Wormix - Scientist (Solo Boss) #26
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Buenas noches a todos, espero que estén bien, estaba estresadísimo con este jefe porque necesitas coordinación, resistencia y predicción de los movimientos (porque estará en una zona libre de ataque, ya sea para hacerlo caer en minas, usar ataque aéreo o martillazo), lo recomendable sería que usen equipaje con protección contra la ralentización, la última parte lo pensé 2 veces si teletransportarme o hacer la técnica de salvarse con una viga ante un guardián :'v, espero que les haya gustado y disfrutado del vídeo.
Psdt: este es uno de los jefes que me ha llevado un buen tiempo intentándolo, más que todo que los pasos a seguir vayan bien. /
Good evening everyone, I hope you are well, I was really stressed with this boss because you need coordination, stamina and movement prediction (because he will be in an attack free zone, either to make him fall on mines, use air attack or hammer), It would be recommended that you use luggage with protection against slowing down, I thought twice about the last part whether to teleport or do the technique of saving yourself with a beam before a guardian: 'v, I hope you liked it and enjoyed the video.
Psdt: this is one of the bosses that has taken me a long time trying, more than anything that the steps to follow go well.
Psdt: este es uno de los jefes que me ha llevado un buen tiempo intentándolo, más que todo que los pasos a seguir vayan bien. /
Good evening everyone, I hope you are well, I was really stressed with this boss because you need coordination, stamina and movement prediction (because he will be in an attack free zone, either to make him fall on mines, use air attack or hammer), It would be recommended that you use luggage with protection against slowing down, I thought twice about the last part whether to teleport or do the technique of saving yourself with a beam before a guardian: 'v, I hope you liked it and enjoyed the video.
Psdt: this is one of the bosses that has taken me a long time trying, more than anything that the steps to follow go well.