Naval Ravikant | If I had to Start Over Again - And the Game We should All Play [w/ Shane Parrish]

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It's packed with 23 Nuggets from top Influential Doers and Entrepreneurs (in their own words), 🎆 visuals (to make it super easy to understand), and my own 💭 reflections.
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Naval comments that if he had to do it all over again, he would have done the same things except for 2 aspects: Less emotions/anger & more long-term perspective.
Then, Naval gets into the weeds of the most important and real game in life. Which most humans are not playing because it goes against our evolutionary wiring.
👉 Naval Ravikant
📲 How to Get Rich (podcast)
📚 Books
📖 The Almanack of Naval Ravikant, by Eric Jorgenson.
📂 📂 📂 Naval's Collection Playlist
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* In hindsight, I wish I have done the same things I did but with less emotion & anger.
• Anger is unnecessary.
• Do things with a very long-term perspective.
• How to Reduce the Anger/Emotions...
• * Become an observer of your mind thoughts -- Become Self-Aware -- Separate yourself from your uncontrolled-thinking ("mad creature"). Freedom resides in that separation.
** Awareness alone will calm you down
• Tip to not respond with anger:
• * When you get angry/upset, wait for 24h. Then respond.
*** You will respond with better judgement (more mental clarity)
• Why most people wont try to improve their mental state?
• * Because it's an internal single player non competitive game. And this is not a game that we are naturally conditioned to play. We are socially conditioned -- We are driven for external things and seek validation from others.
• But... life is a single-player game.
• All the real scorecards are internal
* Jealousy
* * If you are not willing to trade your life fully for that other person's life, why would you be jealous?
* Only the individual can transcend. Don't look for socializing when working on your inner state.
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#NavalRavikant #Mistakes #Nuggets
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I do not own the audio source/s used to create this video. If any of the owners want their content taken down please contact me via the email in the About section of my channel.
All works of commentary, reviewing, video editing and (many times) the mixing of different content sources do come from this channel's creativity. Thus, I believe there is a "transformation of value" from any particular raw audio source, making it a stronger case for "fair use" right. Also, I believe this video is supportive to the owners of the audio source contents, as it helps to spread their invaluable message in a positive way. But in any case, as mentioned in the previous paragraph, if any owner do not want their content to be featured in this video, please contact me :)
DISCLAIMER: Links included in this description might be affiliate links. If you purchase a product or service with the links that I provide I may receive a small commission. There is no additional charge to you!
Through my special link, You’ll get a 5-day FREE trial and a 20% off the annual subscription!
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Naval comments that if he had to do it all over again, he would have done the same things except for 2 aspects: Less emotions/anger & more long-term perspective.
Then, Naval gets into the weeds of the most important and real game in life. Which most humans are not playing because it goes against our evolutionary wiring.
👉 Naval Ravikant
📲 How to Get Rich (podcast)
📚 Books
📖 The Almanack of Naval Ravikant, by Eric Jorgenson.
📂 📂 📂 Naval's Collection Playlist
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✎ ✎ ✎✎ ✎ ✎✎ ✎ ✎✎ ✎ ✎ End Notes ✎ ✎ ✎ ✎ ✎ ✎✎ ✎ ✎✎ ✎ ✎
* In hindsight, I wish I have done the same things I did but with less emotion & anger.
• Anger is unnecessary.
• Do things with a very long-term perspective.
• How to Reduce the Anger/Emotions...
• * Become an observer of your mind thoughts -- Become Self-Aware -- Separate yourself from your uncontrolled-thinking ("mad creature"). Freedom resides in that separation.
** Awareness alone will calm you down
• Tip to not respond with anger:
• * When you get angry/upset, wait for 24h. Then respond.
*** You will respond with better judgement (more mental clarity)
• Why most people wont try to improve their mental state?
• * Because it's an internal single player non competitive game. And this is not a game that we are naturally conditioned to play. We are socially conditioned -- We are driven for external things and seek validation from others.
• But... life is a single-player game.
• All the real scorecards are internal
* Jealousy
* * If you are not willing to trade your life fully for that other person's life, why would you be jealous?
* Only the individual can transcend. Don't look for socializing when working on your inner state.
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#NavalRavikant #Mistakes #Nuggets
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I do not own the audio source/s used to create this video. If any of the owners want their content taken down please contact me via the email in the About section of my channel.
All works of commentary, reviewing, video editing and (many times) the mixing of different content sources do come from this channel's creativity. Thus, I believe there is a "transformation of value" from any particular raw audio source, making it a stronger case for "fair use" right. Also, I believe this video is supportive to the owners of the audio source contents, as it helps to spread their invaluable message in a positive way. But in any case, as mentioned in the previous paragraph, if any owner do not want their content to be featured in this video, please contact me :)
DISCLAIMER: Links included in this description might be affiliate links. If you purchase a product or service with the links that I provide I may receive a small commission. There is no additional charge to you!