SwiftUI 2.0 Twitter Profile Page Parallax Animation + Sticky Headers - SwiftUI Tutorials

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Hello Guys 🖐🖐🖐🖐
In this Video I'm going to show how to create Twitter Profile Page Scrolling Animation With Parallax And Sticky Header's Using SwiftUI 2.0 | SwiftUI Parallax Animation | SwiftUI 2.0 Sticky Header | SwiftUI Complex Animations | SwiftUI 2.0 Twitter UI | SwiftUI 2.0 Matched Geometry Effect | SwiftUI Stretchy Header | SwiftUI Complex UI | Xcode 12 SwiftUI.

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Xcode Version: 12.5
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► Timestamps
0:00 Intro
0:34 Project SetUp
3:13 Building Header View
9:24 Building Custom Segmented Picker
12:10 Building Tweet View
14:54 Building Sticky Segmented Picker
16:21 Building Header Title View

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hello, how do add swipe gesture between the screens? also how to change the screens when you swipe


I was like: I would love a sticky header on my App => Notifications Youtube Kavsoft Sticky Header ❤️


This music is much better! And great tutorial


So I recently implemented something similar. For some reason though, whenever I embedded the whole view in a NavigationView, it pushed the non-header content down and messed up my offset values. Give it a shot and see what happens for you.


In this segmented picker would it be possible to put a different view container in each instance? ie "Tweet" "Tweet & Likes" instead of the same content in each


Hey there Kavsoft ! I'm having an issue with the Sticky Header, it appears that the buttons in the view below the header can't be pressed 
It's like the frame of the header extended beyond it and prevented me from using buttons right underneath the header.
It appears that the issue comes from the offset, because when I get rid of it, the header doesn't stick but the button is tappable.

Do you have any idea why it behaves like this ?

Thanks you so much !!!


it would be great if there is a tutorial explaining how to build tweet view with all the combinations that twitter has with image(s) only, text + images, video etc


I bet you can't replicate twitter's profile page whole scrolling experience. Forget about the header, that ain't complex. I want you to implement the scrolling experiences(Nested sccrolling expereinces)


Hello, I have a requirement for sticky header, if you help me out, I’ll share the gif file.
Thanks in advance 🙏


Each tabs should contain different data, with different list. Thats when things get interesting.
This feels basic.
