My Top 5 Books of 2022

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Here are my favorite books of 2022. The top 5 anyway. A variety of genres, so there's something for the whole family. If the family doesn't mind dark stuff that is. Don't worry, there is hope to be found in these tomes. Let me know your top five in the comments.
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These are my top five of 2022, what are yours?


My top 5 books? Oh man that's always tough to do. But my favorite books that I read last year had to be Perdido Street Station, Darkness, Take My Hand, Gone To See The River Man, and The Blade Itself. There were a lot of other books that I enjoyed as well, but those ones are the ones that I found to be the best that I read this last year.

Great video! Also read Perdido Street Station!


Aww yeah, I liked seeing The Road at #1. 😁 I read Pollock's The Devil All the Time a few years ago, but I wasn't so hot on it. I thought it was kinda pointlessly nasty and sort of try-hard in some ways, but that's just me. If you're looking for something to read, I might recommend The Doloriad, by Missouri Williams. It's a debut novel that came out last year and it was one of my faves for 2022. McCarthy-esque in the writing, it's a post apocalyptic novel that's pretty weird, but it hooked me for sure. 😊


About the only thing we diverge on is dystopian/bleak fiction. I tend not to be a fan, preferring at least _some_ measure of hope/optimism in fiction. However, I do appreciate your takes on these books. 👍


Found your channel through a another fellow booktuber. I like the vibe. I’ll be reading The Road next month. Subbing to support. Cheers.


_"... not that I'll ever be famous enough to where anyone would give a crap about what influence me."_ *_BS!_* That's right, I call straight-up, unadulterated, BS on that one. When I said that you should be at least at 100K subs, I wasn't just blowing smoke. You're just one video away--perhaps with one minor tweak--from blowing up. Mark. My. Words.
