Industries Of The Future | Alec Ross | TEDxBaltimore

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Foresight about the innovations that will shape our future, and the skills we and our children will need to be a part of it. Providing lessons from tomorrow, today. Recorded at TEDxBaltimore January 2016.

Alec is an author, Innovation Advisor, and Senior Fellow at Columbia University. He was Senior Advisor for Innovation to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Рекомендации по теме

1. Data analysis
2. Cybersecurity
3. Genomics


I like that you build your arguments around basic human needs such as opportunity and hope. This is actually an awesome blueprint of how to develop a healthy mindset in our packed world and with this you can do much more then "just" place your kids or yourself in Dataanalysis, Cybersecurity or Genomics, you can do whatever you want and create value. Thanks for the awesome talk ✌


Spent yesterday reading through the entire book. He made some really compelling arguments based on his journeys all over the world. It was eye opening.


*Data Analytics*
*Cyber Security*

video starts @ 6:10, Great Info


One of the best speaker I have come across on youtube. He is a total realist.


Without a doubt, I see great validity and strength in Alec's experiences and his advice! Industrial reorganization and the New Economy have changed the very nature of education along with employer demands! Much of the social structures in place are still necessary but their promises for a better future have largely become obsolete more than ever. And we are entering a time where even college degrees are largely becoming obsolete (although necessary as employers demand them) and basic programming is becoming obsolete as well (w/ so many libraries of them and simplified editors). It definitely is where the most adaptable are the ones surviving and the jobs requiring such are the real ones being created!


Great job Alec!...especially your emphasis on inequality of opportunity.


Alec Ross, I could listen to you all day. In fact, I might.


This was an emotionally impactful and insightful talk. I didn't think that learning about how industries evolved would broaden my perspective a lot but this talk not only taught me but broadened me. I would recommend this talk.


Very authentic talk. Advice worth taking.


it's not the strongest who survive or the most intelligent but that most adaptable to change


Practical words of wisdom, nice to hear. I also hear a touch of Ayn there.


you was like an angel sent was searching for the next industries to make my name in i just found them all three


An inspiring talk and one that chimes totally with my personal experience. I have yet to make it to the White House and I wonder if he is still there but I can see that sort of path is possible. But, if he is still there then that is one job I can't have. Too many brilliant people for too few and rapidly reducing number of jobs. The possibly not too distant future may have roles for everyone, but these do not exist at the moment. While people are learning there is little or no support. When people get to 50 or older, learning new stuff is quite a task if they have not been keeping a learning cycle running as they aged. What to do ? Basic Income. This is essential if only as a sticking plaster. I hope that Basic Income will stick and stay, but it is a social 'Must-have' for everyone who no longer has or has yet to gain any employment. I have recently be teaching 5 year olds to code. That is a basic skill needed for the next generation, but, if everyone has it - it ceases to be a job ticket in just the way a university education is no longer a guarantee of work. Not having either though is a guarantee of never getting anything.


The title should be "Figuring out your and your child's life."


Wow! Finally a talk worthy of TED's former prestigious reputation. I had to waste a lot of time listening "Woke" bs to finally get to a TEDTalk worthy of my time. Thank you.

Edit: Just noticed that it's 5 years old so I guess that's why it lacks the Woke bs.


Guarantee success for jobs of the future: treating wrists and necks as all of today's tech-zombies will grow up to have massive damage to their wrists and necks due to their inability to look away from the portable devices which they hold in their claw-like hands.


This guy should run as the next Democratic candidate. His tone is perfect and he is talking about the country's future in the right way.


Even at 2x speed, this kid is gleaner of much... I do agree with him on 2 things: do NOT count on "the system" and BE a lifelong learner --- Unfortunately, he is clueless that the real solutions to blight comes from a functional economic system. Corruption is the major disruption in any "system" --- kinda simple really.


So where does someone in their 50s find employment if they have lost their job?
