Harry Potter Theory: The Veil Explained

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In Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix Harry and friends come across a mysterious veil in the Department of Mysteries. We know Sirius dies when he passes through it, but we never get a good explanation for what the Veil really is... UNTIL NOW!

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This made me thinking. What if the only way to safely pass through The Veil safely to the other side is by wearing Harry's invisibility cloak, The Elder Wand is the only wand that can work on that side of The Veil and The Resurrection Stone is the key to return back to this side of The Veil. That would make the owner of the three Hallows to be the Master of Death.


The Veil as a "pre-Resurrection Stone, " the pensieve as a "pre-Invisibility Cloak, " and the Mirror of Erised as a "pre-Elder Wand" is a VERY cool concept. Well done.


I always thought that the Veil and the Cloak were two parts of the same cloth. One shields the wearer from Death, the other shields the Dead from the living.


Maybe the bridge on the story is actually a metaphor for the Veil, they dicovered how to go to the other side without dying, without death's permision. And from there on they recieve al of the knowledge necesary to create everything else. Almost as a gift from death it self.


You had one chance of titling the video "The veil - unveiled!"


I love the mystery of the veil and dislike that movie Bellatrix used the killing curse. It doesn't make sense. Harry fully expected Sirius to jump up from the other side at any moment, calling for him in increasing desperation. If he was hit with the killing curse, the entire thing would've been very clear.


Sirius's birthday being on November 3rd is so sad. Imagine him on his 22nd birthday; he's been in Azkaban two days, his best friends were just murdered three days ago, they're probably having or had a funeral which he can't even be at, his other best friend is a traitor and murderer, and he can't go see his last best friend or the child of his other two friends because he's IN AZKABAN being tortured by dementors.


Dumbledore called the room with the veil, "the death chamber". That makes one think since the veil is surrounded by seats it was used for executions. I guess the Ministry stopped that practice since being imprisoned by dementors was a punishment worse than death.


This is slowly but steadily becoming one of my favorite channels. I find all of these theories really interesting, but I don't have time to research them my myself. So thanks for saving me the trouble and making my lunches more interesting ;)


How many ministry of magic workers had to go through the veil until they figured out it killed you?


I always kinda of thought that those three items had something else in common: they are barriers. The Pensieve is the barrier between past and present, the Mirror of Erised is the barrier between wishes and reality, and the Archway (the most obvious) is the barrier between the dead and the living.


“Beyond the veil” has been a euphemism for death and the afterlife for centuries. Rowling, ultimately, was just turning an ancient idiom into a story prop.


When Dumbledore is talking to fudge he says “you will find several escaped death eaters contained in the death chamber” the room with the veil in it. When the ministry sentences you to death, just like in fantastic beasts and where to find them, you are escorted to the room and killed. The difference is the method. In Fantastic beasts you are lowered into a pool of what I assume is drought of living death. And just like the thestrals, the voices can only be heard through the veil by someone who has witnessed death, that’s why Luna and Harry are so attracted to it because they have both seen the thestrals too. I have a whole theory on this so if you have any questions let me know


I'm a little confused when did anyone ever mention that Hogwarts was older that the brothers? I always assumed it was the other way round
And remember, that Godrics Hollow was named after him, after he was getting so famous, but he was BORN there, or not? So that village already existed, and was just renamed
So isn't it possible and more likely, that the brothers were just buried at a village that LATER became Godrics hollow?


the brothers could be much older than Hogwarts If they were born in Godric's Hollow before it was named Godric's Hollow. the original place could have had another name lost to time or it may have been that there were so few residents in the beginning that it had no name to start with.


I would just like to say that as history progresses you get an interesting phenomenon— multiple names for the same place. Just because he was born in “Goodrich Hollow” doesn’t meant that it was called Godric’s Hollow at the time he was born.


The veil is such an underdeveloped part of the Harry Potter series. Yes, it is assumed to kill you and is a certain mystery–as it’s in the Department of Mysteries–but no one really knows what its purpose is.


when Sirius died a bit of my soul did too


there should make a movie and the origins for the three brothers and those items..


2:21 JK Rowling probably just brought up Hogwarts when giving the age of the Ministry to provide some context. This lets us know that the building is less than 1000 years old.
8:26 The Peverell brothers could have been born in Godric's Hollow before the birth of Godric Gryffindor, it just might have been called something else back then
