AFTD Webinar: Brain-Behavior Connections in Frontotemporal Degeneration

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The cognitive and behavioral changes experienced in FTD are closely related to the loss of neurons in the frontal and temporal lobes of the brain. Understanding the connection between changes in the structure of the brain and behavioral symptoms is important for understanding the disease. This webinar addresses how patterns of atrophy in the brain correspond to behavioral symptoms like apathy and disinhibition. Knowledge of the neuroanatomical basis of FTD can help family caregivers, persons diagnosed, and healthcare providers better understand behaviors and develop care strategies to maximize quality of life.
In this webinar, Lauren Massimo, PhD, an Assistant Professor at the University of Pennsylvania in the School of Nursing and the School of Medicine, Frontotemporal Degeneration Center:
• Examines structures in the frontal and temporal lobes of the brain that underlie cognition and behavior
• Explores how patterns of brain atrophy produce behavioral symptoms in FTD
• Helps participants understand the basis of behavioral symptoms in FTD in order to develop effective care strategies
In this webinar, Lauren Massimo, PhD, an Assistant Professor at the University of Pennsylvania in the School of Nursing and the School of Medicine, Frontotemporal Degeneration Center:
• Examines structures in the frontal and temporal lobes of the brain that underlie cognition and behavior
• Explores how patterns of brain atrophy produce behavioral symptoms in FTD
• Helps participants understand the basis of behavioral symptoms in FTD in order to develop effective care strategies
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