Intl Day for the Eradication of Poverty 2024 - UN Chief Message | United Nations

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Secretary-General's message on the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty: “Ending social and institutional maltreatment: acting together for just, peaceful and inclusive societies”


Poverty is a global plague, affecting hundreds of millions of people around the world.

But poverty is not inevitable. It is the direct result of the choices that societies and governments make — or fail to make.

This year’s theme reminds us that people mired in poverty contend with societal discrimination and systemic barriers that make it more difficult to access vital services and support.

Ending global poverty — and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals — requires governments shaping institutions and systems that put people first.

It demands that we prioritize investments in decent work, learning opportunities and social protection that offer ladders out of poverty.

And it calls on us to fully implement the new Pact for the Future by supporting an SDG Stimulus and reforming the global financial architecture to help developing countries invest in their people.

Eradicating poverty is an essential foundation for humane, dignified societies that leave no one behind.

On this important day, let’s re-commit to making poverty history.

(En français)

La pauvreté est un fléau mondial qui touche des centaines de millions de personnes à travers la planète.

Toutefois, elle n’est pas une fatalité. Elle résulte directement des choix que font, ou ne font pas, les sociétés et les États.

Le thème de cette année nous rappelle que les personnes en proie à la pauvreté sont confrontées à des discriminations sociétales et à des obstacles systémiques qui les empêchent d’accéder à l’aide et aux services essentiels.

Pour éliminer la pauvreté dans le monde et atteindre les objectifs de développement durable, il faut que les États se dotent d’institutions et de systèmes qui placent les gens au cœur de leur action.

Il convient d’investir en premier lieu dans le travail décent, l’apprentissage et la protection sociale, véritables marchepieds pour sortir de la pauvreté.

Il convient enfin de mettre pleinement en œuvre le nouveau Pacte pour l’avenir, en soutenant le plan de relance des objectifs de développement durable et en réformant l’architecture financière internationale afin d’aider les pays en développement à investir dans leur population.

L’éradication de la pauvreté est indispensable à l’édification de sociétés humaines et dignes où personne n’est laissé de côté.

En ce jour important, redisons notre détermination à faire de la pauvreté une histoire ancienne.
Рекомендации по теме

Keep go strong UN❤🙏

I from India🇮🇳 ❤

Remember India one of the no more enemy country

India always love and like each and every nation❤

Especially who hurt me and my India🇮🇳, but they're not our enemy

Love from India🇮🇳 ❤🙏


Global Awareness drive vision 2050 year we can eradicate Poverty from the World. Start ups, Enterprenuers and Self Employment rise in economic backward countries will help eradicate Poverty by 2050 year. Join our Campaign.


If this is going as well as all the other stuff, we can expect the funds to be given to the richest people in the most corrupt countries on planet earth and then silencing everyone who tries to say that this is not a great thing to do.


We will always have the poor. I need 63, 000.00 that is pocket change for millionaires, governments, and others.


We have enough money and technology to make sure everyone has healthcare, education, fresh food, clean water and shelter forever if we simply direct our thoughts, behaviors and money into it is simple, end wars, give everyone a chance to participate in creating this lovely world into heaven for all living I can see it, let's start right now.... no waiting until 2050 or even Love to us all!


Seharusnya un netral dan menyelesaikan konflik di bumi ini, dan kalau un tidak netral dan berpihak pada salah satu pihak yang berkonfik bubarkan saja, kita pakai hukum rimba saja


United Nations, I have the first letter I sent to the Virginia Supreme Court concerning a situations police caused to get there. Police did not send Benjamin Quade to get that letter just the twenty-one page letter explaining what this whole mess is about. The first letter was left in the folder. Prophet Noble Drew Ali told the United States if they have any problems with this people to take it before the Supreme Court. This was before the Moorish Government (Moorish National Republic of the U.S.A.) was back in place in this land.

These courts know about the Moorish Government but ignore that fact.

Since the Moorish Government is in place these European courts want to act like they have a right to handle situations concerning Moors. No they do not. Allah and Prophet Noble Drew Ali Reincarnated had me to write the judges. I'm here and they want to play around me. The United States has repeatedly interfered with anyone sent among my Moorish Nation. They want to stop us and their lies continue. Now they sent Benjamin Quade and his wife against me plus Diana and Leonidas to interfere in Moorish Affairs.


👋 Int'l Day For The Eradication of Poverty 2024 UN Chief Message |United Nations.


Ізраїльські військові на базах тероорістів «Хезболли» у Лівані виявили сучасну російську зброю.

Про це заявив прем’єр-міністр Ізраїлю Біньямін Нетаньягу французькій газеті Le Figaro


Why didn't he address?. Yes leaders.. the chosen ones...


I have a question. If Iran talk about Palestine in UN. Then Israel should talk about zoroastrian condition in Iran and yazidis in Iraq. why UN do not talk about these people? because Iran is a land of Persian(zoroastrian).


Masjid saya temukan di jakarta, saya butuh merawat misal untuk rumah dan lain lain .


Remember how far Hit|er got before the allies got him; same way with Yahu - he's gonna get in some more atrocity before he "Ava Braun's" himself in that basement.


Un family is failed completely risen just American people Israeli people is very good people and another world people animals 😢😢😢😢😢


Over 260 Afghan migrants killed in Iranian border shooting🥺🇦🇫


United Nations, the United States wants to put someone in my life that would feed information back to them. Allah will not allow that. I'm here for Moors and Mexicans right now until Allah sends me to help other nations. There were Mexican Tribes that got caught in this mess England started in this land.


Good that all of your company over there is not in poverty, just bla bla bla on tv


All of you are acting, this is to show the world, rest of your remote control is with America, which sends it to you in writing, you speak it and tell the world, rest of the world knows your whole game
