5 BIG MISTAKES of Small YouTubers!

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If you're a small YouTuber, there are some big mistakes that you could be making that are hindering your channel's growth. In this video, we'll show you the top 5 mistakes that small YouTubers make that hurt their chances of expanding their channel. By avoiding these errors, you'll be well on your way to growing your YouTube channel in no time.

The first mistake that small YouTubers make is creating videos that nobody cares about. If you want people to watch your videos, you need to make content that they're actually interested in. Don't just film whatever you feel like filming - take the time to research what kinds of videos are popular with your target audience and plan your content accordingly.

The second mistake is having a wrong YouTube intro. Your intro should be short, sweet, and to the point. It should give viewers an idea of what your channel is all about and what they can expect to see from your videos. Avoid intro videos that are too long, or that contain too much information. Keep it short, simple, and catchy.

The third mistake is starting your YouTube journey without doing any research. Don't just jump into creating videos without first learning about how YouTube works and what it takes to be successful on the platform. Spend some time researching YouTube best practices and strategies before you start creating your own videos.

The fourth mistake is never focusing on one niche. It's important to have a clear focus for your channel so that you can attract viewers who are interested in what you have to offer. If you try to cover too many topics, you'll end up confusing your viewers and driving them away. Choose one specific niche and stick to it.

The fifth and final mistake is not uploading videos in a consistent schedule. If you want people to keep coming back to your channel, you need to give them a reason to do so. By uploading new videos on a regular basis, you'll keep viewers coming back for more. Try to stick to a schedule that you can realistically maintain, and be sure to promote your new videos through social media and other channels.

Avoid making these 5 big mistakes and your YouTube channel will be well on its way to growth and success.
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