The Age of AI and Our Human Future

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The Age of Artificial Intelligence is transforming human society. Machines can now produce innovations and insights that have long eluded human thinkers. Not since the Age of Reason have we revolutionized our approach to economics, order, security, and even knowledge itself.

In The Age of AI: And Our Human Future, three leading thinkers across government, business, and academia come together to consider what AI will mean for us all.

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Purity, patience and persiverence are three vital points for sure success in life.


AI will have a significant impact on society, comparable to the Renaissance era, and already affects our daily lives through social media and personalized advertising. The next 15 to 20 years will lead to the creation of artificial general intelligence systems, which are capable of reasoning like humans. However, it is important to ensure that AI aligns with our values, reflecting our ethics to prevent it from becoming an end in itself. While AI brings benefits such as early detection of illnesses like breast cancer, it has dangerous consequences, such as developing AI-enabled cyber weapons. Therefore, we must take decisions on a societal level, not just the technological one. As AI technology becomes more integrated with human society, it is our responsibility to use it constructively.

00:00:00 In this section, experts discuss how AI is going to change the world in a way similar to how the Renaissance did 400 years ago, creating a new era of history. They discuss how AI is already a part of our daily lives in social media and online, and how it will become even more personalized and capable of manipulating our emotions and desires. The experts predict that in the next 15 to 20 years, we will see the emergence of artificial general intelligence systems, which have the capability for new ideas and intellectual reasoning like humans. However, they also emphasize the importance of ensuring that AI is aligned with our values and reflective organizers, to prevent it from becoming an end in itself.
00:05:00 In this section, the video discusses the positive and negative effects of AI on various aspects of our lives, including healthcare, manufacturing, and defense. The potential benefits of AI include more efficient and cost-effective solutions in healthcare, as well as the ability to detect illnesses like breast cancer earlier than human radiologists. However, the video also highlights the dangers of using AI for destructive purposes, such as developing AI-enabled cyber weapons. The video stresses the need for people to learn how to use AI to achieve positive outcomes while avoiding negative consequences. Additionally, the video acknowledges the limitations of controlling the bias in training data used for AI, emphasizing the need for ethical considerations to govern its use.
00:10:00 In this section, Kai-Fu Lee discusses the potential trade-offs society must make as AI technology advances, such as sacrificing some medical privacy in order to develop more effective medical treatments. He notes that decision-making regarding these trade-offs needs to be done on a societal level, rather than just a technological one. Lee believes that we are heading into a new age, wherein AI will discover things that humans have not and potentially perceive reality differently. This has the potential to affect human society in complex ways, such as when it comes to jobs and how we derive meaning from them. Ultimately, Lee calls for collective mobilization to make informed decisions about what is appropriate and what is not as AI technology becomes increasingly integrated with human society.
00:15:00 In this section, the speaker emphasizes that artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly prevalent and ubiquitous in all aspects of human life, and that it is no longer a choice whether we use it or not. However, he also emphasizes that humans still have the ability to control and shape what this AI future looks like, and that it is our responsibility to use it constructively.


this is probably the the first ad that I chose to not skip and waited for the end


i think i got some ideas for future
what if we make every body get inside a VR that makes them fell like its real life by making machines that controls the human vision and tasting and movement and feeling since its making copy of hologram that can do litterly anything, travel, fly, teleport, upgrade vision, edit shape, be anything
also make these electric machines work by solar power and wind power and clear and endless sources of energy which will make it keep safe for 100s of years forward
and make gelocos sugar(sure not right spelling but u understand me right?) the source of food while humans feel like all of food is visible since its not its just a hologram shape of food
same with games and drinks and most places
this will be SO useful
if u read my comment
thanks alot
i gave this idea compeletly for free


The new renaissance - human intellect was its battle cry


Thanks Mike Allen Axios A.M. for this link. Great way to start understanding AI and it's implications.


The production value and pacing in this was top notch


Instead think that AI can mediate arguments between humans so well that people will come to good choices and agreements better than we do now


" أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له له الملك وله الحمد يحيي و يميت وهو علي كل شيء قدير وأشهد أن سيدنا محمد عبد الله ورسوله صل الله عليه وسلم عليه الصلاة والسلام "


" لا حول ولاقوة إلا بالله العلي العظيم رب العرش العظيم "


Unlimited Hangout with Whitney Webb brought me here and it is even scarier than I thought. These types like Yuval Noah Harari are the most terrifying beings on this planet. Clearly the enemies of humanity.


The main problem was that developers never cared about the ramifications of their projects..that eventually technology will turn to themselves..i think technology or software should be treated as medicine before it introduces to human or takes years to test the medicine before it got approval from any health does AI should be treated the same way..


I would recommend this book to anyone that is interested in the long-term strategic, policy, and regulatory concerns that need to addressed - as AI capabilities continue to accelerate. Even if your professional role may not have any primary or secondary involvement in shaping policy or regulations - every citizen would benefit by being better informed and aware of the very serious future consequences to themselves, their country, and the world - if actions are not planned and taken - to mitigate the very serious problems that will arise in the absence of policies, regulations, and international agreements.

I found it to be illuminating in some ways - balanced (mostly) - if somewhat biased to the upside - and demurring from exploring - in any depth - the actual scenarios of possibly negative consequences.

At 227 pages - the book is a fairly quick read.

If you are pressed for time - you may find the following pages to be a condensed CliffNotes summary of the key points:

9-10, 15, 23-24, 27, 65, 72-73, 76, 80-81, 115, 120, 139, 143, 171, 173-176, 179, 183, 186, 191-198, 207-208.

Regardless, reading chapters 1, 5, and 6...crucial.


أنا رجل كفيف وأجد صعوبة في تنفيذ الأوامر التي تعطيها لنا في فيديوهاتك الرائعة أريد أن أعرف مقابل هذه الأوامر في لوحة المفاتتيح لإنني لا استطيع استخدام الفأرة


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صندوق الدنيا كان شغال لحد السبعينات والتمانينات فى القاهرة والأقاليم زى الحناطير كده !
