Brutally Honest Reasons Modern Women Are Single (Why Single Women Are Choosing A Different Path)

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Why are modern women deciding to stay single? It's not that they're planning on staying single forever, it's simply that the modern generation of women have different priorities than women of the past. Most single women aren't in that position because they can't find a partner, it's that they happen to have other priorities that matter more to them at this moment in time. In today's video we're going to be discussing what these priorities are and why single girls are choosing this alternative lifestyle.

Often guys get told what they should be doing to attract women. They do everything they are taught but they still struggle to get a girl to become their girlfriend. They end up beating themselves up and thinking that they have done something majorly wrong. Perhaps you've gone through this before? And if you have you are joining plenty of men who have also suffered through it. But the truth is it's probably less about the things that you are doing and more about the women of today. You could be doing everything right, tempting women so much that they do start imagining a future with you, but they back away.

Now modern women are very different and there are some reasons as to why they remain single. So today's video I'm going to be walking you through some brutally honest reasons why the modern day lady is still single. This might actually help to open your eyes to while you are not having much luck when it comes to dating and this is a reason why it's not your fault.

#Joyanima #Dating #Single

0:00 Intro
1:01 Why modern women are single
1:00 Busy starting their careers
2:16 Modern women are independent
3:13 They are getting their degrees
4:04 To focus on their own finances
4:36 They are less religious
4:56 Waiting for the right person
5:40 Working to better themselves
6:06 They want to have a lot of sex
6:36 They like being single
6:55 They have very high standards
7:38 They have big personalities
8:08 They don't believe in fairytales

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The truth is: (Not all women)
1. Why they are single? The carousel or no one want them. Basic evolution just like any men or women.
2. Busy with career. Not every women are doctors and lawyers or CEOs. You know the rest of jobs they are mostly in. Google it.
3. They are independent. Only when they need to be. That term is codependent.
4. They are getting degrees. Yes they sure are. The problem is the degrees are useless with the wrong majors. As a result, can't get a job and large amount of debt. 70-80% of school loans are controlled by?
5. Focus on own finances. Being codependent and having 3 or 4 roommates is lot easier to focus on.
6. They are less religious. Yes they sure are. This is the root of the problem. Because the lack of direction in life without religion.
7. Waiting for the right person. Well it's called not prioritizing your life correctly for a family. This is for a desire to have a family of course. No judgment.
8. They working to better themselves. Yes they are, but yet still codependent.
9. Want to have a lot of sex. Yes they do, so does men too. The problem is men's reptilian brain said this woman is not qualified or suitable to be your wife/mother of your offspring. Due to pair bonding.
10. Like being single. Congrats 👏 You will be if you can't pair bond with a suitable mate.
11. Very high standards. Yes they have. Delusional standards. The probability to find one is so small that it doesn't exist.
12. Big personalities. So big that a lot of men don't want to deal with it. aka drama.
13. Don't believe in fairytale. Yes they do. Just look at the list above.

Again just a reality check guys. No hate.


in the future when independent women get older and their looks have faded and fertility has plummet, they will be looking for the typical nice guy to start a life with.


Based from my experiences, most modern women would rather drop dead than even admit that they're single.


Fertility matters!
Men don't need to wait for women till they get their degrees and hit the wall.


"Big personalities" are not "intimidating".... they're annoying and Men avoid them.


Hi Anna, always enjoy your vids. I would add though that some women are finding that if they take too long focusing on their career, they get too old to catch the guys who want fertile women in their 20s.


The "modern" women like to behave like...ahem...loose cannon while expecting the guy to wait for them to be done "partying" and just shower them with money and free validation aka simping while getting nothing in return. "Modern" women are the typical example of chad chasers single moms, the village bicycle. They are the reason why so many of us str8 guys are single. And to be honest, when their beauty fades away and they see their not modern friends family photos on social media going on hollydays together and having barbeque they will always remember when they behaved as "modern" and why they hit the wall. Play stupid games, you win stupid prices.




No one on this planet deserves our is entitled to anything. That's a social misconception perpetrated by people that are far from pragmatic and realistic about the world. Thinking that men who want young firm smooth good looking young women are supposed to wait around until women are in their late 30s and accept what is being offered to them with open arms because women deserve or are entitled to it is delusional. You can't have it all folks. Everyone even modern "women" have to sacrifice something in life. All women can't have the top 5% of men, guys what they're aren't enough of them. Get your head oout of those two puffy round clouds, "yeah not clouds"...


waiting for the day when we can all buy our very own partner robots. buy it, turn it on when you want something, then turn it off so you can do your things.


Well I like your youtube Channel but you're totally im wrong. Modern women don't want to commit in real honest relationship because they jave been messed up with their own personality, not of anything else.


Great tips! And speaking of bettering yourself…

Personal Development is one of the best things you can do for yourself - because, we as human beings, we’re supposed to embrace growth!

So make sure you find your Purpose in life - whatever it might be, and work on it daily, and continue to make progress, because progress is - really the key to happiness.

But don’t do it for any girl or guy, make sure you’re doing it for yourself - and just be happy!

Anyway, that’s my two cents.
-Carlos Verde - Dating Tips


Another great vid! Very interesting and informative vid


Some of us modern men are single for the same reasons as in this video. Hence why I've remained single!


Then suddenly they’re 40 and very successful and rich but manless and childless and miserable and they can’t even get the lots of sex anymore.


By "modern women" I assume you mean those that are in their early to mid 20s or just came out of college dating and flirting with every guy that looks good or have money in their pockets.

Until they ACTUALLY realize that as they start to approach their 30s much less 40s, they want something more to life than just their career and supposed "independence".

They might want a family or settle down around that age but it's going to be difficult finding a man that's actually willing to stay with them for the long term.

Because what women wants in life later, men wants in life earlier.

It's good to be an educated woman, but not when that education comes with manipulation.


Higher standards indeed, especially when it coming to the my way or the highway mentality. The last 3 i tried dating didn't know the meaning of the word, they were spoiled and selfish. I got called an asshole for calling them on there shit. If I am going out of my way and doing everything and I do mean pretty much everything while she is just showing up in jeans and a T-shirt ot sweater expecting to be treated like royalty 24/7 and can't even handle a compromise once in a while something is seriously wrong. Last lady of interest turned out to think all she had to do was show up and she was doing her part. Woman today I am finding more and more often have unrealistic standards and blame men for their problems MGTOW and male suicide are still on the rise and modern woman hitting the wall I feel have no right to complain about being single and crying "where have all the good men gone?" Besause chances are you abused them again and again until they gave up or worse. And this is not just the 8's 9's and 10's either woman who I would rate a 3 or 4 on a goodday are doing it too. Too many women have drank the cooool-aide and BS on social media and can't handle a decent relationship or a decent guy working his ass off to build a future with them.


Hahah do women ask men to have sex? Come on! they don't even want to go out to the movie theater or to buy an ice cream with us


Hey Anna, your make up and the top look great . I have one question, I have heard that there is a thing where couple become friends and then turn into a relationship . so i thing friendzoned is not a bad thing too?? do u have any says on that!!!


I sometimes even wonder how you manage to make frequent videos, yet with extraordinary contents..! 🥰🙌❤
