The Journey Back to My True Identity - Walt Heyer & Kathy Grace Duncan (Part 1)

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Walt Heyer and Kathy Grace Duncan share their transgender journeys — Walt lived as a woman for 8 years, Kathy Grace lived as a man for 11 years.

Walt describes how his sexual identity confusion began very early due to a grandmother who made him a purple evening dress plus sexual abuse from a family member. Walt began identifying as a woman as a way to be safe and affirmed.

Kathy Grace observed how her father abused her mother, and decided she’d rather be a man; worthy and strong, rather than weak like her mother. She started living a double-identity life before Kindergarten.

Walt and KathyGrace describe how God began to intervene in their lives, and how pastors and churches offered them help to transition back to their biological sex. Both Walt and KathyGrace share powerful transformational stories about how God healed them. They also discuss how normalizing and affirming people who experience gender confusion ignores the underlying wounds and disorders they are experiencing.


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An innocent, stable, loving, safe, happy childhood is worth more than gold!


"None of this actually changed me". I'm glad this is discussed out of love and not finger pointing


"What happened that caused you to not like who you are?" That is the ultimate question to ask.


Let’s not fool ourselves and think this is not a topic for the young. Kids in public elementary school hear about this all the time. We need to talk about this in our families.


This isn't all about the natural world, it's also about the spiritual world. Doors are opened and people need deliverance.


I respect their honesty. I have not heard this dialogues like this before. It makes sense.


We had a client who started investigating the life of transgenders, getting on social
Media- meeting people who felt different, like him . He had been rejected by his mother, his and his father’s maleness criticized on a constant basis - where the girl’s were more accepted - though mom was probably abusive to them in different ways. He began to try on women’s clothing, experimenting with makeup, searched for female hormones ... Eventually he was counseled concerning this belief that women were better than men- that if he was a woman maybe his mother would have treated him differently, and maybe if he becomes one, she will finally accept and love him. Long story short- he was very hurt, felt like no one would ever really love him, desire his company, and accept him for who he is . Today he is married and looking forward to having a child. He is fully male and married to a woman.


We have an 11 yr old that is transitioning from a boy to a girl. Hearing the perspective of the affirmation of “what’s wrong with Walt” I see where I have failed. Going along with the acceptance of the beautiful pink dress for Christmas was unintentionally saying this is so perfect. And what he heard was you’re not perfect as a boy-this dress makes you the perfect girl. And I know it wasn’t one person and one incident. But as a family we’ve all done the wrong thing for what we believed to be the right reasons. Thank you for having these amazing guests. Your opinions are powerful. Such strength and courage. ♥️


Kids need to know this. My Grandson's teacher told the class that if they didn't like their gender that they can change it . He came home confused and we had to explain it to him. He was very upset about it, he was just 9 yrs old when this happened just a yr ago


It breaks my heart that a pastor would tell someone they are not welcome in church. I love Mark 2:17 : When Jesus heard this, he told them, “Healthy people don’t need a doctor—sick people do. I have come to call not those who think they are righteous, but those who know they are sinners.”


"Messy people" is a beautiful phrase. Jesus sees that and looks past that! Isn't that wonderful?


Walt and Kathy are so brave and smart. Their insight and their relationship with Jesus saved their lives here and their souls forever. My thanks to both for sharing all this.


Thank you for addressing this topic. I’m the mother of an adult child who identifies as transgender. As a mother, I have offered love and emotional support. I feel it is important not to create a divide in our relationship because my goal is to draw them to Christ. It’s definitely walking a tightrope between affirmation of sin and modeling Christ’s love. Unsure what is right but doing my best.


This is the problem that we still think it’s not appropriate for children.. to talk about ..this week a Canadian father is in jail for opposing his 14 yr old girl from changing to a boy..forced by government, school social welfare. The children need to hear and see this


This issue isn’t about judgement: it’s about compassion. The panelists present a balanced view on this topic. We cannot always accept what people are; but we can approach what we don’t understand or know well with compassion.


I love the wisdom Walt states at the end. Jesus wants all of us, not just our sexuality. So TRUE! This is a daily struggle for anyone. Trust our Father in heaven or trust our emotions that are on a rollercoaster? The Word is living water. The bible brought me the peace I was looking for all my life! Thank you Jesus!!


I can testify that Walt is the real deal. His kind and nonjudgmental spirit is Christlike


I once sat on an airplane for 4 hours next to a transgender individual and this person confessed to me that his father sexually abused him for 15 years and he felt it caused him to be the way he was. After our literally 4 hour conversation "he" made a decision to behave and accept that he would behave as a female. Which is how "he" was born. I was so taken back I almost couldn't believe it! It was actually a wonderful experience- a real learning experience for me. This was a biological female. I think that I influenced the decision.


I’m a Muslim and I thank you for showing this video.


The love of Jesus drew me out💜🙏 brings tears to my eyes
