The New Fountain of Youth: Lifelong Learning | Ingrid Bianca Byerly | TEDxStGeorgeSalon

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As a freshman in college, I feel comforted by Professor Byerly's reminder to seek fulfillment and purpose in all "acts" of life rather than just in my future career. I hope we can start viewing retirees as people who are still doing what they're passionate about and carrying out their life purpose.


This talk comes at a fitting time as the idea of early retirement becomes more popular. Fantastic message encouraging people to live out their calling and use all of our years productively and fulfillingly! Glad to hear this in Act I.


As a college senior ready to enter the "second act" of my life, Dr. Byerly has succeeded in making me excited for my "third act" already! Thank you to Dr. Byerly, as well as the lifelong learners who inspire us all


For so long we've thought of school as the learning/training grounds and our careers as the stage to preform, but Ingrid is right, a full lifetime of learning will lead to a happier life and a society of great wisdom. Our third act is the one where we can define our purpose because of what we have learned during our careers - not just our childhood. This is a talk all should listen to as there are lessons to learn for those in each act of life.


Understanding how life comes in three main acts has really opened my eyes to the importance of living in the present. I am a college Freshman, and in the next few years will be entering the second major act of my life. I intend to take these next few years to work on fulfilling the first act of my life, and setting my future self up for success. This was a wonderful TED Talk!


The speech has resonated immensely as I reflect on my grandparents and how they have made the most of their third act of life. I aspire to do the same when I am older. Inspiring talk!


This TEDTalk really brought my attention to the way I am living life now and how I want to live in future years. I enjoyed the shift in perspective offered in the talk, seeing retirement age as a time of freedom to bask in the glory of being a lifelong learner. I think I will try to take it a step further and use this TEDTalk as a reminder that my purpose throughout life is not limited to a job description. Thus, I shouldn’t treat it (my purpose or my life) as such.


I love the focus on this Ted Talk, especially keeping those people in mind that are in their "third act" in my life. Someone like my grandma, who has fulfilled every part of life that she could during her first two acts, is now reaping the benefits in her third. She is such a wonderful lady that exemplifies the principles of being a life long learner. Possessing so much knowledge but also yearning to possess more and explore more, I have always known that she is a wise woman. This video further confirms that for me! Great work Professor Byerly. :)


What a wonderful talk! I agree that retirement is often seen as a time of decay, yet it's fascinating to instead see it as a time for growth and flourishing. Thanks for sharing this insight!!


As a student that just started college, this talk shifted my perspective on how my future is so much more than the career path or job I pursue, but the importance of the love of learning and finding self-fulfillment regardless of age. Thank you for this amazing talk!


Ingrid, what a beautiful talk! Thanks for celebrating Lifelong Learners who are in the Third Act. (That's


My parents always taught me the importance of learning outside of a classroom and continue to embody that well into their second stage of life. I'm glad someone is advocating for all the life long learners out there!


This talk gives a powerful perspective for individuals as they grow older and experience the different stages of life. It really provides you with an excitement for the future rather than a dread for what may be coming next. As a college senior about to enter the real world, this is exactly the outlook I need to cultivate living life as a life long learner.


This talk is really motivating for me. It reminded me of one of my professors who teaches and is the head of his own research lab in his late 80s! His passion for what he does is a beautiful third act that I want to emulate one day. I really liked the ending where she asked us how we'll approach our own third acts!


I dread aging... it all pans back to my fear of dying without having fulfilled my "greater purpose". Dr. Byerly's talk has left me with a sense of comfort that allows me to view aging as a space for growing my knowledge and understanding of the world, instead of as an inevitable step closer to death. Fabulous TED talk!


As I am preparing to enter the workforce, I found this talk really helpful for re-thinking the idea that having a job is the "real world" versus college or schooling. I love the idea of education as a means to finding and realizing ones purpose.


I love the idea of breaking down life into three stages, and giving each of those stages its own purpose while also stressing that learning and playing are just as important in each one. I think that so often, we forget that there is much more to life than just growing up and working, and we forget to actually live in our present.


Awesome! Definitely a message that hits close to home for myself and many others entering a new stage of life


I am currently on the cusp of entering Act 2 in my life, and to me, this was a daunting realization. I'm glad I listened to this talk because it provided me with a new perspective on life and lifelong learning!


It's easy to get caught up in the moment and forget to look at the bigger picture that is one's life. The idea that I'm working towards my third act puts things into perspective and makes me more confident to make decisions that reflect who I am and where I want to go!
