Rose Cafe - Paterson, New Jersey - Funda İriadam, Tuba İriadam, Özlem Has #rosecafe
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ROSE CAFE #rosecafe HRLink kodunu verirseniz kişi başı $5 indirim var!!! Cafenin sahipleri: Funda İriadam, Tuba İriadam ve Özlem Has sizleri bekliyor. 1023 Main Street, Paterson, New Jersey 07503. Telefon: (973) 341-6421 #fundairiadam #tubairiadam #özlemhas #rosecafe Instagram: @rosecafeusa
Ms. Esra Oziskender - MBA, PhD ABA (All but dissertation) - Human Resources Professional - HRLink Consulting - Recruiter & Influencer. We are your business partners. We help employers to find right candidates. We help job seekers with their career goals and improve their chances of landing their dream jobs. We promoto your business. Product placement on social media. Business consultants.
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Video by Esra Oziskender
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Ms. Esra Oziskender - MBA, PhD ABA (All but dissertation) - Human Resources Professional - HRLink Consulting - Recruiter & Influencer. We are your business partners. We help employers to find right candidates. We help job seekers with their career goals and improve their chances of landing their dream jobs. We promoto your business. Product placement on social media. Business consultants.
Instagram: @esraoziskender
Facebook: @esraoziskender
LinkedIn: @hrlinkconsulting123
Twitter: @HRLinkConsultin
YouTube Channel: @hrlinkconsulting - PLEASE SUBSCRIBE
#hrlinkconsulting #esraoziskender #esraöziskender #abdpostcom
Video by Esra Oziskender
Please subscribe to our channel, comment and like the video so that we can produce better content. Thanks and wish you the best! / Daha iyi içerikler üretebilmemiz için lütfen kanala abone olmayı, yorum atmayı ve videoyu beğenmeyi unutmayın. Teşekkürler ve bol şans!