Mother Tried To Sell Her Son For Drugs? | Steve Wilkos

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At 16-years-old, Tyler finally met his biological mother. Now, he has some unanswered questions that he wants to ask her.
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So we’re going to act like this lady wasn’t lied like wtf?


Is nobody going to acknowledge the fact that his adoption mom and people lied to him to make his mom look bad? Like yea she never came to see him but she let it be known she was young. I’m not understanding why she’s being attacked. The adoption mom did damage also by lying on the biological mom and not wanting the son to meet the mom. Sad situation all around but it’s no excuse to lie to the child.


Steve, this episode put you in a bad light my guy. I’ve seen you be nicer to addicts. Yeah, she was young, but at least she had the balls enough to admit she wasn’t equipped to handle a child in the correct manner. Totally missed the ball on the adoptive family manipulation tactics too.


I did not like how Steve treated the bio mom. He not once asked her why did she give him up, nor did he correct the mom for lying on the bio mom


Steve can say what he wants, but that young man has love for his natural mother. I wish them both well.


she was 13 when she had him right? putting him up for adoption was probably the best thing to do tbh.


It’s actually a pretty BIG deal that she passed her test because it goes to show CPS really picks and chooses their battles wisely and she was an easy target. She was accused of things so heinous and wasn’t able to raise her son. Now she’s public enemy one because her child was stolen from her under false pretenses.


I’m confused why they’re bashing her, she isn’t a bad mother… people are allowed to give their children up for adoption… everyone’s acting like that’s a crime it’s weird …


The fact that they treated her like that and laughing is just unbelievable


Steve was very mean to that mom who was trying to make amends with her son, no matter how long it takes you can't hate on that! I'm proud of the mom for trying to be in her son's life, they can make up for lost time, it's the fact that she's there now!


Honestly, I’m kind of annoyed with Steve laughing. This isn’t really funny, for Tyler’s sake.


Yea... this was so one sided. If you listen to her, you can see all the battles and accusations she faced. It was not easy. It was actually pretty dangerous for her. FOR CHRIST SAKES SHE CAME AND TOLD THE TRUTH!!!! Have a shred of love that this woman cared!


So … Steve you basically don’t believe in putting your child up for adoption! Why?


I've never been mad at steve until this episode. Ppl have to give their kids up for adoption sometimes and that's a hard decision at least he was in a good home. But no one knows what the adoptive mom said or did thru the years to the bio mom. Idk hopefully there's an update or a full clip somewhere to hear the whole story. But at least he still loves both of them.


Steve better be careful how he treats people before he's in their shoes. He needs to be more empathetic. I'm glad she took the lie detector test. Steve Wilkos was a complete ass.


it’s insane to see how many people come on this show with their different stories.


I want Miss Audrey to take a lie detector test. The bio mom passed hers, and as much as it sucks that she didn’t jump on the chance to raise her son, she still obviously did what was best for him in the end. I usually agree with Steve 100%, but on this one I really don’t. Somethings definitely fishy.


As soon as the mom walked on the stage she was getting attacked and shamed by Steve, without even knowing the results. Of course she left the stage, this whole episode is messed up and one sided.


She gave her son up and even with an open adoption sometimes the adoptive parents can say nope sorry 🤷🏻‍♀️ and to boot bio mom was being crucified for things she didn’t even do and Steve was an ass to her. That’s wrong. She came on the show and passed


C’mon now Steve … she had the boy at 13. At least she gave him up to someone who could provide a good life for him instead of keeping him & putting him in dangerous & unfit situations. Is it right that she didn’t visit him for majority of his life? Hell no. But she was a child, a damn baby herself. A little slack should’ve been shown to her due to the circumstances. Now she’s an adult living a stable life & she’s trying to make up for lost time even with the horrible lies that we’re told about her. Most people leave & never come back. At least she’s trying …
