Technology of the GODS Used to Construct Ancient Megaliths

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Could evidence that the gods created humans in their own image be found all over the world? We may be inclined to accept these gods and angels as spiritual beings, but we will see that they are bound to the physical realms, just as we are. Ages before the first human set foot upon the Earth, extraterrestrial civilizations planted their genetic seeds on a world rife with life. Over the course of pre-history, these beings returned to guide their progeny, forming viable cultures and advancing technology. Erich von Däniken offers proof of this contact, which can be found with cave drawings, sculptures, and textual references.

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Thank u Gaia, and a big Thanks to Erich ❤ The Gods love u❤


Love his German accent how he pronounces maccu piccu ❤ plus the facts speak for themselves if ur not blind 🥴 🔥💕


The Shapers of the extra ordinairy constructions,
on Earth, is Far More Developed than high tech,
it was done solely by Thought-Power,
by De-materializing the rock, projecting the atoms,
and materialized the Idea.
Great pyramid and Sphinx was made 86.000 years ago.


Definitely higher technology from the Atlanteans - Not Gods, but seemingly so. The Atlanteans were not just on the continent of Atlantis, but all over the world, especially so after the sinking of Atlantis. They mingled in with the people of the various continents. Some were 10 to 12 feet tall and likely ended up ruling the various peoples that lived in an area. Anyway those stones are magnificent!!!


Airships could move the stones, ive been thinking about it, i saw another video showing close up on the surface and there is a thin layer of glass on the surface, so it makes sense that they could have been using induction with a metallic paste to assist in the shaping of the stones, the fitment seems almost non human.


What if they have super powers or magical abilities, who knows, every thing is possible


He was the original- and understood in the mid/ late 70's something was wrong with the understanding of the time, larger missing knowledge was at hand. 🌐🌿🌐


Being really big would make it easier to build the megaliths too, like lego for them.


Fast forward 👉 conjecture begins at 3:30 🙄 and 🔍 Wally Wallington 👌🤪


I will never trust archeologists again


This November 4th our ancestors👽 the ones who made us will be introducing GESARA NESARA I guarantee you watch


Dear Gaia stop calling these aincient builders gods, from capital G. These are ET colonizers sumerian Annunaki. These buildings never been build by humans. Cutting where done by machines or maybe lasers and transporting and lifting block up with the sound.


Yes they were ables to move those blocks. You insult them by saying they cant do it. They can and they did.
