AFTD Webinar: Person-Centered Care for bvFTD: Managing Symptoms and Providing Supportive Care

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The symptoms of behavioral variant FTD (bvFTD), the most common FTD disorder, include impaired executive functioning and social comportment. Caregivers of persons with bvFTD face a unique set of challenges, including young age, competing life demands such as work and raising children, lack of public awareness about FTD, and limited supportive resources. After a diagnosis, nurses and social workers play a critical role in supporting families to navigate and adapt to the ongoing challenges.
This one-hour educational program features Cynthia Clyburn and Dr. Lauren Massimo of the Univeristy of Pennsylvania. It provides healthcare professionals and persons affected by FTD with a clear understanding of the most common bvFTD behaviors, their impact on families, and person-centered interventions to manage behaviors and improve quality of life for persons diagnosed and caregivers.
Learners will be able to:
- Describe at least four symptoms that are common in persons with bvFTD.
- Recognize the psychosocial impact on families of persons with bvFTD and describe recommendations for support.
- List three effective person-centered approaches to respond to challenging behaviors.
This one-hour educational program features Cynthia Clyburn and Dr. Lauren Massimo of the Univeristy of Pennsylvania. It provides healthcare professionals and persons affected by FTD with a clear understanding of the most common bvFTD behaviors, their impact on families, and person-centered interventions to manage behaviors and improve quality of life for persons diagnosed and caregivers.
Learners will be able to:
- Describe at least four symptoms that are common in persons with bvFTD.
- Recognize the psychosocial impact on families of persons with bvFTD and describe recommendations for support.
- List three effective person-centered approaches to respond to challenging behaviors.
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