How All-Star Superman Saved My Life

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Debated putting this up because of the subject matter and I get a bit personal in this one. I figure that it helped me so it may help someone else out there as well.
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"Somewhere in our darkest night, we made up the story of a man who will never let us down"

- Grant Morrison


I first read All Star Superman when I was a child going through chemotherapy. It's kinda funny that the first Superman comic I read was one where he was essentially dying of cancer like me, but seeing him face his mortality with courage helped me overcome my own illness.

Years later, I was in a bad time in my life. I hated everything, I hated myself, I didn't think I was worth continuing to exist. I don't know why I decided to reread All Star, maybe I just wanted a distraction. But when I got to issue 10, that scene with Regan hit me like a brick wall and I broke down crying. For the longest time I'd always wanted to be superman. Not the powers, but the kind of person he is. Up to that point I'd failed, and I wouldn't let myself forget that. But there was my hero, telling me that I was okay.

I know Superman's not real, but what he stands for and his effect is.


and this is why I love Superman. Amazing how a fictional character can inspire and save people in real life. Stay strong, mate. You will do great


All Star Superman is helping me love life again


And THIS is why Superman is the greatest fictional character of all time. He inspires hope, justice and freedom in just those few words and even on the brink of death has time to save one more person.


This is one of several reasons why I will always prefer Superman over Batman. Hope is a much more powerful force for good than fear. Subbed man and thanks for sharing.


I teared up seeing this video. THAT is the power of a comic book. Wish you a lot of happiness man. :)


Superman has been there for me all my life.He lifted me and kept me strong throughout my darkest times.He's more than just a drawing on paper.Whether it's witnessing domestic violence and alcholism, bullying (though I wasn't a sitting duck, I just tolerated it until it was time to punch them into their cowardly silence), job losses due to covid, and the diagnosis of (a thankfully benign) glioma, and what followed-that (relearning how to use my right side, and having part of my skull removed and a new one put in a few months after due to infection, and currently on my 4th month of oral chemo after 6 weeks of radiotherapy).Despite that I'm doing strong, staying positive, reading everyday, and doing a good amount of physical activity (20 minutes bag and skipping each, and 6 hours of golf (and achieved a 5 hcp despite only playing for 3 years barely if one counts the shutdowns due to covid and not being able to do it much due to treatment!), along with compound movement strength exercises Thank you and others for sharing your stories."It's never as bad as it seems"."Nothing is impossible" As Superman and Christopher Reeve said in two very inspirational books.


It's not just the powers that makes Superman my all-time favorite character, it's his personality and his morale. His good intentions are higher on his list of priorities than anything, and it gets proven when he saves real people like this. Superman, when written correctly, makes life better. This is why I want to write for Superman one day. It would not only be living out a dream for me, it would also give me a chance to save people's lives, just as Superman wants us to do for one another. I don't know if you believe in God, but I do... and I hope it means something when I say God bless you and your future endeavors and struggles. The courage you had when making this video is rare nowadays.


Thanks for sharing this, and yeah, that's Superman's real power; he inspires people. He brings hope. The guy has godlike powers but he's also a very humane character. And it's great that he could help you for good.


All Star Superman, and specifically issue 10 of All Star Superman is the most beautiful and amazing piece of fiction i've ever experienced. It also saved my life, but in a different way. It somehow gave me new purpose in life. I go back to the scene where Superman talks about earth Qwewq so often, as well as the historical evolution of the Superman concept on Earth Q, and basically every scene in issue 10. It's one of the greatest fictional stories ever in my opinion, and it's definitely my favorite. I've never struggled with depression, but just the thought that a Superman comic would actually save lives is mindblowing. My respect for both you and All Star Superman has increased greatly. Good luck with everything man.


6 years later and this video hit me hard still. Hopefully you're living your best life now!


And people say comic books are just for kids. Man comic books can be powerful. I have suffered from depression so I can feel your pain, and that's great that you found something to get you through. I'm a new subscriber, but I already like your videos and have mad respect for you.


Morrison's goal was to inspire people with his books to overcome difficulties, to inspire great deeds, in real life. He wanted his books to become a reality. This is where Morrison's story became reality, you were that little girl for a moment and Morrison was Superman who whispered you the courage to move on.


I've heard a pretty decent dichotomy for Batman, that, if you cannot picture a version of Batman comforting a child as they are moments from death, it isn't Batman. For me, there is a similar duality with Superman: you can easily picture the best versions of Superman talking down folks from taking their own lives.


This is why he is my favorite fictional character of all time, he is a normal man(aside of the powers), farmer, very humble and with a strong moral compass and values, but what he represents to me is more than that, he is like a natural law, a force of faith, positivity and optimism, a person will never be happy all the time, we always face hard moments, but when we are down, that thing that allows us to go through it and solve it and realize everything will be okay at the end, thats superman to me, he saves us in more than just one way.


I still can’t see this page without crying. Two years since my last suicide attempt. I can’t stress enough to anyone struggling out there that there is help and you are not alone. Don’t wait until your hospitalized like I did to get help. Because no matter how bad it seems. It does get better.


Great video. Superman has always been my favorite superhero - the ideals he represents transcend race, creed, and gender. Thank you for sharing.


Damn. Respect. I need this comic right now


8 year old video, still 100% valid. Much respect. Been 2 years since your last video. Hope you're still ok man.
