DON'T dig up your dahlias this winter - here's what to do instead

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You don't always have to dig up dahlias to keep them over the winter. It depends on where you live (for example, USDA Zones 9 and sometimes 8, or the South of England). There are also other factors, so see this gardening video to find out if and how you can leave your dahlias safely in the ground.

Growing dahlias is easy. Dahlias are brilliant for glorious late-summer garden colour and they make beautiful cut flowers, but many people don't want the bother of digging them up over the winter.

I've grown dahlias for fifteen years, and many of my dahlias survive the winter in my borders in South East England. And leaving the dahlias in the borders saves time.

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#dahlia #dahlias #gardentips
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I have been growing Dahlias for 70 years started when I was ten gardening .as we had a sawmill, not far away I used to go and get many wheelbarrows of sawdust and shavings, I was taught to put a good thickness over the dahlias for the winter, then when the frost was gone it was raked up and put with animal manure to rot down. never lost any to frost as I remember. when well rotted then it was used as a feed and the PH stayed stable at 6. or 7. some bigger than dinner plates too.


I am a 74 year old gardener and enjoy your videos very much. Keep them coming. I have been a gardener since my early 20’s and have never lost my joy or love for this endeavor. Once bitten by this passion it is always with you. Good luck on your journey.


Love hearing your tips since we live in Zone 8, Oregon, USA! Thanks so much for confirming that I don't need to dig my Dahlias; one less fall project!


Thank you - I’ve left dahlias in over winter and now they’re coming up for the third time. One did die off but another seems just as strong as ever. I do worry about them though so it’s nice to see you doing the same as me 👍🏻😊


Thanks for the video. I grow Dahlias on my allotment. I always leave them in. In the past I lave literally trampled them down to ground level using the stems as protection from frosts. I also cover them with spent compost and any straw I salvage from the strawberry beds. There are always loses, I use the opportunity to plant a new variety. The dahlias are cut for friends and local charities. I am located in the Cotswolds, the allotment is quite open.


Great! That’s for confirming that! I know that the soil rarely freezes more than a couple inches deep, and at a certain depth the ground maintains a constant temp of about 50’ F, so I wondered why all of the Dahlia info I had seen said to dig them up instead of just putting a few inches of mulch over the top. Thanks for sharing that you’ve done it successfully!


Omg I know you hear this 1, 000 times a day but I love your voice. Instant love. My ears are singing. Normally I can be annoyed with different dialects. I do voiceovers for a side job and yours is so lovely. Thanks for this instruction as I'm growing my first round of bulbs this season and clueless on what's the best way about this. I'm afraid to dig up and store in the house in case they get damaged. Thank you! New subscriber here 💕


If I lived in US zone 8 I wouldn't dream of bothering to dig them. However I'm in 6b, and have been toying with the idea of just giving them a really good cover. They never seem to grow again when I dig them, so not much to lose. The ones I planted this year are along a south-facing wall of the house so I figure my chances are better than 50-50.
I agree with liking your voice. If Country Life ever did books on tape they could hire you!


I'm in Gloucestershire and left my Cafe au Lait dahlia in over winter last year, unprotected because I was away for a time and simply forgot about it. Fortunately the winter was very mild here. This year it put on a fabulous show, so I decided to leave it in again but have covered it with a very thick layer of mulch and some fleece. I've also put a big wire hanging basket over it, so the cats don't think the mulch is a latrine! Fingers crossed it will come through unscathed and put on an even better display next year.


Your voice is lovely, You should do audiobooks!


I live in US zone 8, so I was pleased to hear you mention that. For some reason, I thought your winters were much harsher. Thank you for the advice.


I give you a thumbs up just for having such a listen-toable voice!


When I lived in East Anglia many years ago I didn't dig mine up either because I had two very small children and didn't have the time. They came back even with my neglect. I am an American and live in USA zone 6a. I am going to grow a few dahlias this coming year and I think I will try this.


I’m a zone 2/3 in northern Canada. Definitely need to dig up my dahlias.


I'm not sure what zone I'm in on the beach of Washington State, USA, but my dahlias look like big daisies and they are spreading everywhere that they drop their seeds. Procrastinating about cutting them back actually works for me and I couldn't be happier! lol I'm a lazy gardener, but I love to listen to you.


So glad I found your video. I was about to go out and dig up my dahlias. I suspected that they may survive however, because last year I had neglected to dig up some in the back garden, and they thrived. I love the dahlias. Such colour and variety. Thank you for the tips. I live on Vancouver Island and dahlias grow so well here.


I feel you covered all areas on this subject thanks for your time 🌹🐞🐦👍👍👍👍


Good advice! This is what I did instinctively, having been too lazy to dig up my dahlias, and I never lost a single one. I’m lucky to be gardening in hardiness zone 9 in the UK though.


Wonderful x thanks.
Once upon a time an old man from our neighbourhood approached me with what seemingly looked like and odd bag of potatoes . He asked if I had a garden and if so, I should plant them in the ground where there is sunshine and I would see the most beautiful flowers year after year. I took them gladly, in awe of what this stranger wanted me to experience!
Such a rare encounter. Such an intriguing, kinda odd gift. Ha ha!

Anyway I came to discover those odd potatoes were tubers and produce such beautiful Dahlias year after year. They are so tall now 8 years later!
I leave them in the ground too. I will follow your tip on mulching and placing slug repellents in Spring.

Our Dahlias are still in bloom though. We also see new buds appearing!
Insect repellent is a must otherwise they shrivel up and die out mid bloom.


I was undecided whether to lift or mulch, now I've decided. Thanks!
