What Is Sola Fide?

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Scholars have summed up the Reformation in 5 Sola’s: Sola Scriptura, Sola Fide, Sola Gratia, Solus Christus, and Soli Dio Gloria. These 5 solas represent core theological truths upon which we stand today. These were not new ideas that the Reformers thought up but rather they rediscovered them as they rediscovered Scripture and began to study it as the authoritative Word of God.

At the core of the 5 Solas is simply the Biblical gospel, the gospel by faith alone, by grace alone and in Christ alone!

When Martin Luther wrote his 95 theses and nailed them to the door of All Saints Church in Wittenburg on October 31st 1517 he took aim specifically at one hideous practice of the Catholic church which had so perverted the gospel message that faith became almost an afterthought, a good thing to have if you could.

The problem in Martin Luther’s day was the sale of indulgences, as a way to secure their own forgiveness or possibly the forgiveness of a loved one who was stuck in purgatory.

Luther saw the sale of indulgences as in conflict with the very nature of Gospel and especially in conflict with the Biblical understanding that Salvation comes by faith.

It wasn’t the only theological problem that came up against Sola Fide and the true gospel but perhaps more than any other issue it highlighted how far the Catholic Church had strayed in their doctrine and practice from true Gospel found in the pages of Scripture.

There is probably no greater attack on Sola Fide within protestant churches today than that which is commonly called “Word of Faith” teaching and “Prosperity Gospel.” for millions of people across the world, these teachings have infiltrated churches and destroyed real gospel faith by replacing it with a fake faith, and false promises in return for your generous donation!

Little has changed in the heart of man over the past 500 years! Unregenerate men have always been willing to sell out the eternal gospel of Jesus Christ for temporary gain. We who believe in this foundational gospel truth find ourselves being attacked on every side, and, yes, sometimes even from within the church, if that could be! Over the centuries Satan has devised dozens if not hundreds of ways to destroy the Sola Fide.

So let us be on our guard and not make the mistake in thinking everyone believes or practices Sola Fide or think that it is simply an elementary teaching and thus dismiss it.

Sola Fide is soil in which the disciple of Christ is planted and must grow.
This is what separates true regenerate followers of Christ from those who only claim his name but no nothing of his saving power.
Without Sola fide we can not know Christ, we can’t have the Holy Spirit, we can’t be forgiven our sins, we can’t enjoy the fellowship of the church, and we can’t have eternal life.
Be on your guard because everything in our sinful nature is set against Sola Fide.
The unregenerate heart abhors the idea of Sola fide
Every religion, philosophy, and institution known to man other than the One true Church denies Sola Fide
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