noodler's piston-filler, $14.00, piston-filler fills from bottled ink;
4. Ohto F-Spirit, $16.50, cartridges (I think international cartridges will fit)/converter;
5. Parker Vector, $24.00, Parker cartridges/converter;
6. Kaweco Sport Classic, $21.00, international cartridges/Monteverde mini converter/eyedropper conversion;
7. Lamy Nexx 88 M, $28.00 [price went up!], Lamy catridges/Lamy Z24 converter;
8. Noodler's Aerometric, $24.00, aerometric converter (supplied w/pen)/eyedropper conversion.

Something went wrong with the still photos at the end of the video. If you need high-resolution pictures of the writing, send me a message and I'll e-mail them!
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i signed in to let you know that I loved this video and used it in conjuction with your other video on what to do when the pen skips to fall back in love with fountain pens. I have always loved fountain pens (perhaps we're born with it!), but the cheap pens I was using in school would always lead to pencil cases full of ink, or pens with lids that one dare not open! This video got me back into it, and now I am scribbling away, happy as a flower with some of these recommendations that I use regularly. My thanks, old bean. Keep up the great work.


I've been using a Vector, Pilot for twenty five years or so...well four of five of them as life made them go away at times... some self ground and polished...as a jeweler we think we can do anything. thanks for all your videos, they have helped me finally broadening my FP collection...yes, now I'm collecting...partly your fault. Now, it's time to learn to repair/refurbish all my future pens corectly


Great review. I own the Kaweco Sport Classic and love it. Gave the whole family one each for Christmas. I have bad experiences with Parker fountain pens and avoid them nowadays. You are quite busy with these reviews this week. Can't wait for the next one.


sir, that's a great description on the entry level Fountain pen's. just now I ordered one keweco ice sport and placing another order for Noodlers Konrad pen's. thanks very much.


Glad I found your channel. I just ordered my first fountain pen and cannot wait to get started. Thank you for taking the time to make these videos.


Fantastic Video Stephen. Keep up the great work. Nick.


Great video...Was inspired to use fountain pens again...i am a techer...now i have a parker IM as edc and cross century II as collectible; i it use at home


For my first pen I got a Sheaffer Agio (Black lacquer with gold trim) with a medium nib. A brilliant first pen, plus i got it for only £18!


Excellent list! My personal favorite entry pen is the Lamy Safari with an extra fine nib (great for doing math!).


Thanks for taking your time to help out fp newbies 


After today, I would totally add the Pilot 78G. Just got one in a B and it is FANTASTIC :D Platinum Preppy +1 Kaweco Sport Classic +1 Another great video--thx.


Very useful review of entry level pens. Thank you.


One note, though: the Vector is not the cheapest fountain pen Parker makes. That would be the Reflex. And it's cheap in more ways than one. I have one and I've never liked it. *If* you can get it to write, it's smooth enough, but mine has been anything but consistent. It's been a bit better since trying some things recommended to me by someone on one of the boards, but it does still dry out even while capped.


Useful video. I have a strange behaviour and mostly I use fountain pens and inks with same brands (for example Lamy pen with Lamy ink)

I have had a Quink SOLV-X bottle of ink and I was looking for an inexpensive Parker pen for this blue/black ink! So this video helped me and I have just bought a Parker FP exactly similar to what you showed here (but with Medium nib).
Considering what I have paid I am happy with this pen.


Excellent. Very helpful. Think I'm going with the Kaweco Sport. Cheers! 


I recently damaged my hand and couldnt put pressure on it...my friend told me to try a fountain pen and for some reason wouldn't let me try his. I knew I had one in my room somewhere a rather cheap one that I impulsively bought at some point and never used. I tried it and it was smoother than any other type of pen I used aside from gel pens but I liked the groves, the low pressure required.
So I started looking around and I like very vintage looking designs but I am in the market for design and functionality over renowned names and prestige...
Ive come across 'dryden luxury' pens on amazon it has good reviews but I can't seem to find any video reviews....it has 500 reviews (which is quite significant for a small company and fountain pens) but yes I guess in summary
It might be good if you do a review on this dryden pen as it seems popular and very few videos on them....supply and demand i.e. untapped reservoir of views


Could you please make a video saying what are some good places to buy fountain pens. I love your videos and you got a new subscriber :)


Glad someone else (mikethenascarfan) mentioned the Varsity. It's a good pen considering its price. You can toss it around some without having the cap fill with ink, it handles drops well (capped, anyway), and it's also easy to pull the nib and feed and refill it like an eyedropper filler. Plus, it's a decent writer.


Do you have a Parker 61 to review? I don't own one, but am thinking of getting one. I think they are a beautiful pen with a unique design.


I don't know if they are available in the Netherlands, but I actually have a Parker Vector calligraphy set - it came in a large tin/presentation with 3 italic nibs of varying widths; it was many years ago, so I don't know if they are still being made. I recently got myself a Parker IM - I saw your review on this; a nice pen.
