The Trinity IS PAGAN

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Introductory statement from a debate on Debate Talk 4 U on October 11, 2019

Yahuah is ONE!!
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The Father Is The Father, The Son Is The Son, The Holy Spirit Is The Holy Spirit, It's Simple


Halleluyah lesson was well done Todah Rabah.


YahUah is not sharing his esteem with no one! HalleluYah Kuumba Yah, our messiyah King YahUahshua!


What an excellent commentary. You're 100% right and I'm sharing this with others. Thank you!


Yahuah took on the Form of a Man (the Son) and showed the people How to walk in the Ruach by true Faith(Amunah) and Obedience. It is not that hard to comprehend. There are no three persons any where Just Yahuah being Yahuah.

The Father Yahuah is our Creator and sustains the whole entire creation. The only true Alahym and Savior.

The Son Yahuah The Father come in flesh. To save his people from their sins. And Be our Prime Example To follow.

The Ruach. The Power, Presence, and Mind Of Yahuah. Yahuah is Ruach/Spirit. Yahuah is our Comforter, Guide and Master Teacher.

It All goes back to Yahuah Alahym Who is One Person Who can DO Many things at the same time.


I also have been asked if I was a sacred name group, It's funny how people are quick to assume you are in a cult because you have come out of churchianities universalism and found truth in the Hebrew roots of scriptural faith and the true names of the creator and His son.


Great lesson as always brother. Yahuah baruk you always


No, The Trinity is not pagan. YAH is One. HE is ONE in unity, not one in quantity. Take a human family, which is created in the Image of YAH. We have the husband/father, wife/mother and the child(ren). In this human family there are 3 or more persons, yet they are *one family*. Did YAHUSHUA cry out to Himself, while hanging on the Cross, when He cried out to the Father "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do!"?? When YAHUSHUA was baptized by Yohanan the Immerser, did He "throw His Voice, like a ventriloquist, when a Voice came FROM HEAVEN ABOVE that declared "This is My beloved Son in Whom I Am well pleased! Hear Him!"? Or, was that God the Father in Heaven? And, while YAHUSHUA came up from the river of Yarden, after He was immersed, Who descended upon Him FROM ABOVE like a Dove? It was the Holy Spirit descending upon YAHUSHUA from above! Did YAHUSHUA do His own will, or did He instead, do the will of His Father. If They're all One in quantity, as in just different manifestations, how is it said, then, that YAHUSHUA did "His Father's will" and really not His own, if they're all one and the same Person after all??


HalleluYah! What’s even worse is the heathens retitled the Word of יהוה with a pagan name “bible”.


May the Father open my eyes and the eyes of the people and expose the lies of the enemy through His Holy Spirit in the name of His son.

john 5:30 "By myself I can do nothing; I judge only as I hear, and my judgment is just, for I seek not to please myself but him who sent me."

Mark 13:32
"But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father."

Thank you, Brother for your teaching!


I am really glad that you have corrected the false teaching about "Yahuah being Yahusha".

YAHUAH bless you :)


All praises to The Most High King 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 for you brother, and thank you for the work that you put in in sharing the Good News.
But it was so difficult to listen to that prideful rambling of that MOT guy in the debate, he came across as struggling with an insultive spirit.


The trinity of the father, the son, and the holy spirit all are one. My church says the they are all one and this is a holy trinity. It states in our bible that they are all ONE. In revelation, it shows us there is the beast of the sea, the beast of the land, and the false prophet. That is the unholy trinity and satan is mocking the holy trinity of one. There is a reason he is mocking it..I agree with you perception but the teachings from the churches about this is not right or the understanding of this..


Hey I found the word Hanukkah in the Torah! Oh wait, no I didn’t because the word along side with Christmas is not written in scripture.


Also the story about the sun impregnating that the bible it literally says mother mary would conceive jesus by the holy spirit. Jesus being born was well before the pagan stuff. Do you not think that satan could be mocking that? And what your thinking is deception? I ask my self that with everything and pray. Dont stop searching and praying.


SHALOM...very well explained & not rushed through...


Someone told me that Yah was a moon deity. I don’t know how true that is, but I never have felt comfortable with that. I just say YAHUAH.


Copyright 2019, Renee La Chapelle

Do you know Yahuah?
Do you know His Torah?
He is One Aluah!
Yada Yah, Yada Yah, Yada Yah

Yada Yah
Yada Yah
Yada Yah, Yada Yah, Yada Yah!
Yada Yah
Yada Yah
Yada, Yada, Yada, Yada, Yada-Yah!


Do you know the Messiah?
Do you know His Torah?
He is One Aluah!
Yada Yah, Yada Yah, Yada Yah

Yada Yah
Yada Yah
Yada Yah, Yada Yah, Yada Yah!
Yada Yah
Yada Yah
Yada, Yada, Yada, Yada, Yada-Yah!


Do you know Yahuah?
Do you know the Messiah?
They are One Aluah!
Yada Yah, Yada Yah, Yada Yah

Yada Yah
Yada Yah
Yada Yah, Yada Yah, Yada Yah!
Yada Yah
Yada Yah
Yada, Yada, Yada, Yada, Yada-Yah!

Yada Yah
Yada Yah
Yada Yah, Yada Yah, Yada Yah!
Yada Yah
Yada Yah
Yada, Yada, Yada, Yada, Yada-Yah!

Yada Yah
Yada Yah
Yada, Yada, Yada, Yada, Yada-Yah!

Note: ‘Yada’ in the Hebrew in the above context is ‘to know’

May the Most High and the Messiah be forevermore Glorified: HalleluYAH!!


The Godhead was said in the old testament so what are you talking about?


The word for God is Elohim or Alahym, and is a plural title meaning divine being/beings. Therefore in the beginning the word was with Divine Being and the word was a divine being. Yahusha is the firstborn, he was there in the beginning, and is returning in the end. We worship The Father YAHUAH. The holy spirit is the set apart spirit.
