Seed Shopping for your Food Garden (Where to buy, what to buy, and general seed-nerd chat)

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Hey ya'll, I'm Jess from Roots & Refuge Farm

Welcome to a place that feels like home. A small farm with a big family. We hope you'll pull up a chair, grab some coffee and visit awhile.

There was a time that all I wanted in the world was a little farm where I could raise my family and grow our food. Now, that is exactly what exists outside my door. In watching it unfold, a new dream was formed in my heart – to share this beautiful life with others and teach them the lessons we've learned along the way. Welcome to our journey, friend. I am so glad you're here.


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- To drop us a line:
PO Box 4239
Leesville SC 29070


PRODUCTS WE LOVE - You've probably heard me talk about these things a million times, so here's where you can order them (and get a discount with my code!):

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Migardener HQ is having a seed swap! We want as many people as possible to come out and get free seed and swap saved seeds, as well as meet like minded individuals ❤


Librarian here: Can confirm. If you come to us with a fun or useful activity open to the public and would like to use our space for it, we will jump at the chance to work with you! We are starting our own seed swap here at our library for our Spring programming and I’m planning on donating some of my seeds to help start things off.


Jess, you’ll like this…years ago I was on my knees planting hibiscus seeds . With seeds in hand, I suddenly understood “Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen” a garden moment I’ll never forget…


"That's why your grocery store tomato tastes like disappointment"... 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 SO accurate!
Really appreciate all of this information, Jess! Keep up the good work!


If you or anyone you know orders pizza that have the little white pizza tables (lol) save those if you don’t have plastic domes/covers for your seedling trays . If you’re starting seeds in trays that don’t have covers you can use plastic wrap and the pizza tables will keep the plastic wrap from sticking to the soil or sprouting seed.


I am in NE Wisconsin-I was gifted a plethora of seeds from our local grocery store last fall—very happy to share them to anyone who wants to cover shipping!


I used to think I just didn't like vegetables very much, that it was just due to personal preference. Then I started gardening, and realized that I actually loved vegetables. The problem was never my taste buds or preference... its the bland, sad old stuff grocery stores sell us.
Sadly Canada has a limited gardening period, but my partner and I now find ourselves gorging on fresh garden veggies and fruit, at every meal, all summer and fall long. Its a hobby that is def reducing our yearly grocery bill as well as improving our health!


Some of the best cantaloupes and honeydew I’ve ever grown were saved from grocery store melons. They had wonderful flavor and were productive enough for us.


Any seeds imported are usually nuked by x ray machines at customs. Stay local, love you all Jess and happy gardening this year. Thank you for all of your knowledge, you truly care about all of us and it’s appreciated.


Some of our area libraries have started seed libraries. Gardeners have donated packets of seeds that anyone who needs seeds can just come in and help themselves. They are filed by varieties. Most people use it as an in house seed swap, they bring what they have extras of and see what’s available while they are there. It’s a great resource for new and seasoned gardeners!


Every veggie that you grow will be the best tasting veggie you have ever eaten. Enjoy the process.


I love Johnny's seeds. I love how they categorize by heat tolerance and disease resistance. It's definitely a plus for growing in Florida


I always do a big seed giveaway in December with seeds Ive saved and purchased! 🥰


I love sharing seeds! I’m in multiple seed swaps and gave one lady seeds to start an entire salsa garden. She was tickled and I made a great friend!


I need that 3 hour seed video 🤣

Love MIgardener, Baker Creek, and Botanical Interests.

My husband was laughing at me because when you said to "go in on a seed order with friends" I yelled at my phone, "I have no friends!!" (No friends that garden 🤣 I have other friends)


Funny story our pickling cucumbers never made it to a jar because the kids loved them!
We will be planting 4 plants this year


One cool story is the JIMMY NARDELLO. Angela Nardello was an Italian immigrant who had 11 children. The productive pepper 🌶️ helped her feed her family and was the secret to so much NEW YORK ITALIAN CLASSIC dishes. Her son Jimmy saved the seeds, but never gave out her secret sauce recipes.


I know I paid more for my broccoli than I could have paid at the store, but the joy of watching it grow and the taste makes it all worth while. It is amazing how different the same vegetable tastes when you grow it at home!


I keep my seeds in Military Ammo Boxes. They come in diff sizes and you can paint them too lol. Nice dry & airtight. Rodents etc cant chew into them. I also put them in vaccuum sealed bags then throw them in the ammo box.


Woo! MiGardener. I love Lukes content his channel is on heavy rotation on my YouTube. I also really like High Mowing seeds. I bought my first successful crop of carrots from them 😁.
