Overcoming Stage Fright, A Doctor's Perspective

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We evolved to pump out loads of adrenaline when faced with public speaking, but here's how we might transcend our wiring.

You're terrified just THINKING about it. But a fear of stage fright or related performance anxiety can be overcome...take it from a doctor who did it.

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A coward and a hero feel the same fear, they just respond to it differently. Quote of the year!


“I get to” go on stage, versus “I have to.”


Sorry, a coward and a hero don’t necessarily feel the same fear. It’s more complex than that. Generally speaking I’ve taken brave decisions in life such as moving abroad alone to start a new life, changing career when I was in a comfortable place, learning a new language despite my social anxiety when approaching strangers. I have attempted to give speeches and despite going in with the mindset of I can do this and pull through it, positive thinking, breathing techniques et al, whether I like it or not my amygdala goes off the charts and a rush of adrenaline pumps though my body;, my heart feels like it’s about to explode out of my chest, John Hurt style, my mouth becomes moisture-less, my face burns up, my vision blurs (too much blood in the head) and my ability to think is impeded to the point that I could barely say my name. The shame of embarrassing oneself in this manner could definitely have a negative effect on your life, career and so on. Cure? A small dose of propranolol an hour before and try and work on cognitive behavioural therapy at the same time. as you build up your speech making muscle memory and begin to desensitize yourself to this ‘threat’. There are levels of anxiety and you’re not a coward for taking medication to help you through it.


Exposure, practice, and bring it, great tips! I really dislike public speaking myself but boy does it feel good once you give a speech/presentation and you know that you got over your fear and killed it.


I go for a 1-2min run 10mins before my presentation. Physical effects of anxiety literally flatlines.


The physical description you just gave of what stage fright feels like, at least for me, was eerily accurate. And gave me the PTSD


Amazing video!! In school this is exactly how I would handle speeches! I almost didn’t go to college because I had to take a speech class.. the last speech I ever gave was on bi-polar. Likely it was something I was very interested in because the moment I was in front if the class, I chocked.. I took a breath and push aside my “word for word” written out speech that I tried to bury myself in and I just talked about what I knew about the disease. I spoke from what I knew and I got into that “flow state” and I was able to show knowledge, enthusiasm and my interest in a subject that doesn’t often come up in conversation. Now whenever I do speak in front of a large group, I speak from the heart, my experiences in life and from my education. We all have a lot to give this world, we just have to take a chance and open up :) thank you for a great video ZDoggMD


These same principles and thinking are what made me, someone with crippling social anxiety (Asperger's), able to be a successful salesperson, and sales coach.
The more I hear Zubin talk, the more I believe he is doing exactly what he should be. Much respect.


The problem is, what if your fear of speaking is obviously affecting you moving up in a company ? Not being able to speak up at a meeting, give presentations and hyperventilating in front of your peers or audience is not only so embarrassing, but no doubt a career crusher .. it’s extremely limiting not to be able to speak effectively due to fear .. it’s not this easy just to overcome - takes a toll on your self esteem, peers look at you differently, you don’t take risks that you perhaps would like to take in both work & personal - it greatly diminishes your potential in life because you cannot properly express yourself and you will never know the person that you could of become because of this problem !


I have awful anxiety about public speaking. I have been in a near panic state leading up to it at times. But my desire to be a nurse educator was stronger, so I found ways to cope. I won't say "overcome" because I know I haven't. But I've done it often enough to know that once I get in my flow, I will relax and connect with my students and colleagues. "It will only hurt for a minute" is my mantra. Also, I think about how good I will feel when it's over, and I take lots of deep breaths. I've never tried medication, but I would be willing to if I had a larger audience or if it had been a while since I last spoke in front of people. Lastly, I try to balance preparation with relaxation. If I spend too much time pouring over what I need to do, then I will think about all the ways I could screw it up. So I try to be very deliberate about NOT thinking about it.


I have been singing for years with solos in church and I STILL have stage freight, I absolutely hate it.


Affective neuroscience strongly suggests that bringing value to our community is hard wired reward center. Great analogy with the risk reward of facing a lion!


My jaw dropped when you called out healthcare workers who took beta blockers. What a truly fascinating perspective on self improvement.. on growth.


I overcame my fear of public speaking by realizing that what I have to say has to be said . Doesn't matter who is going to say it, but right now at this very moment something I'm supposed to say in front of everyone is going to be said wether by me or whoever is going to say it because I chickened out. I decided to just say it, rather than to be known as someone who couldn't . Also I understood that other people will too one day be in the same position as me and have to decide if they have what it takes to join the rest of us who stood up, or are they chickens. Either way nothing matters at the end of the day so who cares .


I love the suggestion of focusing on the excitement not the fear!


I had to actually do a MLK speech in 4th grade and man was I shaking in front of like 75 kids I knew everyone there but was so scared. I’m in 6th now thinking about acting and modeling. I’m worried that I’m gonna ruin an audition. And I need help over coming my shyness and stage fright. This helped thank you!


I wouldn’t say it’s a coward move to take a beta blocker before a performance. I am diagnosed essential tremor so if I don’t take a beta blocker beforehand my drumsticks would fly out of my hands. So if you get really shaky like me, just take one. No shame.


I haven't overcome it, I still severely dread any form of public speaking. I sweat and get a dry mouth thinking about it. And worse... every time I've sucked it up and given a talk I feel like I've been badly received or worse, and so that's reinforced those feelings. But not being able to give a talk is a career limiting problem. I haven't yet figured out how to overcome this (thus why I am here watching this video).


Really no substitute for being prepared, in every way, which means knowing your stuff and knowing your audience, and knowing your audience would want to hear it,


I'd sooner swallowed moldy food. I will never, ever public speak.
