THE CHRONICLES OF NARNIA - Movie Preview (2026)

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Check out our preview for The Chronicles of Narnia Reboot!

Film one of Greta Gerwig's deal with Netflix to write and direct at least two films based on C. S. Lewis’ The Chronicles of Narnia.

00:00 The Chronicles of Narnia Movie Preview
00:14 The Plot
00:49 The Production
02:00 Is a Reboot Really Necessary?

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C.S. Lewis described Aslan as the answer to the question "What might Christ become like if there really were a world like Narnia, and He chose to be incarnate and die and rise again in that world as He actually has done in ours?". If Netflix and the show runners find that idea horribly offensive and see it as their job to "rehabilitate" Lewis, then their version of CoN will probably fail.


You know why the subsequent movies were increasingly less successful? It's because they were increasingly less faithful to the source material, leaving out more of the story and putting in garbage that wasn't supposed to be there. If I come to see Narnia on the screen, I want to see Narnia, not some goofball hollywood weirdo's ideas about how they can "make it better." If your ideas are better, do an original work. Don't use someone else's work to try to boost yourself.


If Netflix dosn't stay faithful to the books it will not be successful.


My advice to Netflix and Greta Gerwig is to approach their Narnia production as Jackson approached LOTR: with utmost respect for the source material and the author.

CS Lewis, one of the literary geniuses of the 20th century, intentionally wrote Narnia as a Christian allegory for children and parents to enjoy and be inspired by. The stories are already rich. The characters are authentic and their arcs are meaningful. And the themes of the narrative are inherently powerful, universal, and relevant.

If the series creators bring these to life vividly and artistically, they will be rewarded with critical and popular success.

If, on the other hand, they chose to leverage Narnia’s existing popularity as a platform for their own political and social messaging, they will lose worse than Amazon is losing on Rings of Power.

Woke Hollywood is dead. Bury it and go back to basics. Great storytelling that thrills, moves, and inspires the widest audiences.


If the original tone and premise can be followed, then proceed. If you need to put a ‘spin’ on the plot, then stop.


It probably won't even be based on the original biblical premise, though... That's the problem with Netflix stuff...


My favorite is The Horse and his boy and I haven’t seen a film of it yet; hopefully they will do that one. The Last Battle, Silver Chair, and The Magician’s nephew are all good as well. BBC versions were fantastic hopefully Netflix does their research before creating them.


Hopefully they won’t try to inject 21 century morality and cultural norms into one of the greatest book series of all time. It doesn’t need an update, or reinterpretation….it just needs 21 century technology to make it jump off the pages.


I’m really surprised they are letting Netflix do this. They will not be faithful to the goodness of the books.


It makes sense to start with the magicians nephew


Narnia is hard to make into a series because each book isn't always a continuation from the prior book. It's not one long epic story like Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter. It's hard for an audience who hasn't read the books to understand the jumps in the storyline and characters that come in/out of the story.


Can't Hollywood, Netflix and everyone come up with new Why do they keep remaking movies everyone has already seen? Is Imagination truly dead?


What worries me most is Netflix's tendency to be trigger happy with the cancelation gun.


I'd be on board to see the other books be adapted to film if they stayed true to the stories, but the first two movies are already perfect in my opinion and a reboot can't help but fail because it will always be compared to them. Fun fact though, the Narnia movies we know and love were actually a reboot themselves and I believe four of the books were made into earlier films which are unintentionally hilarious because literally all the animals are obviously people in costumes!


The story is a beloved allegory of Christianity. Not sure Netflix or any other Hollywood elites can understand or reproduce a version true to the beautiful symbolism embodied in the writing of CS Lewis.


If they can commit to being faithful to Lewis's intent, to the text of the books, and promise to exclude all wokery, then, perhaps, it may be worthwhile.


Netflix needs to take a lesson from the most successful film adaptation of fantasy of all time: the "Lord of the Rings" movies. Director Peter Jackson approached the project with a deep sense of humility. Some changes from the book needed to be made to accommodate what worked in film, but the base story and themes had to be Tolkein's. If the project ever turned into Peter Jackson's storytelling, the project was doomed.

Many recent Netflix adaptations have added contemporary and frankly "woke" themes into classic and even historical stories. Any hint of that in Narnia would quickly make the series a pariah among the target audience. Some changes from the books will be necessary, but any conflicts or themes which don't come from C. S. Lewis could quickly doom this project. It will only succeed if it is seen as Lewis's story.


I started watching this filled with hope. Then I saw who was making the movies and who was directing them. I will never watch a Narnia movie filled with “woke”. I fear that these offerings will be unrecognizable. Read the books and use your imagination people. It’s the best way to “see” the story as it was meant to be.


Come on Netflix! Please make an effort to stay faithful to the books, and the series will be followed and celebrated for generations to come.


The mentality of people today is it they can do whatever they want, and they are to be respected because each person's thoughts and feelings and personal perceptions about the given subject are expected to be valued no matter how they are presented no matter how lacking in actual truth/reality they may be.

Failing to remain true to these beloved books would almost be a sin. That author is to be respected, highly respected. Those books are classics. More so than a book like Charlotte's Web, which I think the movie remained pretty faithful. So definitely they need to and should remain faithful to the Narnia books.
