Melee ADCs: The Champions That Prevent Marksman From Being Good | League of Legends

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For today's video we're gonna be discussing the "Melee AD Carry" class, comprising of melee champions that build crit items, and how they singlehandedly prevent Marksmen from being strong.

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Vars: "ADCs lose to just about every other class in combat besides maybe enchanters."

Lulu: "Hold my beer."


Another video with yone in the title man this guy must really like yone


I think in some way, it isn't that the "Melee ADCs" are restricting traditional ADCs, but rather the entire game as a whole in Riot's design philosophy is restricting ADCs - and THEN the "Melee ADCs" are freed from that restriction.
So, in coordinated pro play, or even elite levels of play, players don't die so often and are relegated to safe farming mostly, players are competent, care about team composition, and work together ideally speaking. In such an environment ADCs thrive, to have a real support and real teammates, and they look very powerful in those games.
To balance for that play, where a team needs an ADC to takes towers and objectives and all fights - Riot balances them for that.
Then after that has been established for a long time, I think the "Melee ADCs" or crit-based melee champions, are just more designed to be freed from those constraints.Yes Tryndemere and Master Yi are just outdated, old and simple and beat you with stats. Yasuo is infamous, leading to his brother but....I think Yone is a result of the feature/power-creep they have in their design philosophy nowadays more than some overarching "plan" to ruin ADCs by making melee ADCs better. It DOES feel shitty that the Wind brothers have an easier time and spike earlier, but I bet you that is only because of the double crit-chance.

You didn't mention in the video, an ADC's crit only gets as good as the random chance. No other item class does that! Imagine if you as a mage bought Luden's Echo/Tempest and it says "has a 20% chance to work" that would be kind of shitty that you don't know when the item will do its function?
For ADC's you're buying an item that *may* give you damage 20% of the time, so you have to keep stacking that item until you can reliably do damage 80%-100% of the time. Yasuo and Yone's passive just skip that AND have room for extra items. Wow, 100% crit chance AND I can fit in GA and Death's dance? What ADC doesn't wish they can do that? I'd kill to have 100% crit on Xayah, AND have Death's Dance AND GA.


they should just add more "ranged only" passives to items they want for marksman like runaans


It's truly sad when Riot make Immortal Cringebow for ADCs but ended up being abused by 200 years melee ADC champions


Idk it feels more like Riot bias/neglect with this issue. I feel like they could easily do what most bruiser items already do and just make these items not as strong on melee characters as they are on ranged ones.


Also, fun fact, only master yi(and I guess Gangplank) need mana out of these "melee adc's", so there's no saving grace of them losing their pressure through loss of resource. They don't get weaker or less threatening, so there are basically no down-time to exploit. Yes, I know Yasuo and Yone need three stacks on Q to make their big wind-move, but do they really need it? and tryndamere uses his rage to get stronger, but late-game, he'll get on you and kill you before he gets full rage. Stat checker through and through, as his rage only helps him win harder.


Changing 5 or 6 champs to make a whole class viable makes sense. Fiora, Jax, and Riven already exist as templates for those monsters to be reined in. Melee damage dealers need to build some defensive stats to survive, like you said in the video, so it's kind of ridiculous to expect them to build crit first and get their cake too. They are skill based stat checkers, that's a combination that should never exist. Either you're a stat check champ, or an outplay champ; having both is actually toxic and dumb


Hot take: What if items like Immortal Shieldbow got a melee nerf so it only impacts melee ADCs and not marksmen? I mean, we have nerfs on Hullbreaker and Divine Sunderer, etc. for ranged champions. IS got nerfed because of Yone, Irelia, and Yasuo but they got a buff right after leaving ADCs with a weaker mythic.


I commented this a while ago when you brought this subject up the first time but I feel it bears repeating:

We already have a fully functional, crit-friendly melee ADC in the game. His name is Xin Zhao, and if he goes full crit, he does damage out the wazoo but - understandably - suffers in terms of durability if he goes down that route. The real problem with melee ADC's is that they get free crit, which in and of itself isn't a bad thing, but since they share items with ranged ADC's it means you can never change the latter without monstrously overpowering the former. Crit amp needs to go; going for crit on a melee champ should be a tradeoff, not a free powerspike.

"Oh but they do less crit damage" - if this is your counterargument, kindly remain silent. Their increased crit chance is worth way more than the loss in crit modifier.


The thing people love with melee adc is they're less reliant on their support, less punishable for a mistakes and having more outplay potential.

With traditional ad you need a buttload of gold to reach powerspike, you're more reliant on your teammates and support to not fk up the your lane or their lane until then. Then one positioning mistake in teamfight can result in instant grey screen and your 10 minutes of farming can go down into the drain.


I remember a time when marksmen started using death’s dance to reduce damage taken (like burst). Riot then adjusted the passive so that ranged champions get less damage reduction from the item than melee champions. I think if we want to balance marksmen with melee ADCs (without inflating or deflating one or the other), we should do something similar to that with crit items.


you know how items usually meant for mele champions like frostfire, divine sunderer, duskblade, eclipse, etc do less when bought on ranged champions
i think they should do that with adc items too, decrease the shield and increase cooldown on shieldbow, decrease the dmg on kraken, decrease dmg and increase cooldown on galeforce and decrease bonus crit damage on infinity edge when these items are built on mele champions


My question is what's stoping Riot from making ADC items change depending if you are melee or range(like passive dmg from BOTRK)

Like there is many items that have this kind of thing, it would allow them to balance both melee and range separately. If one item is problem on Windshiters but is fine on normal ADC then just nerf it only on melee champs with this mechanic. It exist in the game so why dont they use it?


I want Riot to add a new class called "Swordsmen" and comprise it of melee crit'ers if you get me. Yasuo tryndamere yone yi etc etc


I wanna see the crit mythics or maybe IE have a seperate scaling for ranged vs melee like bork, tsunderer, hullbreaker, etc. Make them able to spike midgame still but give them less damage.


Here’s a drinking game.

Take a shot every time he mentions yone being a 200 years designed champion


“If you do this, Yasuo will be completely useless”



Just for clarification Vars, if these melee ADC champs were to be completely moved away from crit to become light fighters like Fiora, Riven, Jax, would you say that ADC's could then be buffed? I feel like marksmen are weak, but more because the environment of 5v5 solo/duo queue hurts them, ex. support miscommunicates, ally team drafts only 1 peel, both teams locking in 2+ slayers; all of that warrants a system change in my eyes, not ADC crit stat buffs


I think the problem is that Yone and Yasuo are strong early and late which a lot of the time just feels incredibly unfair to play against, especially if you play a mid/late game champion yourself. If you take for example a mage, can't usually oneshot pre 6, Yone/Yasuo win early because they can skirmish better and they win mid and late because they build crit. Even if the mage player plays smart and holds his CC Yone can just jump through as his abilities can't get stopped midway. Of course I am not denying that range isn't a factor, a lot of mages can poke the ever living f out of Yone and Yasuo but they usually just heal it all back up with lifesteal. Building anti-heal or anti-shield also is not working as you have less damage with these items and won't be able to win the skirmish because a lack of damage. The only champions that actually feel somewhat able to deal with yone or yasuo are other melee marksman or an assassin that can oneshot them early on.

I would say these are the main reasons these 2 are annoying to play against, or at least why I find them annoying.
