Internals of a Star Wars Nerf Han Solo Blaster

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Internals of a Star Wars Nerf Han Solo Blaster
Quick video showing the insides of a Star Wars Han Solo nerf pistol. There is a small part that sticks out that paint chips easily off, so I open them up to cut it off. Doesn't affect performance at all.
To me, it's internals are basically a normal size Nerf Magnus.
It's a great looking Nerf gun and looks even better when repainted to look more film accurate.
Quick video showing the insides of a Star Wars Han Solo nerf pistol. There is a small part that sticks out that paint chips easily off, so I open them up to cut it off. Doesn't affect performance at all.
To me, it's internals are basically a normal size Nerf Magnus.
It's a great looking Nerf gun and looks even better when repainted to look more film accurate.