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There are many reasons twin flames reunite, even after a separation. It's important to understand the reasons why twin flames reunite so you can be better prepared for a twin flame reunion with your twin flame. What motivates twin flames to reunite can be different for every twin flame couple. If you're in separation from your twin flame right now there is still a possibility to reunite with them, even after a long period of separation.

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I can't thank you enough beautiful soul for this... absolutely everything from your words to the music. It was heart and soul felt while emotional and reassuring. So many blessings of love and light in peace to you and hopes of reunion for us all on our unique journey 🙏✨🔥♾️💧☯️😇⚔️🧿🪬🪽💙🩵Unconditional love and healing rays your way✨🧿🪬🪽✝️🩷🕯️💚💫


Omg. I couldnt stop my tears watching this.. 😢 my brain tells me that he aint my twin flame but my heart just doesnt care it keeps believing that hes the one and that we're gonna reunite one day when the time is right. Im still on my healing journey.. wish me luck !!


Beautifully written with enchanting music and great graphics. Having been in physical separation for nearly 4 years I can confirm everything you have said. I learned earlier on that separation was protection and also preparation for a personal experience and soul growth beyond anything I could have imagined. Still working on my own inner union, which I know and believe assists my divine counterpart to do likewise. 💕😇


Thank you ❤ Just what I needed. This made me cry. I could resonate with them and even felt an odd remembrance in my heart.


So beautiful, so beautifully written, calm music, backgrounds, graphics, meaningful, so versatile, so true, so mesmerising ❤❤❤


Perfect timing to post this here! My twin flame (by the way a non-romantic friends, so whoever needs to read this, TF can be non-romantic) came back after 11 month of ghosting.
He actually did work on himself while I worked on me, I felt his "dark night of the soul physically" and I felt him comming back a few hours before he actually did. He said I popped into his head and he couldn't let go anymore and all of a sudden there was no fear or inner turmoil of my reaction anymore and, I quote "reconnecting felt like the most natural thing in the world."

I am happy and our friendship is thriving and I'm very sure we'll reach union in this life time.

It feels like the time we first met, but more balanced. No overexcitement, just calm love and joy, no running and chasing. And we can openly talk about our psychic connection, even though I haven't broad up the term "twin flame" yet - we're two weeks in and already talked about a lot of spiritual stuff, I'll save that for later. :D


Simply wonderful video ❤👌Every thing of this journey so beautifully explained graphically with soft music.So very healing for all those souls experiencing this pain.Thank you so much for this amazing video ❤🙏


Well, I have found my twin and we both even discussed it. But she is married and with a child of almost 3 yrs. She can’t leave because her husband is the bread 🥖 winner. This is the most agonizing thing ever to never be able to reunite with them because you are respecting their boundaries. And I am! But the waiting for eternity is devastating!


Yes, every cell, dissolving into each other. Afar or together, almost too intense, both places, but craving the strength and softness of Union, Always.


Ah this makes so much sense Thank you!


Excellently explained ❣️
And the music is awesome 👌:
Calm & inspiring simultaneously.


Thank you!! I really needed this today!! Love & Light


Thanks for the update video ❤❤thanks alot universe


I understood that he was my twin flame and wakened after 17years of separation. I've never even heard about that word before. We were so young when we met. When I first heard about it, it was like a tidal wave of emotions. It was describing my exact situation. It was so accurate that I was shocked. The amount of synchronicities was ridiculous throughout these years. Before awakening I didn’t even know what a synchronicity was. I thought I was crazy. I feel relieved to know I wasn’t, but what can I do now knowing all this, after all this time? I feel lost


...and then the Runner becomes the Chaser ♾ so that round and round we go up the DNA depicted chakra spiral of living happily ever after in our Oneness Divinity


Beautiful and so resonating. Also for me: separation and personal grow. One day, 7 years ago, he disappeared in reallity. I got a dream about it in an earlier stage.. My role= purity, something he told me. His role and I could feel it: dark energy. Water and fire energy are heavy energies for me to deal with, as regards reunion. I have felt in our short relation so much love, but also hell! Therefore I still don't want to reunite, because of all the pain this caused, also in my present relation with my lovely partner. Our reunion will probably take place in an other setting😊. My present partner and I moved to another home, few months ago. This new house has numerology nr of my twin soul and even the zip code has his( name) initials.. Meeting my twin soul again (face to face) will be a next chapter in another life/in heaven? Something I want..😊❤


Learn the lesson of self live let go n forgive ❤yourself n move on


Why wouldn't they reunite? It's inevitable.


This is really interesting I didn't even know I was on a twin flame journey till recently 😯 We met 42 years ago had 17 beautiful months together then Puff Nothing He ghosted me 😢 That was 41 years ago Our paths have crossed 3 times since but neither of us spoke 😢Now I can't wait to see him again ❣️❤


Thank you for such a beautiful and calming videos. Topic is also great.
Connection with a twin flame is so deep. We have a child. It is very challenging but after every lous we grew so much.
