What to do when a vanisher comes back (When a man ghosts you)

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What to do when a vanisher comes back. He pulled away, disappeared and then came back? He ghosted and wants to be with you again? Here's what to say when a vanisher comes back and what to do when a man ghosts you.

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At some stage of dating or a relationship a man will pull away from you... it's happens. In fact, ALL humans pull away from time to time… though why he pulled away is not the same as when a man vanishes all together!

It’s a whole different ball game because a relationship can be moving along very nicely and when he vanishes for no apparent reason is can be very confusing, even hurtful. And then all of sudden when a vanisher comes back with no explanation, like it’s normal to give someone a lot of attention, then disappear and then reappear, it can be even more confusing and bring up so many different thoughts and feelings.

If this has just happened to you or it’s happened in the past you’ll know that it’s one of the worst dating experiences because it can trigger a deep feeling of rejection, mistrust and abandonment…

In this video I share with you what to do when a man comes back after pulling away so you’ll know exactly what to do when a man ghosts you.

May you get great value out of what I share.

Healthy You Health Love shows you the other side of dating with results driven love tips on attracting great love and a lasting and united relationship, turning it from just good...to EPIC. New episodes every week, hosted by Nadine Piat.

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No, ignore his messages and calls. If you see him in person then be gracious and say hi and how are you, and say you are busy and have to go. Remember the pain. They are not worth it. What they did is not ok, will never be ok and if you give them a chance, they'll do it again.


He pulled away then when he came back i was getting married with someone else.


Totally sounds like the guy that ghosted you was a narcissist. That's a common pattern for them. They will dump you out of the blue when things are going good and then come back like nothing ever happened.


It happened to me. He messaged me yesterday and I promptly deleted his message. Save your energy people.


They vanish once, I’m gone too, for good


There's a statement that says: "When a guy goes silent, a woman is involved." Tis usually true.


Any man who 'vanishes' on me can stay vanished. I am not a convenience for ANY man, which is precisely what a man expects when he comes back after 'vanishing'.


A ghoster isn’t worth it.Period. He ghosts you once he might do it again. It should be a bye bye from that point on.


Don't even allow contact! You reached out once and he never replied that's major disrespect. BE GLAD he's gone! BLOCK his NUMBER and BLOCK him off of any other media you're on. He's a loser. Why ask questions? You'll only get lies for answers.


I hate it when one of my friends will say after a guy ghosts them... "well... when he comes back I'm going to...".... Like why would you want him to even come back? Leave him in the past !


Sometimes, ghosting doesn't hurt when you WEREN'T into him either lol.


So glad I watched this video. I’m feeling more peaceful and I might just rest better tonight, finally. The man who recently ghosted me has reappeared through a text msg today, five days it took him to reply to my msg. He apologized and gave a generic excuse for his sudden disappearance and added that I was completely justified to feel we should never speak again and that I’m a “nice girl.” I didn’t reply to this msg, I could’ve easily done so, but at this point I’m mentally drained and lost all respect for him, and I just can’t see myself wasting precious time with a guy I don’t respect and who obviously doesn’t respect me.


A guy popped back into my life recently. I just told him he was a weirdo and to get lost. 🤣🤣
Easy peasy lemon squeezy.


A real man won't make a gap in the connection for you to meet other men. He had his chance...move on!


This is what literally happend today... 3 weeks of silence and all of a sudden I got the same text "Hi, how are you"? Just when I let it go.


A guy did this to me twice. I cut my losses and blocked him.


so many men ghosted me, always thought there is something wrong with me 🤦🏻‍♀️pff now i dont get emotionally attached to anyone


This happened to me once. He was falling for me and got scared. He didn't know how to communicate his feelings. I agree it's rude, however he explained himself finally and sincerely apologized. He was so worried about my reaction that he didn't know how to convey his feelings. Most men are socialized not to share feelings, so I was patient and gave him grace. It's hard to meet someone and have that intense chemistry. I know it is rare so I was willing to take a risk. It's highly unlikely I will get this life experience with another person. We have been back in our relationship and its been nearly two years. If he has a sincere apology and boundaries and standards have been set going forward... giv him a chance.


I am no one's toy. If someone ghosts me, that's it. No second chances.


Exactly... No woman needs a vanisher in her life. Therefore the best thing can tell a vanisher is "Nobody can be that busy to not be able to send a simple text for a couple of weeks. You have prooven to be unserious, that's ok, but I'm not interested in you anymore. Hope you will understand. Wish you all best". Simply? Why to discus with a vanisher to show him your value? He has shown already that he doesn't value this woman, then why would she waste her time for him again? I think, not doing it is the best way to show him that woman value herself. No point of any duscusions, etc.
