Variety Vlog June 2017! - JonGetsGames

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General Updates - 0:11
Your Opinion - 4:37
Questions & Answers - 6:59
Games of Note:
-- El Dorado - 12:29
-- Caverna - 16:04
-- Founders of Gloomhaven - 21:02
-- Barenpark - 31:09
-- The Banishing - 33:54
-- Century Spice Road - 37:30
-- Clank! - 41:01
-- Space Race - 45:33
-- The Golden Ages - 50:03
-- Oceanos - 54:32
-- Qwinto Card Game - 58:10
-- Fuji Flush - 1:01:28
Shifting Shelf - 1:04:10
Wrap Up - 1:16:01

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hey jon, i'd love to know what headset mic you're thinking about getting...


Regarding your comments about Golden Ages, what other "light civilization games" were you thinking of? Also, I have definitely experienced others trashing a game and making the experience less enjoyable. Props to you for giving the game another chance!


Did you ever played Cyclades with the Titans expansion? Apparently improves it a lot.


Logo a little a bit smaller is fine, I'd buy it without the writing below. Just with the logo.


I like the shirt, but it is huge, if it were smaller I think it would definitely be better. You want to keep the logo and wording some people know what it is. I usually pay $20 per shirt I buy online, but I guess if you love something, you'll pay more for sure.

The Banishing sounds interesting, going to have to go watch that next. Cheers.


i never listen to podcasts via anything but youtube, prefer it there. i don't see the link for last place


Love the podcast! I just learned that you are on my preferred phone app. Very happy now.

For the shirt design fulfillment Teespring is also a good option. It is really easy and they handle the shipping if that is something you do not have time to take up. Love their shirt quality myself buying from other youtubers. $20 is the perfect price point for me.


Clank! the more difficult side makes the dragon attacks much more dangerous. Also using the app to increase the difficulty makes it a knife edge balance between getting treasures and surviving! Fave game for now.


Your playthrough format is the best around, agree with you there. I really appreciate the minimal rules intro and learn as you go, it's so boring starting a playthrough video, then the first 20 mins is them going over every single rule. It must be a lot of work to have all the cuts but that really makes everything clearer too. The only other playthroughs I think come close are Michael Wissner, but he's basically on hiatus at the moment.

Keep it up!


That looks too big on the shirt. Make the logo much smaller, maybe even by the heart with the words underneath, pretty much on the size of yours. Less "in your face" design.


I like the shirt you're wearing, with the logo on the back! I might be that I'm used to seeing it, but I think it's a lot better looking and simpler. The reason people put logos on the back is that the back is smoother, so bigger logos are more legible.

I think I'd be looking in the $30 range. I wouldn't mind spending more if you get more of the proceeds.


Agree with Daniele Mazzoni. Smaller logo only in the front no writing and $20.00 or under would hit the spot.


I'd like to see the logo much smaller on the shirt. Ideally under $20 would be fantastic!


I've wanted to play cyclades for years.... :(


Shirt: My vote would be for similar to your shirt you're wearing in your video with a small orangelight bulb and jongetsgames underneath. The shirt you showed the image of was a bit much haha

Missed opportunity on Barenpark Jon...should have said setup was...a bear! :p

Founders sounds like it has a lot going on, looking forward to the play through. And I got to play Clank! finally at Dice Tower last week...we liked it, but I do agree on card randomness and the dragon did not feel very threatening (probably need to remove some black cubes.)

Ugh, the Snorden Ages. I did not win while I complained when playing that one.


You might consider purchasing an H4N Audio Zoom for audio recording - it accepts XLR input, has a pair of stereo mics built in if you don't have one on you, and is very easy to use with its great menu interface and light weight. It makes recording at home or in the field very easy, and it records to SD cards, and is a work horse for the video industry.


Jon did you played Space Race again? What you think? Its on kickstarter with a Expansion, i would love to see a playtrough made by you


I like it. I would love to buy a shirt!!!


I would love the shirt with just the logo and without having it say jongetgames. I would rather people ask about the lightbulb so I can share versus having that advertise feel lol
Just my honest opinion. I love the logo


The dragon is definitely a factor in most games of Clank if played properly. Some people forget to raise the threat value when a dragon egg is uncovered from a minor secret. Also, there is generally one player adopting a rush strategy who tries to get in and out fast thus triggering the final 4-turn perilous end game.
The last game I played with 4 competent players, three of us were killed by the dragon. We pulled a lot of dragon attacks, so shuffling of the dungeon deck definitely affects things. I highly recommend the expansion too. It adds some great card mechanics.
