Are You Okay?

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That very subtle eye widening when he’s offered the hug is why I adore the art of animation


Even one hug is enough to make someone feel a little better


Serious note, I hope he’s okay. Even as a new viewer.


This is the most relatable thing ever. As a kid I just remember my mom getting mad at me if I cried for a reason she didn't approve of so I just learned to hold it all in until I physically couldn't anymore and now I have emotional outbursts at all the wrong moments and not even my "best friend" understands. She just thinks I'm childish and sensitive and tells me to just hold it in but what she doesn't know is that's what I've been doing my whole life and I just can't anymore. I wish there were more people like the person in this video. People who don't push for answers and just comfort you. People who don't get mad at you for having uncontrollable emotions. People who actually care. I wish I knew more people like that.


This honestly made me cry because it represents the thousands of people, including myself, who hide their feelings, who can't express themselves, people with depression, anxiety, just those who don't seem to be able to seek help by themselves


The fact that he gave him the option to talk about it or not. That would make me feel so comforted, to know that I’m not expected to explain everything, especially when I’m in this state.


I love how supportive the comments are. They, in combination with the video, really cheer me up. Sometimes it just helps to know not to be the only one going through such a tough time.


I have depression, and at school, there’s my enemy, just standing there, he noticed I looked sad and upset, but hiding it, he walked up to me, and gave me a hug. He’s leaving the school tomorrow because it’s our last day. I’ll miss him, he’s a good guy.


Just want to say…. This finally made me able to cry. I’ve been in a horrible place all day, caught in an emotional dam that was suffocating me. I wanted to cry and couldn’t and was so angry and becoming afraid of myself and….

Thank you.


I actually cried when he went to hug the guy. I honestly need a hug in real life but I just- never ask for it.


The question "do you want a hug" hit's harder than the "are you okay". I still cry when someone asks me one of those but It's been so long since someone asked me to hug me like that, but a lot of people have asked me if I'm okay, even when they don't care. I loved this video and I wish to anyone who is going through any hard times that you find love and peace, because there's always going to be someone who cares about you out there.


I don’t get emotional about videos but I’ve been feeling down lately and when I saw the hug I can’t stop crying just the sight of a virtual hug makes me cey


The way this found me after such a terrible depressive episode. I was going back and forth between numb and panic all day, but somehow this brought a sort of...calmness to me. Everything got quiet, if only for a minute. So I thank you. More importantly, I hope you are doing okay.


the voice breaking when responding, “yeah” makes me tear up every time. i’ve never felt such comfort with a minute long video before like this


Ockeroid asking me if I’m Ok through my notifications was the motivation I needed


The amount of emotion I could feel from them and felt in one minute of animation is insane, but also really impactful. I’m over here crying all over my math work.


this miraculously came up in my recommended mere minutes after I’d just finished crying and panicking about finals and my social life. things have been really bad lately, but seeing this helped - it didn’t fix everything, but it made me feel a little less lonely, I guess. sorry if this comment is too personal or if it’s weird - this animation just really affected me and I wanted to be honest about what it made me feel. I may have only just found your channel, but I hope you’re doing alright, Ockeroid, and I hope everyone in this comment section is doing alright, too.


i remember my friend was with me and I think she knew something was up. she asked if I was okay and I knew that i would break at any moment, but I just didn’t want her to worry about me, so I acted as if i was fine. just the little “yeah” resonated with me so much, because when I did break, i just started bawling my fucking eyes out


We love you ockeriod, and to everyone reading this know that you aren’t alone in this


amazing video. I’m in such deep pain right now, lost in the sweet memories of our time together. Every moment we shared fills my heart, and all I long for is his return even though I’m not sure how to make that happen.
