SwiftUI Profile Animation | Matched Geometry Effect

Показать описание
Matched Geometry Effect in SwiftUI can produce beautiful transition animations. In the video we take an example profile head and animate it between collapsed and expanded versions using matchedGeometryEffect in SwiftUI.
iOS Developer Courses
Documentation for matchedGeometryEffect:
Matched Geometry Effect Starter Project:
iOS Developer Courses
Book and learning recommendations that help out the channel if you decide to purchase (Affiliate Links):
Paul Hudson's Hacking With Swift:
Donny Wals - Combine:
Mark Moeyken’s SwiftUI Books:
Ray Wenderlich Books:
Links to my iOS Dev Setup & iOS Dev Book Recommendations
0:00 - What we’ll build
0:41 - 3 Steps for Matched Geometry Effect
1:04 - Step 1 - Two Views
1:52 - Step 2 - Switch Between Those Views
3:33 - Step 3 - Match Views with Matched Geometry Effect
5:58 - Animation Not Working!
7:42 - Namespace Refactor
8:40 - Working Animation
#swift #softwaredeveloper #iosdeveloper
iOS Developer Courses
Documentation for matchedGeometryEffect:
Matched Geometry Effect Starter Project:
iOS Developer Courses
Book and learning recommendations that help out the channel if you decide to purchase (Affiliate Links):
Paul Hudson's Hacking With Swift:
Donny Wals - Combine:
Mark Moeyken’s SwiftUI Books:
Ray Wenderlich Books:
Links to my iOS Dev Setup & iOS Dev Book Recommendations
0:00 - What we’ll build
0:41 - 3 Steps for Matched Geometry Effect
1:04 - Step 1 - Two Views
1:52 - Step 2 - Switch Between Those Views
3:33 - Step 3 - Match Views with Matched Geometry Effect
5:58 - Animation Not Working!
7:42 - Namespace Refactor
8:40 - Working Animation
#swift #softwaredeveloper #iosdeveloper
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