The Only Way To Escape The Rat Race

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Do you consider yourself to be truly free? You may believe so, but in many ways, we are far from free...

In this video, I will be focusing on our lack of economic freedom… how most people in Western Society – whether employed or running their own small business - are not free, but are instead trapped in a false economic myth, we call the Rat Race.

The Rat Race is an endless self-defeating and pointless pursuit, designed by the Establishment, to keep us in the game and serve their best interests – not ours. We are destined to forever remain as ‘rats’ in their game unless we learn to recognize that game and start to play by a different set of rules.

Unless you are an exceptionally talented artist, athlete, or inventor, there is only one real chance you have of escaping the Rat Race and creating a life of wealth, power, and freedom.

So the question is: what do you need to do to escape the Rat Race?


If you liked this video and would like to explore the ideas further, I would recommend reading Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand, The Millionaire Fast Lane by MJ De Marco, The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy, The Way of The Intelligent Rebel by Olivier Roland, The Midas Method by Stuart Goldsmith and the teachings of Bob Proctor – all of which helped shape the content for this video.

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🔥10 Questions You Must Ask Before You Start A Business: DO NOT invest your time and money in any business venture until you have answered these questions and assessed your business idea:

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I guess escaping the rat race is about learning that financial freedom is about living your life with modesty and frugality. Living below your means yet meaningfully. Escaping the rat race may be just not participating in the race at all.


I'm a gen x as well and you make a lot of very valid points. I remember a lad in one of my classes at school back in the 1980's who stated the same things to the teacher along the lines of, "There is no point in learning what you teachers are teaching to end up just being a cog in the machine. You teach what the government tells you to teach us in terms of subjects and are programming us to do as we are told. We are all being programmed to work until we drop when we leave school. The only difference between school and when we get a job is that the uniform changes to a suit and tie, the teachers change to employers who tell you when you can eat, go to the toilet, what time to turn up, what time to leave. The only difference is that employers pay you to work and without money you can't buy stuff and keep a roof over your head and to eat and pay most of your money to the government in taxes results in being a slave to the establishment system. However, if you live in a tent, know how to live off the land, grow your own food, and know how to survive on your own without money that's freedom." The teacher told him, "If you don't want to learn then get out of my class." He left and didn't come back! I often wonder what happened to him and if he managed to avoid being sucked into the rat race. 😊


The editing skill of this man is unbelievable


But if you make it to become rich, you didn't escape the rat race, you just won but still a rat. This time, your role is a champion defending his/her crown


Exactly the solution I thought!!! All the rich people I know (people with tens of millions) all sold and/or started their own businesses. I also heard a friend of mine who’s VP of a Fortune 500 once confide to me that the only way to get out of the corporate grind and truly make it is to start a business. And he was VP making probably close to a million a year and he strongly felt that he was stuck in the rat race too…


I've struggled with the same kinds of thoughts since I started working, but I also came to the conclusion that building a business that makes you lots of money almost always requires a lot of your time and energy. Is it not a similar thing to the rat race to put in 70-80 hour work weeks worth of effort for months or years on end, with the hopes of selling your business for a high price at a later stage?

Additionally, if you really do think it's unethical and crazy that we're in the rat race, isn't it going against your values to start a business that will inevitably require hiring people into a rat-race style model, where you are now one of the perpetuators of the system? Should everyone now start a business that promises to give the secrets to get you out of the rat race, until nobody is actually providing any value?

Sure, you could make money, but you could also completely flop. These days, the "barriers to entry" are simply capital. You have to be rich or extremely smart to start a successful business that actually meets any of those criteria. In my eyes, the answer to this is to challenge the system in which we live, not contributing to the problem by leeching off others by becoming an "owner".


I realised this at 11 back in 2001. I have always been frugal and my parents even make fun of me. I was a vagabond until 26. Im 32 now and from property I managed to build $3m. I used debt to do it which allows you to leverage money. I quite like my job at the moment but Ill retire soon and travel with my wife and kids.
You need to do whatever you can to get out of what I have always called the Matrix.


Hi this was a great video. I've had this notions ever since I was a child growing up. It didn't make sense to me. I even rejected toys that my Mom wanted to buy for me and my siblings. You did a great job of explaining what a lot of people feel subconsciously. My biggest fear is medical debt. Debt is a trap and I try to avoid it like the plague.


One thing needs you missed is that in starting your business you need to be dedicated and work nonstop till you make it. Discipline and sacrifice


I almost forgot share with you I had around 6 years of school and 37 years of working I live in 85 year old house sold my vehicle I rarely buy cloths do need to. I do not live to impress nobody only love watching you-tube videos that my education. Thank You for this video. It is all about perceptive one has.


I usually don't comment but i noticed an issue with you suggestion so i hope you can accept my opinion
Doesn't starting a business amd having people working under me repeats the whole cycle again?
What differentiates me now from other businesses owners who exploit their workers for their own profit?
Your suggestions might only fix my own issue, but not the issue as a whole.
Aside from that, imo the best way to escape is to buy a land and start farming, going off-grid might help you escape the rat race without becoming the same demon i escaped from.
Keep the good content:-)


Absolutely brilliant. And your editing skills are amazing. Well done. Keep them coming.


“Wealth consists not in having great possessions, but in having few wants.”-Epictetus


These kinds of video are important to cease being worker slave or a consumer slave for life.


It was good until the end when it went into "just start your own business lol!"

Best thing we can hope for in life is to live in a rural area and farm.


This video spoke to my heart. Extremely high quality also!


Thank you for explaining and illustrate the rate race so calmed and in the point. I know you will open so many young Kids their way. I would be happy if I hade this advices as I was a Child. Great VIDEO 💯💯💯


The Millionaire Fastlane is a great book! This is a good review of it


You don't escape the rat race like that. You just become the rat master.


To say that the only way to escape the rat race is "to start a business" proves me how little experience about life you have. I know plenty of people that became rich without starting a business. Working hard and smart is the key. Only some people are good as entrepreneurs but the majority of them are far better as employees. Get that into your head.
