1:11 Jetting Technique (Part 3) Dialing in a 2 stroke carburetor on Motocross Dirt Bikes

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Part 3 of 3 videos on how to jet your 2 stroke MX dirt bike.
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I’m surprised your videos are JUST NOW coming into my algorithm.
For years I’ve scoured YT for the exact topics you’re discussing on your channel and you’re by far the easiest to listen to and the most informative. Perfect blend of knowing what you’re talking about but delivering it in a non-technical manner that easy to understand.

Wish I’d found you sooner.
Keep it up either way!


Absolutely amazing video!! Thank you for the help and knowledge brother


Gave me all the info I need to get going on tuning my yz250. Thank you so much!


I'm learning the feel. Rich feels thicker/juicier in midrange, stiff on top, kinda like a clogged catalytic converter. lean feels tinny, thin, hollow in the handlebars. My TC250 was so punchy in midrange for my Vet butt, lowered clip and its more linear, helps me control and roll on throttle easier.


I have an 09 yz125, your channels an amazing resource! Thank you


i’m not surprised to see that the main jet on the keihin carb has effects at all throttle ranges. i have noticed changes in idling after changing main jet sizes on my ktm.


I like that you mentioned that its also rider preference and that they can be tuned like the tuner app on the f's. People get way too caught up trying to find the magic combo or spark plug color.. lol i know i was one of em. Ditched all that. Just go by feel. Love a meaty midrange especially coming out of corners is really important to me so maybe a tad fat in the mid but main still revs out clean. So mines less linear, more punchy. But i freaking love that fealing, im addicted lol. So perfect for more me.


great sound effects bud lol! i got a really clean 98 yz250 and i installed a lectron carb that just works awesome. i couldnt jet that bike to save my life. think the stock carb was just worn. your vids are great. keep up the good work


Pretty common sense breakdown. Great video!


If one clip groove on the needle is too much of a jump, you can also use little washers, (I make mine), that will allow you to make adjustments lesser than one whole groove. The clip jump is about 1mm (.040"), so a washer at .5mm thick under the clip, (and the same outside diameter of the clip), of the needle will give you half that adjustment.


I usually use JetsRus when I buy jets or carb parts. Might be worth checking out even as a quick reference since they have info like typical jet ranges.


Plug readings: I can see your point if you don't know what rpm range you are running at, but it is still a good indicator for other throttle settings, (plus how much oil you are spitting through the exhaust. I like it dry.). But for setting the main jet, plug color and condition work very well with wide open runs and a throttle chop. You should use the manufactures plug, as different brands with supposedly the same what range are different. With that dark plug, it is rich somewhere in the power curve, and losing power. I like to set the main jet last. The YZ 250 (my 2019 model for sure), is very very rich stock. I am, not a fan of the power jet. I say a carb was easier to jet well with out it.


Been struggling with mine for awhile. I’m at 6k ft and ride up to 10k ft. I’m gonna try some Suzuki needles.


Dyno tune it and save yourself the emotions of thinking is it perfect.


When setting your air screw are you letting it idle and listen for the fastest idle or 1.5 turns out and tune for the power you want while riding.


Does the transmition oil u put in ur motor lube ur crankshaft or does the oil u mix with ur gas lube ur crankshaft


hey man im having issues with my 2019 kx250f spitting and sputtering and then shutting off while im riding. i got it on my gopro if you have something i can send it to. i just need some guidance on what it could be!


What website are you using or are going through to get the Yamaha YZ 125 manual for free? I am in desperate need of a service manual for a 2002 Yamaha YZ125 . Can any of my brother's here in this group please help me out. Thank you and God bless guys ride safe Brothers!!! 💯💪🙏


I run 173 main 40pj 43 pilot on 110 with vforce3 reads apex head cx dome and read spacer. Im at 1090 ft elevation you think thats about correct. Also 32:1 on fuel. Stock exhaust


How does weather change mess with jetting
