Wormix - Soul Master (Solo Boss) #29

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Buenos días a todos, espero que estén bien, la verdad no creí que iba a ganar por 2da vez a este jefe, lo que sucede en este jefe tienes que memorizarte los turnos de cada personaje, en este caso es para que puedas atacarlos y usar el gas de hielo y para atacar al maestro tienes que estar lejos, acercarte y alejarte antes que termine tu turno, lo recomendable es tener armas de veneno, hielo y ataque aéreo, armas extras que podrías tener es cubo de hielo, campo de fuerza y llamada a los refuerzos, también tienes que evitar que el maestro se cure por sus almas, tienes que estar atento a ello y también evita estar cerca a el si no tienes el campo de fuerza a la mano. Espero que les haya gustado y disfrutado del video ;). /
Good morning everyone, I hope you are well, I really did not think I was going to beat this boss for the 2nd time, what happens in this boss you have to memorize the turns of each character, in this case it is so that you can attack them and use the ice gas and to attack the master you have to be far away, approach and move away before your turn ends, it is recommended to have poison, ice and air attack weapons, extra weapons that you could have is ice cube, force field and call for reinforcements, you also have to prevent the master from being healed by their souls, you have to be aware of it and also avoid being close to him if you do not have the force field at hand. I hope you liked and enjoyed the video ;).
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dam bruh playing wormix on pc is more better than on mobile


New challenge: Pass Romeo and Juliet with all existing ways (except using gas grenade and double cat avia)


Che y que pasa si un alma llega al zombi principal? Se regenera toda la vida?
