The Lost Knowledge of Thoth & The Emerald Tablets Decoding The Secrets of Mankind

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The Lost Knowledge of Thoth & The Emerald Tablets Decoding The Secrets of Mankind

The official story that we know about the Great Pyramid of Giza is that it was built in honor of the Egyptian pharaoh Cheops, who ruled from 2606-2583 BC.
However, according to data that you will not find on Wikipedia, the Egyptian pyramids were never used as tombs and were built long before the appearance of Cheops. In fact, Thoth himself was the builder and did so around 36,000 BC. For 16,000 earthly years, he was a priest and king of the Egyptians.

His name - Thoth - means - thought and time. He is the architect of our reality, creating our dual world that we know of - the world of zeros and ones. When the time came for him to leave Egypt, he built the Great Pyramid at the entrance to the great halls of Amenti, which are described in detail in the Emerald Tablets. As guards he appointed the highest of his people, who later became priests and designated him as the God of Wisdom. The tablets left in the great Pyramid are 10 in number. For everyone's convenience, they are divided into three parts. And the last two are so great and far-reaching in their importance that they are forbidden to be released freely into the world... They keep secrets that can only reach those who are serious about learning and seeking wisdom.

According to legends, the Halls of Amenti become the Underworld or Halls of the Gods, through which the soul passes after death to be tested. This is how it has beeen presented to the common people. But in fact there are portals inside through which those who have ended their lives on earth have teleported to other universes, planets and realities. And the entities or the "guardians" as they are called, including Anubis himself, helped them to pass more easily through the ankh or the symbol of eternal life.

*Ankh* - represents a wave spreading through infinite time-space ( heh/heht) , separating darkness from light (kek, Keket) and creating a Hidden ( amen) evolutionary sequence of events. Or the portal to the energy world.

The Emerald tablets contain a prediction that Thoth will return in the flesh (that is, a material body) when his time comes. He himself is immortal, and in later centuries his essence passes into the bodies of people in a special way described in the scriptures. In this way he became the famous Hermes Trismegistus. In his current "reincarnation" he leaves wisdoms, known again as the emerald tablets, but this is a lighter and adapted version.

About 1300 BC Ancient Khem is in chaos and many of its priests have been sent to other parts of the world. Among them are some of the guardians of the pyramid, who, however, take the emerald tablets with them and carry them as talismans, influencing the other races thanks to their power. According to what we know - whoever carries the tablets receives the power of Thoth while they are with him. This group emigrated to South America, where they reached the Mayan race and the priests settled among them. In the 10th century, the Maya settled in the Yucatan and the tablets were placed under the altar of one of the great temples of the Sun God.

Know that always and everywhere in the cosmos there is eternal and infinite Consciousness. Although it is hidden from superficial view, it still exists. The key to these Higher Worlds is within you, it can only be found within! Open the gates in yourself - and you will live a real life! ... Man, you thought you were living ... But know that your previous life leads only to death. Because when you are attached to your body, there is no real life for you! Only a soul that has found freedom from the material world has true life! All the rest are only shackles, bonds from which one must free himself! Do not think that a person is born for the earthly! Although he was born on Earth, he is essentially a light - like spirit! But without true knowledge he never can't find that freedom!

#thoth #emeraldtablets #ancientcivilizations
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words cannot describe the beauty, splendor and power that civilizations before our era possessed!


Humans are the link between the physical and the spiritual. WE are where those two realities meet.


Be not deceived as those who look outside themselves are dreamers but those that look within are awakened.
Only Love (Outlives Life)


Love the Stargate graphics! Great video 😊 We are all infinite beings of spirit sent here to have a human experience. Many blessings to you!


I just thought I would share a very interesting experience I had in the great pyramid! I was with a highly evolved group of people we were given an opportunity to have a one hour meditation in the main chamber with the lights off. I was able to see the energy glowing in the stones on the ceiling blue electricity and you could actually see where the stones joined. During the meditation about 20 minutes in something put its hand around my ankle and gave a gentle squeeze. No one was moving around even if you slid your shoe or your arm it would echo through the chamber and a few minutes later something tapped me right on the third eye of my forehead and my head was only 6 inches from the wall so nothing could’ve been there either. After the meditation I asked the people on either side of me if anything had touched them and they both looked at me kind of horrified and said no! Later on I found out that six of us were touched of the 20 people in the group. One of the mediums came forward and said she had seen the God THOTH walking in the chamber touching a few people and at this time she did not know any of us had been touched. Just thought I would share I think it changed my life forever! 🙏🏼💥💥💥
Thank you very much for your videos they are very informative and well done!


Great presentation. Very impressive, and what a great subject to talk about.
Billy Carson was whom I originally found out about Thoth. But seriously, nice job dude this was definitely very educational. Thank you.


Frankly it matters not who wrote it - the TRUTH - is still presented. It is highly likely that both the Egyptian civilization, and the Mayan civilization, as well as the Hebrews - are all LEGACY cultures descending from the previous Atlantean epoch. The legend of Atlantis is highly compelling because not just one ancient civilization refers to the Atlanteans. The Basque in the Pyrenees Mountain range claim lineage to ATLANTICKA. The Aztecs too claim lineage to a variant of Atlantis. “Aztland”, though it is spelled different ways. So, and this is just my opinion, there likely was an advanced civilization - in fact there may have been many throughout Earth’s epochs and cycles. We have to be open minded - not so much that our brains fall out, lol. But common sense tells us, much is suppressed about our human origins, and WHO we really are- beyond what we easily perceive in this world.

Автор coffee cigg and snack for this episode. LET'S


Great Presentation. THOTH brought with him the Olmecs from Africa and built and city called Teotihuacan translates as “Tahuti the Priest-King.” Yes, Teotihuacan is the City of Tahuti the Can/Khan (Priest-King). Tahuti is the ancient Egyptian god Thoth, and just like in Egypt (Kemet) he built three pyramids in Teotihuacan that align with Orion (Osiris) belt. The word THOUGHT is a derivative of THE GREAT THOTH. 🙏🏾


Many believes in the holy bible but why can't believe in these tablets..That's how we are brainwashed generation by generation


See this is the kind of stuff. That my childhood self would be glad to do school projects on. 🙃


God is the eternal source of Light and the architecture of all living things and non living things.
Praise his name all the earth, for his goodness and mercy never ends.


Ken Wheeler recently released his translation of the tablets. Free pdf from probably the best translator alive.


We are all traveling souls on a wavelength of light


I can testify, first hand, the tablets’ info is real. I’ve used them…. the meditations work. It allowed me to access the Halls of Amenti and other worlds including Shambala. Whether the tablets themselves are on Earth in a actual green alchemical tablet..that I don’t know.


For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
Hebrews 4:12


I once meditate for hours and i have found my self leaving the body, my spirit was goin out the roof like i could see my body laying down the bed. It was the best thing i have ever experienced


Exactly I read them at least 150 times so far🥰😇Thats the key one has to want better and search for these. Most dont want to. And one can not lie as well, as lies give a false reflection in other areas. Thats the biggest blocker to everyone as 99% ofthe population lies too much


I'm being drawn to Thoth this season. Thank you for your excellent presentation. Namaste ✨🎇✨


The glaring reality is THOSE ANCIENT BEINGS NO LONGER EXIST. However hard we study and research the ancient past, what shall it benefit us in these times ? We too are destined the same . Here today and gone tomorrow. Humanity are fleeting and fragile, devoid of power and control, subject to destruction like those ancient civilizations.
