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Welcome, you found a peaceful place here. Sit back and relax with my calming ambient sunset atmosphere.

I strive to help you unwind and find such moods of soothing ambient music, space ambient, relaxing ambience, meditative music, fantasy ambient music, ethereal ambient music, healing music, sleep ambient, music for reading, music for studying, study music, music for writing, dark academia, night reading, music to focus, lofi, night drive, night time, lonely music, ambience, 8 hour loop relaxation and peaceful studying music to relax and rest. Hope you all enjoy my sunsets and ambient sounds!

If you enjoy my work make sure to subscribe, share, like and loop my videos as long as you desire!

Location: Las Vegas, United States

Background Music: by me
This video, music and all other content on this channel are protected by copyright and may not be used, published, redistributed or republished without prior permission from me.

#relaxing #study #ambient #chill #calm
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Its the simple things in life that are worth the attention .. People noways are filled with greed that they forget the beauty of life .. But man its moment like this that money cant buy .. Always chasing sunset and sunrise wherever.. In a world that is moving too fast ☺


This has been in the background while working the past days. Love from Rotterdam ❤


been playing these to sleep, beautiful scene <3


A place of solace; one where you can be yourself, relax, escape from the meat world that is our Earth, and ascend into a plane of tranquility. Your little bubble, where you drift in your endless thoughts, staring into the purple-blue sky, as you float on a small raft, on the horizon, the sun forever still at that position.


I like listening to these types of videos while I'm writing, they help me relax and it helps soothe the bad days. Especially when insomnia strikes hard at some points, I always end up finding my way back here to listen to these amazing finds I always end up finding in my home or recommendation feeds. Thank you for being such a wonderful person for making this as great as you did. I've been subscribed for a week or so now and I can't help but always come back to listen. 💖


Listening to lofi is like meditating through sound


the most peaceful channel on YouTube, thank you


I like the music. Very talented. I do not care for the commercials. They distract my peace.


wow, It's a great sound that helped me relieve the stress of studying.🤍


I’m studying right now because I have exams all week. Today hasn’t been a good day, and I was looking for some peace. Thank you for the video


Something about the magnificence of the ethereal colors, feel & illumination of a beautiful sunset {or sunrise, for that matter} ~ that touches my Heart & fills me w/such a sense of awe-inspiring wonder at the glorious displays lovingly & intentionally painted across the skies that appear at certain times & occasions that are synchronous to events in our world & lives & are glorious affirmations & acknowledgement our deepest prayers have been received & heard as they are reflected in these supernatural offerings & messages from Heaven that so beautifully illustrate the Glory & power of Love, Creation & our Almighty CREATOR offering us reassurance of the Will, Might, Power & Glory of our CREATOR that seems to resonate such L💞VE & emotion that we are L💞VED & this extraordinary & miraculous display evokes such a heartfelt sense of L💞VE & BEAUTY, PEACE & CALM & a feeling that we are indeed very L💞VED & CARED FOR ~&~ ALL is WELL ~&~ IN ☄️DIVINE & LOVING HANDS 🙌 & that message & the DIVINE & LOVING ENERGY is showered over the earth as it radiates ☄️HEAVENLY ILLUMINATION, HEALING, L💞VE & TRANSCENDENCE of ALL it encompasses w/ a sense of KNOWING we are DEEPLY CARED FOR & watched-over & VERY MUCH L💞VED & 'at-ONE' w/ALL of CREATION ~ as this wave of LIFE-Inspiriting HEALING/L💞VING Energy infuses everything w/this Auspicious Heavenly Light that instantaneously transforms & transcends ALL & seems to suspend time ~&~ those captivated & caught-up in theses miraculous occurrences of overwhelming GLORY & RAPTURE of these moments out-of-time, the undeniable sense of LOVE & intensity of the display of BEAUTY exoressed in such a moving & magnificent way~

THANK YOU FOR THESE EXTRAORDINARY VIDEOS {...& Love the name of your channel, BTW~!} 🙌☄️💞 🫂🌆🎆

* {These videos will become a new staple & instrument to bring peace & calm to counter the intensity & outrageousness that has overwhelmed & overshadowed my life {& others} in this unfathomably chaotic & unstable world for far too long~ plagued by Insomnia for years these have a deeply familiar welcoming yet, hauntingly beautiful & ethereal feel to them~! A welcome & timely Gift & Blessing you have bestowed in these awe-inspiring collection of illuminations paired w/excellent musical accompaniment that is well, beyond words~ really~!!

MANY THANKS, PE🕊️CE, L💞VE, LI🎆GHT & BLESSINGS TO YOU~!! 📯🕊️✨🎆💖🎆✨🕊️ Enjoying the Luminous Nocturnal Journeys you have graciously shared~! 🙌☄️🎆💟


This feeling gives a letting go of bad things that happened in your life and moving on to happiness feeling it gets. ✨️ and it's like flying around the world because you are so happy and you don't have a care for bad things. ☺️🌅✨️✨️


Your remaining hours have nearly expired. Time to kick it into high gear, yes?

"Before I start, I must see my end. Destination known, my mind’s journey now begins. Upon my chariot, heart and soul’s fate revealed. In time, all points converge, hope’s strength resteeled. But to earn final peace at the universe’s endless refrain, we must see all in nothingness... before we start again."
--Diamond Dragons (series)


What location is this? Very beautiful 💜🩷


No im not I’m fighting for my life on the toilet rn


Ummm, i dunno. Guess i feel exhausted


Long as the Answer to this Question is Yes then 💐


Walk with truth by your side
where the heart resides
Where those speak of divide
Faulter not inside

The loved fall for lies
Sorrow filled cries
Darkness covered eyes
Loss felt in so many tries

Why are you sad
not lost what you had
Just feels and looks bad new day work hand in hand

The world needs strength
not watched at a length
And fester in anxst
Our turmoil has had its time
To be frank

Take a breath
Instead of death
Tell yourself less
Do more for the rest

We all have live together
When are we gonna bother
Ask yourself that brother and sister
Do it for the fact we need
Life to be better

We need it to be right
We are loosing sight
Bring it together tight

This stuff its affecting my brain
The music makes that stuff flow
Cause im not a poet
trust me i know it!😂😂😂

And for gods sake whoever thought comercials in the middle of song was a good idea ...
Fuck you!


Nostalgia, when my father drove me and my siblings to toys R Us
