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In this video we are talking about TOP 5 common mistakes in cactus care. The list of mistakes is prepared when analyzing the statistics of questions on social networks about cactus growing, when an amateur asks us for a help. From year to year the TOP 5 is constant and doesn't change.

Here are the most common mistakes in cactus care:

0:00 Introduction
0:15 Planting a cactus whenever you want
1:15 Cacti in large containers - not good
2:10 Using wrong soil mixtures for planting a cactus
3:19 Watering a cactus whenever you want
4:01 "The more light and higher temp. - the better it is for the plant"

Credit to photo:
photographer: Alandmanson

#cactus #plants #azfloraeng #cacti
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0:14 - 1st mistake - Planting a cactus whenever you want
1:15 - 2nd mistake - Planting a cactus in a too large container
2:10 - 3rd mistake - Using wrong soil mixtures for planting a cactus
3:19 - 4th mistake - Watering a cactus whenever you want
4:02 - 5th mistake - "The more light and higher temp. - the better it is for the plant"


I bought a little cactus at Trader Joe's a few months ago and ever since then I can't stop buying more and more cacti lol.


I did number 2. I put a small cactus into a large pot.
8 months later, and the cactus has grown 6 times the size it was when I bought it.
I guess I got lucky. :-D


I was a plant serial killer until I got my first Cactus. I have had it almost 3 years now and it flowers every year.
I got another cactus and it's also growing really well. I attempted succulents, but I think that was too brave because they both died.
This video opened my eyes and I think I now see what I am doing right with my cactus...still not sure about the succulents, but now I know how I can improve. Thanks so much! :D


When I was little I wanted to take care of plants, but I even failed to take care of sunflowers. My grandparents decided to get me a small cactus on my 8th birthday. Now, after more than 8 years he’s still growing strong… love that little one


From Arizona. 15 or so years ago my dad dug up a small cactus on a mountain in Arizona and took the dirt from below it too. Took it to Flagstaff, Az planted it in my grandma's backyard where it flourished. When he passed away, I took 1 small cactus for myself (dirt and all) and put it in a small-ish pot. 2 years later, I rarely water it, outside my porch within direct and indirect sunlight. Not as green as these cactuses but that's how it looks naturally outside so I'm not worried. Still growing next to my mom's pet rock.


I agree that most cactus are grown in greenhouses under controlled conditions and purchased and grown in very different conditions. I have been growing succulents for decades and lose plants every year. I realized that it is very difficult to grow everything under similar conditions. I have some cactus, succulents and other plants that have grown for more than thirty years and one cactus that was purchased nearly sixty years ago. The cactus was grown in the ground on the side of my parents house for twenty years with no watering except for winter rains. I enjoy watching your cactus videos and thank you again. I can drive fifty miles and see cactus growing naturally in the California Mohave desert.


I live in Arizona and all I do is get a bin and the dirt from the ground and place it outside and it grows perfectly


Don’t even plant but subbed because you put the mistakes in the description, unlike almost every other YouTuber


I’m surprised that I’m doing it right. I’ve done my reading on cactuses and succulents. That’s very important. Knowing at least the basics. And research the plants you have and study them. It’s fun for me. I learn and see something new everyday


Repotting cacti in the winter is not a problem, and is often the only time people with large collections can do so. The key rule is ONLY use dry substrate and do not water till late spring- early summer.


Like a lot of people are saying in the comments, while planting in spring gives a better chance of survival even indoors, the season is insignificant compared to all the other factors you must considering during a transplant.

The only plant I've ever "killed" from transplant shock was a banana. A freaking banana. The pseudostem collapsed just weeks after transplant. I was so sad that I refused to throw it out and instead shoved into my dark, warm, spare room where I keep all my junk and one day I was looking for something and noticed a dehydrated, yellow water sucker sticking up out of the soil! I gave it some water and put it under a light and it's now nice and green and putting out leaves. Can't wait for when it throws out a sword sucker!

Transplant shock is very real and will easily kill even the hardiest of plants if you don't do things correctly. Every family is different, every tribe is different, every genus is different. There are so many factors that even with a lot of experience it can be difficult to know what to do and when to do it especially when it comes to cacti.

I've killed a few plants by being too scared to water or fertilize when they needed it when the internet was screaming not to. I've also overwatered plenty and very few have survived either of these events.

My advice is to go with your gut and if you kill it, remember what you did wrong and learn from your mistakes. Also, don't get too cocky with your successes and immediately attempt to care for something you've done no research on. Even if you're at a garden center and have to have a certain plant, do yourself a favor and spend 10-20 minutes of research on your phone while being glared at by customers and employees. If you feel more confident after that and still want it, then go for it.


This top 5 is consistent with what I’ve been hearing and I have made a few of these mistakes. Hopefully my plants can adjust and thrive, but I’ll be prepared to care for them properly moving forward. Thank you.


I have a collection of cactus now and many years as far as now I know most of them like the straight sun light on makes them strong and healthy some like less sun light but they are the exception, they worst enemy for all cactus is watering them much I water them only when the soil is completely dry is matter of experience, they can stand high temperatures and low till -15 as far as they don't get wet and watered, the winter the watering must be rare to none at all that has to do with the experience you get after many years of messing with those beautiful plans, worths it!!!


Thanks for the helpful tips. Just purchased my 1st cactus today. Now, I'm more prepared to care for it. Even though, I already have a lot of succulents. Never had a cactus until now. Thanks a lot❤


cacti don’t like it humid. they love air flow and can tolerate colder temperatures. cup of water once per week or likewise. rotate cacti to keep it growing on all sides. DON’T get dirt on the stem. pls.. they hate it. thanks for the video it was very well done :D


I transplanted my first cactus in November into some sort of glazed pot that wasn’t big enough and later again in March or April into a terra-cotta pot that was the perfect size. I’m so lucky he’s doing well now as I was *very* uneducated of how to handle a cactus. I only got him initially because he was like a dollar.


im from the philippines and my cactus and succulent is on rain or shine the secret is in soil i use 80% pumice and 20% river sand just make sure before planting you must clean the roots and remove all the old soil us you can this help and give it a try 😊 BTW great video ur tips is a big help specially for the begginers


Me, repotting my cactus on SEPTEMBER 29th:



Bought a massive pot that has 10 Cactus in it, beatiful plant.
