Wormix - Zombie King (Solo Boss) #17

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Buenas noches a todos, espero que estén bien, en este jefe es molestoso ya sea en solo o en super jefe porque el invocador resucita a los zombies y el rey no daña con veneno al empezar su turno (todos los enemigos que acompañan a él en general), así hasta que nos mate, lo recomendable en solo es matar al invocador o al rey lo más rápido posible y en súper jefe que maten al rey lo más pronto posible.
Espero que les haya gustado y disfrutado del video. /
Good evening everyone, I hope you are well, in this boss it is annoying either solo or super boss because the summoner resurrects the zombies and the king does not damage with poison at the start of his turn (all the enemies that accompany him in general), so until he kills us, it is recommended to just kill the summoner or the king as quickly as possible and in super boss to kill the king as soon as possible.
I hope you liked and enjoyed the video.
Espero que les haya gustado y disfrutado del video. /
Good evening everyone, I hope you are well, in this boss it is annoying either solo or super boss because the summoner resurrects the zombies and the king does not damage with poison at the start of his turn (all the enemies that accompany him in general), so until he kills us, it is recommended to just kill the summoner or the king as quickly as possible and in super boss to kill the king as soon as possible.
I hope you liked and enjoyed the video.
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