sola fide

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Dr. Fesko explains the importance of sola fide.
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"For I was hungry, and you fed me not, thirsty, and you gave me no drink, naked, and you gave me no cloak, sick and imprisoned, and you visited me not."

So much cor sola fide.


There is no longer a need to argue, Protestants and Catholics have reached an agreement. joint declaration on the doctrine of justification, this happend in 1999.

"Together we confess: By grace alone, in faith in Christ's saving work and not because of any merit on our part, we are accepted by God and receive the Holy Spirit"


@psallen5099 *Scriptures say God appointed teachers and pastors to teach the Word of God. That's why.*

you said
If sola Scriptura (Bible alone) and sola fida (faith alone) are all you need why do Protestants have churches and ministers to explain the Bible to them.


Ir is not just exegeting the scriptures, the holy spirit witnesses with our Spirit that Christ has done it all ( Romans 8:16 ). You can exegete the scriptures until the cows come home and not arrive at the right conclusion, just like the pharisees were searching the scriptures but were unable to find Christ in the scriptures. Without saving faith, no man can understand "sola fide".


I dunno. Biblically, it appears to me we're lost, condemned, by a lack of willed adherence to the ways of God (i.e., 'works'). Thus faith and works cannot be separated.


*Two third of New Testament that says Salvation is Not By Works (Faith Alone Doctrine)*
Luke 23:43 - the thief at the Cross believed in Jesus and he was in Paradise thereafter. NOT WORKS! John 1:29 - Christ the Lamb of GOD who takes away the sins of the world ... (NOT OUR WORKS) John 3:16 - saved by believing in Jesus. NOT WORKS! Acts 16:30-31 - saved by believing in Jesus. NOT WORKS! Rom 4. Vs 1-2 - justified NOT BY WORKS! Vs 3 - Abraham believed (FAITH) and was accounted as RIGHTEOUSNESS. Vs 4 - WORKS are debts . Vs 5 - he who DOES NOT WORK is JUSTIFIED . Vs 5 - God justifies the ungodly, Vs 5 - FAITH was accounted as RIGHTEOUSNESS. Vs 6 - Blessedness Apart from WORKS! Imputation of RIGHTEOUSNESS by FAITH. Vs 8 - imputation of RIGHTEOUSNESS apart from WORKS! Vs 9-10 - Abraham was made RIGHTEOUS BY FAITH BEFORE ANY WORKS! Vs 9-10 - Abraham received seal of RIGHTEOUSNESS OF THE FAITH by imputation. NOT WORKS! Vs 11 - Promise to Abraham was through RIGHTEOUSNESS OF THE FAITH. Vs 14-15 - Faith is made void by works of the law, works of the Law brings Wrath, Not salvation. Vs 22 - Abraham believed (FAITH) and was accounted as RIGHTEOUSNESS . Vs 22 - RIGHTEOUSNESS imputed on those who believed. Not those who WORKS! Rom 11:6 - IF IT IS WORKS, IT’S NO LONGER GRACE . 2 Cor 5:21 - GOD made Jesus who knew no sin to become sin for us, that we might become the RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD. Gal 2:16 - not justified by WORKS OF THE LAW, BUT BY FAITH IN JESUS. BY WORKS OF THE LAW, NO MAN IS JUSTIFIED! Gal 2:21 - if RIGHTEOUSNESS comes through the law, then Christ died in vain. Gal 3:1-5 - Paul said Christians who started by faith, why end up following WORKS of law (not only Mosaic laws)? Are you made perfect by flesh (WORKS)? Gal 3:1-5 - Did God do miracles by your faith believing or by your WORKS of law? Eph 2:8-9 - saved by grace through faith NOT BY WORKS. Eph 2: 8-9 - salvation is a GIFT. NOT WORKS! 2 Tim 1:9 - saved NOT according to our WORKS. Titus 3:5 - saved NOT BY WORKS OF RIGHTEOUSNESS. 1 Pet 2:24 - Christ (the Lamb of GOD) bore our sins … (NOT OUR WORKS).


Dear protestants.

You read Bible passages condemning "Works of the Law" (referring to obsolete mosaïc works of the Law such as circumcision)... and you falsely conclude that these actually referred to ALL works, including those *required of us, * (ie. the corporal works of mercy found in Matthew 25: 31-46... which ARE the ones Catholics talk about when they say by "Grace through Faith + Works").

Corporal works of mercy *aren't a requirement to have access to Baptism & to become born-again, * therefore to obtain eternal life. Baptism (born-again) _IS_ the free gift of God, that no works can earn: If we died right after baptism, we'd go to Heaven.

Then, how to reconcile the need for works found in Matthew 25: 31-46? Simple. After being Born-Again, Christ commanded us to be Christ-like to the World: To bear fruits by doing these corporal works of mercy. IF we do not do these works -- as small as they could be -- we bear no fruits, and we will be treated like the goats. This is why the Church says that our salvation is based on both Faith & Works.

You might say "yes, but we cannot lose our salvation!".
You would be mistaking: It is possible. Paul himself made it clear in his "Race" analogy _(I Corinthians 9: 24-27)_ when he said, quote:

_"Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. Therefore I do not run like someone running aimlessly; I do not fight like a boxer beating the air. No, I strike a blow to my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize."_

His "crown that lasts forever" *can only be eternal life, * and Paul mortifies himself in order NOT to be disqualified for that prize. Wouldn't you say Paul was -- by your standards -- a "saved" individual? You can only conclude that he did not believe in "Once-saved-always-saved". To further prove it, he does not claim to be assured of his salvation UNTIL the day before his martyrdom, at the end of his life when he knew he would die justified. *(2 Timothy 4: 6-8)*

_"For I am already being poured out like a drink offering, and the time for my departure is near. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness (...)"_

That is the Catholic Position on works.
It is 100% in line with scripture, without contradictions, all verses considered.

I pray that you receive the Grace to understand. God bless you all.


The CONTEXT of Faith "Alone" means like this... Analogy/metaphor... For Example... If I read in the book that Mr. Smith entered the theater by himself and exited with his friends."... Can I NOT that Mr. Smith entered "ALONE" in the theater just because the word "ALONE" was not written?... that is a RIDICULOUS context... That was what the Bible had TRULY meant by context without the word "ALONE."

The same with FAITH thru the Grace of God, which must come "ALONE" in us without any "work/deeds" (work based on the Law of Moses) that we can at least boast of, by having "first" the "BELIEF" in Christ Jesus who died for our sins and accept Him as our Lord and Savior (messiah/christ), ... then after believing, what follows next is to "REPENT" for all our previous transgressions and accept "(Water) BAPTISM" in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit...then we became a NEW Person (a new beginning/a new birth, like becoming spiritually "born again, " not the religion called Born Again) in Christ Jesus thru the Holy Spirit called Christians, that we may do our DEEDS/WORKS of Charity of Love to your neighbors including enemies that are "Pleasing" in the Sight of God... By these, we no longer can claim all our Good Works/Deeds came 100% from our OWN selves ALONE by the gift of free will but by the ONE who manifested into our new lives in Christ Jesus thru the Holy Spirit called "COMFORTER" of Christians...

All the "GOOD WORKS/DEEDS" that we do in our New Lives with Christ do not come "alone" by our own Freewill but by the help of the Holy Spirit that manifested inside ourselves... St. Paul said, we must STEADFAST and FINISH the race... of what?... Faith and doing Good Works until our last breath (death)...why?... for we might LOSE it in our OWN way (not thru the hands of God) if we are not STEADFAST with our Faith and Good Works/Deeds up to the last END of our earthly lives... For on Judgment Day of God, all will be judged according to their Works/Deeds "accordingly" (Rev. 20:12 / Roman 2:6)... Why ACCORDINGLY?... because the Jews who did not believe in God's Son as the Messiah/Christ will be judged thru their works/deeds based on the Law of Moses... others, like the Sodom and Gomorrah, according to the Bible, God will be more merciful for they never HEARD the Gospel, same with those people who died before the Gospel was preached, same with other religion and beliefs...

For the True Christians (not Christian by birth/name only or the would-be followers of Christ) eventually will not be judged, but rather 'THEY" will all seat down at the judgment table of God and not be condemned in the fire of hell... Wow, we (Christians) will be SPECTATORS to all people that God will be judged, the bible even said, Christians will be able also to judge and be able to accuse their persecutors, and their murderers as well... Praise be to God...

To God be the Glory, Power, and Honor, in Christ Jesus name, above all other names, our Lord and Savior... Amen.


If the ARGUMENT/DEBATE is based on the English words "Believing and Repenting" which are both VERBS, then it must have been both FAITH & WORKS justified at the "SAME TIME"... But the "context" of the Bible never meant that way... the Works/Deeds that the Bible emphasized were the Works/Deeds based on the Law of Moses that we can at least boast of, but not the Works/ Deeds taught by Christ Jesus like "Love our Enemies just like we love ourselves or commonly called the Charity of Love (verb = work/deeds)."...
We can never ever have the courage to "Love our Enemies" (do good works) unless in/with Christ Jesus thru the Holy Spirit that manifests or works within us (Christians)... Facts and Truth...


If sola Scriptura (Bible alone) and sola fida (faith alone) are all you need why do Protestants have churches and ministers to explain the Bible to them.


Faith alone contradicts 1 Cor.13:2. Abraham's faith was NEVER EVER alone. If Abraham's faith did not include the free gift of charity how do you explain Abraham's willingness to obey immediately? Faith alone is not a Christian faith. The Bible is infallible, Luther was not infallible.


'I do not frustrate the grace of God for if righteousness comes by the law then Christ is dead in vain." [Galatians 2:21] "....if there had been a law given which could have given life, verily righteousness should have been by the law." [Gal. 3:21] See also Hab.2:4, Romans 1:17, Gal. 3:11, Heb. 10:38, Phil. 2:9, Titus 3:5-7, Romans 5:1, 11:6,
1 Cor.1:30, 2 Cor. 5:17-21. CASE CLOSED. The Reformers were right.


Protestant beliefs are contradictory and self refuting which means it cannot be of God.

Belief 1) Good works is only a fruit or sign of salvation
Belief 2) Man will always produce bad fruit (sin)
Conclusion: No Protestant is saved because they will always produce bad fruit
