American Pageant Chapter 26 APUSH Review

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Review of American Pageant (Kennedy) Chapter 26, American History (Brinkley) Chapter 16, America’s History (Henretta) Chapter 16
Check out the website for the slide notes
This video will help with the following U.S. History years: 1865-1896 Conquering the West and the Agricultural Revolution
Topics: Western Expansion & Farmer Movements
Role of federal government in western expansion, CA Gold Rush, Homestead Act, Pacific Railroad Act, Mining Industry, Cattle Industry, Boom & Bust economy, Myth vs. Reality of West, Chinese immigration, Women’s suffrage in west, Bison, Native American Wars, Sand Creek Massacre, Battle of Little Bighorn, Siting Bull, Nez Perce Retreat, Wounded Knee massacre, “A Century of Dishonor”. Carlisle Indian School, Dawes Severalty Act, Frederick Jackson Turner, Frontier Thesis, Grange Movement, Munn v. Illinois, Wabash case, Farmers Alliance, Populist Party, Coxey’s Army, Election of 1896, Cross of Gold Speech,
APUSH Redesign Period 5 & Period 6
This video is perfect for U.S. History classes and the redesigned APUSH exam.
Check out the website for the slide notes
This video will help with the following U.S. History years: 1865-1896 Conquering the West and the Agricultural Revolution
Topics: Western Expansion & Farmer Movements
Role of federal government in western expansion, CA Gold Rush, Homestead Act, Pacific Railroad Act, Mining Industry, Cattle Industry, Boom & Bust economy, Myth vs. Reality of West, Chinese immigration, Women’s suffrage in west, Bison, Native American Wars, Sand Creek Massacre, Battle of Little Bighorn, Siting Bull, Nez Perce Retreat, Wounded Knee massacre, “A Century of Dishonor”. Carlisle Indian School, Dawes Severalty Act, Frederick Jackson Turner, Frontier Thesis, Grange Movement, Munn v. Illinois, Wabash case, Farmers Alliance, Populist Party, Coxey’s Army, Election of 1896, Cross of Gold Speech,
APUSH Redesign Period 5 & Period 6
This video is perfect for U.S. History classes and the redesigned APUSH exam.