Breeding 100's of Rare Fish in Planted Tanks | FULL Fishroom Tour!

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AB has kept fish for over 45-years and successfully breeds many rare species of African Cichlids and L-number Plecos, and notoriously hard-to-keep fish. His aquariums are not only practical, but beautiful, full of life and plants!

Enjoy this FULL exclusive tour of @AdriansFishroom. You will be sure to find much inspiration from his aquarium setups and tanks, and likely learn a lot as you watch!

Here are some timestamps to help you find fish and highlights below. I haven't included EVERYTHING but hopefully this helps navigate back to certain parts of the video you enjoy, or to find the fish you are interested in!

0:38 - Stunning 8ft Planted Aquarium with Angelfish
0:50 - Neon Blue Acara Breeding
1:47 - Beautiful Egg Laying Angelfish
2:05 - Venezuelan Corydoras (not Adolfoi)
2:16 - Freshwater AI Prime Lights & Nighttime Breeding
2:44 - Golden Siamese Algae Eater
2:59 - Sump Filtration Running Multiple Tanks
3:09 - L397 Tiger Plecos
3:45 - How did the fishroom come about? (AB's promise)
4:35 - Green Bellied (yet red bellied) Tetras
4:42 - Brazilian Black Lined Tetra & Lemon Tetras Breeding
6:38 - Goodeids an Endangered Species - Very Rare in Australia!
7:33 - Breeding L333 Plecos
7:45 - Peppermint Bristlenose Catfish
8:16 - Breeding Common Plecos
9:19 Borneo Sucker Loaches
9:22 - Dwarf Sparkling Gouramis
9:44 - Yellow Dwarf Cichlids Breeding (Apistogramma borelli)
9:57 - Orange Venezuelan Corydoras
10:19 - The secret to beautiful Aquariums
12:03 - Betta Bio Bowl
16:34 - Beautiful African Cichlid Tank with Breeding Mbuna Colony
17:50 - Chinese Elm Bonsai Tree
18:19 - Sterbai Corydora Colony
18:24 - Denison Barbs and Natural Breeding - LRB Aquatics
19:33 - Mickey Mouse Platys Breeding
19:36 - How to Get a Tiger Lotus to Flower
20:17 - How to Convert a Betta Tank
22:01 - Finding a Frog Tadpole in a Fish Tank!
24:29 - Indoor Grow Light Setup for Growing Bonsai Trees
26:18 - Angelfish Fry in Grow Out Tank
29:12 - Anubias Growing Out of Water
30:43 - Adolfoi Corydoras and Tips for Breeding
31:27 - Why does Adrian Breed Fish even when there's no profit?
31:57 - Mixed Rainbowfish Community Tank (Beautiful!)
33:05 - How AB Gets Clear Water in his Aquarium
34:00 - Rare Cobue Peacock African Cichlids
35:23 - Green Emerald Corydora Colony
35:49 - Cw 27 Corydoras
36:16 - Black Venezuelan and Albino Corydoras
36:54 - Endler Fry
37:16 - Masked Corydoras
37:23 - Rare Black Neon Tetras
37:38 - Gold Laser Corydoras
38:12 - Blue Acara Fry Holding Tank
38:16 - Fancy Red Tiger Shrimp and Why they Won't Breed
38:44 - Black Rose Cherry Shrimp
38:54 - How to Tell the Difference Between Cherry Shrimp and Bloody Mary Shrimp
39:35 - Dwarf Corydoras in Ludwigia Tank w/ Cherry Barbs from Duthie Aquatics
39:47 - Ludwigia Plant Growing Above and Below Water
40:07 - Does Adrian have a Favourite Plant?
40:27 - Black Ocellatus
40:37 - Recent Tragedy in AB's Fishroom - His Story Losing Fish
41:18 - Rare Purple Leleupi
43:38 - Neolamprologus Multifasciatus (Tanganyikan Cichlids)
43:46 - Blue Topaz Guppies Breeding
44:37 - Rare Black Bee Tanganyikan Cichlids
44:57 - Baby Red Cherry Shrimp in Planted Tank
46:10 - Breeding Pineapple Swordtails
46:56 - Neolamprologus Similis
47:35 - Outside Ponds and Goldfish
48:42 - Keeping Paradise Fish - Amazing Outdoor Fish from Duthie Aquatics
49:38 - Breeding Goodeids in Outdoor Ponds
50:05 - Why Can Green Water be Good for Fish?
50:41 - 24ct Guppy and Sterbai Corydora Outdoor Tank

2:04 - The fish shown on the video are Venezuelan Corydoras, not Adolfoi Corydoras

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The one thing I love about Adrian is that he is so modest, often self-deprecating. No secrets, special formulas. Just doing the thing he loves his way. And quite honest to admit, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." Great video, Kaity. Thanks.


😂 Yeeting the cane toads cracked me up. Thank you both, AB's tours never get old and I always learn something new. Good luck with the move Kaity!


I’ve admired Adrian’s fishroom since I first saw it, but this really showcases how incredible his scaping is!!!


Crikey, you Aussies know how to run things 😮
That was an amazing tour in a wonderful fishroom. Crazily impressive 😊👌


Is he wearing an MD Fish tanks shirt!!!??? So amazing


I absolutely love his fish room. Its incredible how much he has packed in there and how amazing it looks.


The fact that she knows what bliksem means makes her extra amazing ! I did not expect that while listening to n fish chanel


Adrian is awesome! I love the bonsai tank, and I love the MD shirt ❤


That 8 footer is a great setup, love all those fish


Amazing video. I can watch AB fish room for hours and never get tire of watching. Thanks for sharing


Such good direction from Katie you get better with every show.
Adrian is so easy to listen too, a man of great knowledge, experience and what a fish house.
You two are great together.🥳


Kaity, what a treat my two favorite australian fish keepers. I really appreciate the in depth tour of Adrians fish room. You do amazing fish room tours.


Adrien and Kaity! I love your shows. I missed the first 5 minutes but soon caught up. Adrian is someone I really admire and I have to say, his love for nature is all you can expect. I hear him talk garbage about himself at times, but he just makes me smile. His love of all animals is sort of beautiful. Not only that but he can make his first beer last for hours!! 😁
Adrian we have never met but I love the kind of man you are. You have really touched my Stony old heart.


Awe I love both your channels. You are both such artists!


This may be my favorite fish room on YouTube. So organic!


Thank you Katie I can't get enough of Adrian's fish room 🎉


Seems like a really lovely guy with a big passion


Awesome video, you both have great chemistry together. It really shows how much you appreciate his gift, thanks for sharing with us.


First time visitor here, and I just wanted to say "wow what a video" Thanks!


I love Adrian and his fish room! Thanks for doing the video on him!!
