Free 3D Scanner App Vs. $600 Revopoint 3D Scanner Comparison | KIRI Engine And Revopoint

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Here are the links to both Revopoint Pop 3 3D Scanner and KIRI Engine app.
Download KIRI Engine on iPhone / iPad:
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I believe your software can successfully scan, but I'm not sure if you process the results from the mobile app. Before buying the scanner, I thought about using my phone to scan instead. But honestly, I couldn't get any decent results—there were huge errors. That's why I ended up getting the scanner to get the results I wanted.


IMHO It' absolutely appropriate for you to make this kind of video. It's wonderful that you try to be fair when comparing your products to "competitors".
The ONLY issue with your other video was that you didn't disclose that Kiri is your product.


I tried using your software, but the results were disappointing. Plus, it takes 30 minutes to create a model from 10 images. And if you want more features, the yearly membership costs over $400, which is just way too expensive.😐😐


I tried Kiri about couple months ago, but it didn’t work well for me. I switched to Polycam, which was a bit better but still disappointing. There is no problem with the texture, but I'm more interested in the accuracy of the model.


Aesub scanning spray. I recommend the orange. Don’t use a 3D scanner without scanning spray. 90% of my parts I had to scan needed scanning spray because of color or reflective surface. I own Einstar, Einscan-SPv2 and Revopoint mini.


Let me just tell you that as an starter company you are doing just a great job... The problem is that when a company grows, the owner will no longer being replying to comments... Haha !


Sometimes the application crashes, but even though I scanned it very amateurishly, I got great results and went and bought it.


at the start Kiri engine should have won, the shadows made it look more detailed, great app, 5 stars!


Holy heck, this is such a good video and about as unbiased as you can get considering it's from the founder and CEO of KIRI Engine.
KIRI Engine looks phenomenal and I'm excited to play around with it a lot more. I'm a but upset I gave away my iPad Pro with LIDAR to a friend who needed something for college a while back so I can't use the LIDAR enhanced meshing, but the other features seem to make up for it in other ways.

Also, Jack, I love your enthusiasm and energy. You're a shining beacon of positivity it's enlightening and contagious. Please keep being you.


In my personal opinion, this is a very true, non-bias review.


You guys have made again another excellent video. Well done!


UPDATE. I received feedback directly from the company. Apparently i was wrong. Please read their reply. I did do a scan it looked really good.

The free part is not completely honest and to say the least it is misleading. True you scan for free, you can upload to their server up to 3 scans per week. But the free version only lets you export a total of three files to your slicer. So what good is it to have a bunch of scanned files you can’t export to print.
Oh you can export more if you pay $2.99 per month.


I enjoyed the video. It could be what I'm looking for.
Will it scan things like an indicator or light on a car? If I wanted to replace it with a 'custom' light I would need to scan the hole left behind after it is removed.
What about parts of a panel on a car?
Keep up the good work. I love the enthusiasm 👍


Congrats for this cool review. 🙌
I am a user of many photogrammetry, LiDAR, and 3DGS software and apps. KIRI has given me the best response so far in terms of quality, it's just a bit slow in obtaining the model, but still, we're talking about minutes. The user interface design is what I like the most.

Speaking of Revopoint in this comparison, it has that disadvantage, but I think intentionally using black in a scan can be creatively utilized, like a chroma key or mask to remove unwanted parts of the object.
IDEA: It would be amazing if KIRI could do that with a color selector, not just black. I'm not sure how useful it could be, but if feasible, it would be cool.


I used kiri and I love it. Unfortunately Android phones dont have lidar 😢. Any way to port it to Quest 2/3 to use their cameras and sensors?


Excellent Video! The results are amazing! but currently scanning spray should be considered standard when using consumer scanners. Also if you buy a Scanner for 600$, a few for the spray should not matter to much.


I always wondered why don't such apps as Kiri use ToF sensors found in phones. Pretty sure it could result in somewhat accurate dimensions. Maybe you can shed some light on that. Those sensors are used for measuring of room size, for instance. In conjunction with phone's gyroscope I believe the estimation could be done really well.
I also adore Kiri for free exports and consider getting paid option when I'll be scanning a lot of things.


I've been thinking about this for a while now.
It seems like what you were saying in the video is that the Lidar in an Iphone helps with the user experience, but it didn't sound like you were saying that the end result is noticeably better when shot with the Iphone. Is that correct? I have an Android, and I'm thinking it's not worth getting an Iphone if the main reason is for scanning.


I need a rough scan of my body is it possible to get for a price that is accurate to scale? Have access to both samsung s24 / iphone 15 pro max.


Does your app support retroreflective reference points? Would it be feasable to implement to Track geoemtrys with low feature density? They could also be put on the surrounding geometry instead of the model 🤔
