Could God Ever Forgive Satan?

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Could Satan ever repent of his evil, and if so, would God forgive him?
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I think God can forgive but the devil has gone too far but that is for God to decide, not us


Jesus did say to “Pray for your enemies”… so who’s to say he wasn’t referring to the “Enemy of your souls” as well.


He can be forgiven if he repents. But the thing is he isn't going to he thinks he is better than our heavenly father


I prayed for Lucifer 10 years ago. I prayed that he would know the love that I know which is from the Bible and Christ. I prayed that maybe he would repent and God could forgive him. I knew I was being really bold. I knew I might suffer some things because of it, and I did. Yet, I continued in love.

A few weeks later, a demon showed up and began following me and attacking me, especially in dreams. It has give me many evil, evil nightmares. I prayed to Jesus that he'd make it leave, but he didn't. Instead, he gave me a dream about perfect love and that he's very pleased with me.

I don't know for sure the truth regarding the Devil's repentance. I know the prophecies about his end, and that without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin from Hebrews. Yet, I also know love. I know that "love never fails" and that with God and faith, nothing shall be impossible unto us.

I think we should be more open minded in love to things like this. "Love never fails."

But, be careful if you pray like I did. I still am unsure about God's true judgment on me, whether he is pleased or displeased with my prayer about the Devil.

Hopefully love will bring me home.


i believe he can be, kind of what im fighting for.


I kinda want him to be forgiven if he really repents.


I used to pray as a kid that Satan would repent


I think God can forgive him but Satan is too far gone. Satan is too egotistical and thinks he can beat God.


Yes, God will forgive if you are humble & ask for forgiveness.


God may forgive the Devil. But the Devil seems like he doesn’t want to change. This is unfortunate, everyone deserves a second chance, but the Devil wouldn’t take that chance.

But the Bible might hope he can change, then he won’t be thrown into the fire of damnation but the fire of enlightenment and change.


the question should be : do you need to be repentant to be forgiven?


The gates of hell are locked from the inside😮


People really don't understand how this works. The reason the rich man begs doe someone to come from Heaven to quench him is not because He doesn't want to go to heaven or to repent, it's that once in Hell you are cut off completely from the grace of God and you are aware of it. This is the same as for Satan. Satan does not sit somewhere planning against man. Satan exists endlessly begging for mercy, endlessly, endlessly asking to be forgiven.


What’s endlessly disappointing about the platitudes and oversimplification of clergy towards parishioners and non-believers is that they never really answer the questions asked. Consider…what was Lucifer’s ‘evil’ act in the Garden of Eden? To tell humans that it can’t be evil or wrong to simply know the difference between good and evil. By clear implication, God’s intention was to keep humanity blind to the reality of existence itself. But Lucifer is the evil one? Only God’s reaction to Eve’s action as encouraged by Lucifer is what has made it ‘evil’.


Scripture can't foretell who will repent and who won't. Not if there is free will. Satan will always have a chance to repent. It could be that God just got impatient with him and closed the door to the possibility, but that's on God, not Satan.

We don't need to worship Satan, but we can pray that he comes around and God takes him in again. Satan too is part of God's beloved creation.


Would it not depend on what you perceive the `lake of fire` to be?
Is it not the 7 spirits of God?
Does not The Lake of Fire & Brimstone signifies a fire burning with brimstone; the word “brimstone” or sulfur defines the character of the fire.
The word theion translated “brimstone” is exactly the same word theion which means “divine.” Sulfur was sacred to the deity among the ancient Greeks; and was used to fumigate, to purify, and to cleanse and to consecrate to the deity; for this purpose they burned it in their incense.
Where is the Lamb and the Holy Angels? 
Rev. 14:10-`And he will be tormented in fire and sulfur IN THE PRESENCE of the holy angels and of the Lamb.
For what purpose is the `lake of fire`?
Rev. 2:11-`The one who overcomes will not be harmed by the SECOND DEATH.
1st death = death of the sinful body
2nd death = death of the sinful soul
For what purpose?
1st Cor. 15:28-`And when ALL things have been subjected to Him, then the Son Himself will be made subject to Him who put ALL things under Him, so that God may be ALL in ALL.
Rev. 21:5-`And He who sitteth on the throne said, Behold, I am making ALL things new.
Some of us receive our rewards ahead of we ALL make it in the`ll grasp this concept when you start learning to forgive.


He can be forgiven if he truly repents as god is like a father who can forgive his children but he will never repent or feel bad about his action he still thinks he can beat god


God is merciful, im sure if it were possible god would have already forgiven him, but remember, god only forgives you if you confess to him, ask for forgiveness, forgive others, forgive yourself, change, and leave the past in the past. The devil as far as we know, has not confessed it's wrong doing to god, has not asked god for forgiveness, has not forgiven anyone, has not forgiven itself, changed, or left the past in the past, but this is of course given that god would treat the devil the same, but seeing as it's not the same as us, there may be a different set of rules, i don't know, however the good thing is we most likely don't need to know, all that matters is that one day there will no evil :P


You said it is prophecy that Satan will end in hell being punished. So he cannot repent, his faith is sealed.

That is more like, his end has already been decided and nothing he can do about it.

Then what about us humans, has our faith been decided too?
Is where we end up, (heaven or hell) already sealed at the time of our birth?


So god’s grace doesn’t extend to stubborn people? I just don’t get it. Is it that hell is a supposedly inescapable place, or is it our fault for continuing to be proud and stubborn that keeps us there? If the rich man were to say “please, I want to leave hell, I repent!” Would god be there wagging a finger saying no no no? What was the point of the sacrifice of Jesus if people are still just being sucked into hell based off technicalities?
