Westward Expansion: Economic Development [APUSH Review Unit 6 Topic 2] Period 6: 1865-1898

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AP HEIMLER REVIEW GUIDE (formerly known as the Ultimate Review Packet):
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In this video Heimler takes you through Unit 6 Topic 2 of the AP U.S. History curriculum which is set in period 6 (1865-1898).
This period begins after the close of the Civil War, and in this video we'll look at how westward expansion continued in this time period. Because of the increasing consolidation of the agricultural markets into the hands of a few, large corporations, and the fact that agriculture was becoming increasingly mechanized, many farmers moved west in hopes of scratching out a living.
They were aided in this endeavor by the completion of several transcontinental railroads and federal legislation in the form of the Homestead Act.
If you have any questions, leave them below and Heimler shall answer forthwithly.
This video is aligned with the AP U.S. History Curriculum and Exam Description for Unit 6 Topic 2, and all the key concepts thereunto appertaining.