Does Bart Make Things Up?? #bartehrman #shorts #newtestament #religion

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In this short from Misquoting Jesus with Bart Ehrman. Bart talks a common accusation leveled against him. When discussing the gospels or the letters of Paul, skeptics often claim that Bart is simply making things up. However, in this insightful conversation, Bart addresses this criticism head-on. He reminds us that scholars have been uncovering compelling evidence for centuries, shedding light on the historical context and authorship of these texts. As he shares his findings, Bart highlights the crucial distinction between reading the Bible as a book of faith versus examining it critically.
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My New Testament studies professor told about hearing stuff like "You're making stuff up" from students. He used to reply to them "Have you ever read the Gospels side by side in Greek?"


"No Christian ever believes that the Bible means what it says: The Christian is always convinced that it says what they mean."
~George Bernard Shaw


Most people don't even read the book, they go to church and a guy at the front tells them what it supposedly says/means


Putting your faith into question is hard when you are deep in it


The lay person says "The bible is the word of God" and they'll defend it with their very soul. The scholars of Christianity say "It is the word of man inspired by God". An all powerful deity doesn't make basic mistakes. Some of he authors don't even include their last name.


Thank you, Bart, for this lovely quote!

“Bruce Metzger is one of the great scholars of modern times, and I dedicated the book to him because he was both my inspiration for going into textual criticism and the person who trained me in the field. I have nothing but respect and admiration for him. And even though we may disagree on important religious questions – he is a firmly committed Christian and I am not – we are in complete agreement on a number of very important historical and textual questions. If he and I were put in a room and asked to hammer out a consensus statement on what we think the original text of the New Testament probably looked like, there would be very few points of disagreement – maybe one or two dozen places out of many thousands.  The position I argue for in ‘Misquoting Jesus’ does not actually stand at odds with Prof. Metzger’s position that the essential Christian beliefs are not affected by textual variants in the manuscript tradition of the New Testament.”


Like he said most lay people can't understand😂


I appreciate the knowledge you bring to the writings in the Bible. It allows me to look at things another way.
I still have faith, maybe because I don't believe the Bible we get to read is carved in stone and inerrant.
I also believe other religious writings have value including the Greek and Roman ones.


Bart's work is based on the available texts. Shortly after I began a deep dive into studying the Bible, Bart became my favorite author. I remain unaffiliated with any churches.

The way of the Lord in the desert needs to be put into context with the previous passage:

Sacrifice: -Indeed, she has received from the hand of the LORD double for all her sins. (Isa 40:2 NABO)
Resurrection: -Make straight in the wasteland a highway for our God! (Isa 40:3 NABO)

Just as it is appointed that human beings die - be judged - appear a second time, (so also Christ) Heb 9:27-28.


FAITH and BELIEFS are two totally different mental phenomenon. Bart has spent his career analyzing the BELIEFS of several different religions...especially Christianity. He does this by reading ancient texts that have been discovered and preserved. People get upset with Bart when they discover that their FAITH is based on false and totally irrational BELIEFS.😇


If anyone wants to test the “truth” of the Bible, write an obscure passage in an obscure language. And have that copied by MAN and translated into other languages for 2, 000 years and tell me if that obscure passage is the same that you originally wrote. So, you can imagine the discrepancies in an entire book, much less the single passage.


Well Professor Erhman does make stuff up: well asserts things as irrefutable when they are probable, unlikely or unknowable. Eg, existence of Q and other proto-Gospels. They may exist. Then again much of the Gospels is lifted verbatim from Hebrew Bible. What is more likely as the source of the Gospels.

Besides this is not a thesis/ athiest divide-the majority of us don't care about the God/not god thing.

Professor E is among the majority in Western culture who feels that matter is of importance.

We really dont care what you do or don't feel


He's not lying to an extent.
There is a lot of stuff that he relays from other people that has been around awhile.
However he has said that he does have his own personal opinions that arent necessarily a majority belied.
So, as a generalozation no, but also yes.


How do we tell right from wrong without Jesus? We cannot do this without human bias. Ex. A murderer would say murder is okay. Morals cannot be based on laws or public opinion because those change with time.


Who doesn't read the Bible critically?


The uncomfortable laugh you give after all your claims is bad for reliability in our heads


Well Bart actually DOES make stuff up. That's what hilarious about this because the claim is true.


No, he doesn’t make things up, he just makes a lot of assumptions with no historical proof to back them up


Bart Ehrman in his YouTube appearance and Bart ehrman the scholarly author are two completely different characters
