5 Questions About Water You've Always Wanted to Know

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You encounter water every day, but we guarantee there are some surprising facts about water you probably don't know yet! Join us for a fun SciShow compilation with Stefan Chin and see if some of those hydration myths hold water! Let's go!

Dooblydoo thanks go to the following Patreon supporters: D.A. Noe, Nicholas Smith,
سلطان الخليفي, Piya Shedden, KatieMarie Magnone, Scott Satovsky Jr, Bella Nash, Charles Southerland, Patrick D. Ashmore, Tim Curwick, charles george, Kevin Bealer, Philippe von Bergen, Chris Peters, Fatima Iqbal
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Up next: Five chilling facts about fire


There's a point during water staleness in which it turns better than normal water. This time is usually during the hours of 12-3am. This water, know as "night water" is proven to be the most refreshing beverage to exist.


i wish these were 5 burning questions about fire...

or 5 questions about water that are flowing on the internet


My cat used to dip her paw in the water bowl and lick her paw to drink.


If you boil extra water, you can put it in bottles and freeze them for future use.


I was going to say, my water tastes better after sitting out, because it loses that chlorine taste. Then you went and explained exactly that process. I always have a coffee mug of water that I fill in the bathroom every time it gets low, and sip on it through the night. The water is always grosser right after it comes out of the faucet, and becomes sweeter and less chemical-y after a few hours. I suppose I don't mind the extra CO2 in the water as much as I dislike the Chlorine. It may help that I don't live in a very urban area, so the water doesn't have too much CO2 to absorb.


Hello, SciShow! Do you think you could make a video explaining the current knowledge of cerebral aneurysms? I had one rupture at 19 and after learning so much about them, I would love for a bigger audience to learn of them!


The running water thing mostly works. As an X-ray tech I often had to employ this. There is a test that allows doctors to look for blockages, bladder masses or kidney stones. It requires the patient to drink water that contains iodine which shows up white under X-rays so you can see all the structures. Thing is the ureters (the tubes that lead from your kidneys to your bladder) and your bladder have to be completely empty for this to work. Generally we would ask patients to pee just before the exam but sometimes, either because they were only partly filled or out of worry about the exam, they wouldn't be able to. So.. we'd put them in the room and run the water and that worked most of the time.


"Drink when you're thirsty."
Thanks science.


This guy looks like Stefan but can’t be bc he’s not wearing a Kurzgesagt shirt


patient: doctor doctor what has happened to me!
hank: Your dying a little bit!
patient: but why?
hank: mostly because your dying.
patient: that was very helpful


@2:51 "you'll feel like you're dying a little bit, ...mostly because... you're dying"


It would be neat to have a video correlating heat and olfaction. Michael mentioned how cold water has less flavor (through olfaction). versus warm water.
This is the seeming reason that food tastes best hot.
There is a lifehack to place stinky shoes in the freezer.

More information about temperature and olfaction would be great for everyone as well as anosmics like myself.


Thank you scishow, My science teacher has an assignment where you have to do a summary of a scientific article. I did it on your video about disposing garbage into volcanos. Thank you scishow​ for the 100% on my science grade!


I've gone more than a week, more than once, without eating because I had to choose between food and bills. I chose what adults and parents always choose. I paid what I owed and lost weight. I bought my prescriptions, paid my electric bill, water bill and mortgage. It wasn't fun, but that's what it was like to be a lower middle-class American. Then I got laid off and got a job at Lowe's, where I wish I had applied twenty years ago. I've been promoted four times in two years and now make almost twice the living wage I was making when I first got hired. Lowe's pays over $11 an hour to start.


I read a study recently. (wish I could find it) It's apparently not necessarily good for you to constantly have crystal clear urine. It concluded that urine would optimally have a very light tint. It also concluded that the color of urine isn't an accurate way to determine that you're dehydrated or not.


Don't you mean boiling questions?


The Turgor Test is only effective if you don't already have a skin affecting condition such as Ehler's Danlos. I can drink as much water as is healthy in a day or more or less but the results are the same; my skin takes a few seconds to bounce back due to Ehler's Danlos Syndrome (which, by the way, would make for an absolutely fascinating episode). The syndrome affects my joints, heart, and collagen. This can affect the elasticity of my skin making it stretch further and take longer to properly reposition itself. Just a side note.

Again, Ehler's Danlos is a rare and mostly unknown condition that some have argued led to acrobatics and contortionists. It could make for a great episode.

Edit: To be clear, I have Ehler's Danlos as well as 2 of my 3 siblings.


Watching this instead of studying for my science test oh the irony


Regarding the 2nd video:
If a glass of water goes stale overnight does it become salt water? Because it is no longer fresh water.
