DNA Mystery 42 Years Later/My Ex BFF Wants to Be Me👯‍♂️🫢Karamo Full Episode

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Denise fears that her out-of-control daughter will wind up incarcerated or dead; Melanie spoiled her fiancé, Dakota, with all kinds of lavish gifts, but now she thinks he's cheating and has called off their engagement until Karamo unlocks his phone.

Reality television personality, author, actor, producer and activist Karamo brings his charisma and compassion to daytime television as the host of a new daily, one-hour talk show.

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Regardless of his up bringing, Solomon turned out to be a great, very well spoken, and handsome man! He handled that way better than most would’ve. God bless you Solomon and continue doing great things in this world Boss🙏🏾👏🏾


I really hope Solomon finds peace, and is able to heal from this whole situation.


This father is so self-righteous and a big mouth. He had negative words for everyone as if his life choices have been blessings. He's spent 42 years of trash talking. He's sad and lost.


Karamo is on another level with several different things! Every episode he shows another layer to his people skills. All I saw (that lead to this comment) was him ready to greet the son and then realized he needed to sit down and let him get his anger out. It was the quickest reaction that honestly looked very important for the situation. I LOVE that he made the "father" sit down, but let the son continue to let out his frustration. Good job Karamo again.


Julie is completely unhinged. Her eyes looked empty af yet heartbroken at the same time. I think Avione needs to put a restraining order on her and document every inappropriate move she makes. Julie didn’t understand why she needed to apologize and that’s scary. I’m afraid for the next person she’ll latch on to. She needs to find a way to fill up her own emptiness instead of putting that responsibility on unknowing victims. I do feel bad for her, I’ve seen this behavior in multiple people and tbh they all had a personality disorder and weren’t getting the treatment they deserve and desperately need. I truly hope she won’t make any more victims, because behavior like this will only escalate.


Julie gives fatal attraction! Extremely calm and dangerous!


Her friend is giving me the vibes of "if i can't have you, no one else can" She needs to stop being friends with that girl and get a restraining order...the friend acts like a crazy ex that can't move on


Julie is crazy; Avian needs to take more seriously. Julie is trying to steal Avian life in every way, this is dangerous.


She is obsessed, people like that will
Kill you.


That ‘father’ is toxic. He cannot even apologize for his absence in his son’s life. Hope the guy is able to grow into a better man than father.


Karamo is educated and suave but he still has a little street to him, which I love!!! “Watch yourself girl, I’m telling you”!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Great mixture!


Solomon, although filled with hurt and anger appears as just a smart good looking articulate young man I bet he was an adorable child, how can anyone hurt and not want to be his parent. My heart aches and breaks.


Julie is insane. The first segment is sad. You called her everything but a child of God yet you are the father and still cant apologize.


Avianne is funny AF!! And Julie is crazy AF!!


The "supposed" father talks to much and talks over "everyone". Shut up please 🙄. I wouldn't want him to be my father 😔


Soloman is a true man… I can see his stoic stance but also that deep hurt and pain of rejection ❤


Julie need psychiatric help and Aviane need a restraining order. 😬😳


My heart breaks for this young man. My precious husband and I would have loved to take him in and care for him along with our son. It's so sad that both of these parents were too busy doing themselves and not caring for their son. They were too busy using alcohol, partying and putting the drug life first in their lives instead of their son. They both are a poor excuse for parents. It's a miracle this young man turned out descent. No wonderful there are so many people that are so messed up these days. They are selfish parents. Look what they missed out on. He's such a nice young man. He seems to be well-rounded. He's married. That says a lot about a person. He's a family man. That says a lot about a person. He has so many great qualities. I wish him and his family much happiness in the future. God bless this young man.❤


Juile, WHEW that's a lot . Its in her eyes something is off!!


Aviane needs a restraining order asap! Julie needs a straight jacket! Cause Wtf!
