How Traumatic Brain Injuries could reveal more than they remove | Ryan Brady | TEDxIEMadrid

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I have said the same, it is like being born again, I am shocked to hear someone else say it. Life is so much harder now, but I believe I have become a more passionate person at the same time. All is not worse.


I was struck by lightning and thrown back onto cement/stairs this has been a long journey & accepting this is my life now


Focus on the positive ❤ I had an TBI from an accident. I did recognize who I was before. So I was stuck between who I was and who I am. I had to grieve the old self and let it go. I couldn't verbalize anything for years. I couldn't read anything, and process it in my brain. I had no organizational thought patterns. I lived in the NOW. Which taught me some pretty amazing lessons. Every brain injury is different.


I have hypoxia brain injury I died 26minutes spent weeks months in coma rehab hospital learning talk walk again been a recovery massive discovery never ever give up on yourself many will never yourselves keep going doing amazing things keep positive keep strong sending luck hugs love from headway Nottingham UK takecare x


I was roofied at a bar and 6'5 280 pound me passed out standing up. I hit my head off a curb and was unconscious for several hours.. when i woke up everything was different. Rage, depression and anxiety blew me away. I lost myself for along time and ended up getting heavy into drugs and drinking...

Now i am sober and been so for three years but nothing is the same.. nothing. I cant keep a job or a relationship.. i have no friends anymore and cant seem to adapt to this new life.. it isnt easy. But I'm trying.


What an incredible achievement to be standing up there talking so eloquently. I’m so happy your recovery I know was not easy. But you are here, humble, full of gratitude & an amazing life ahead of you x I wish you the best.


Anybody out there sharing information about brain injury is a hero . Thatnk you so much. I do the exact same thing where i pause and forget what im talking about. The harder you try to dig for it the farther away it gets. You just gotta sit down and breathe. Youre brave for getting up there


Very inspiring!!! I suffered my TBI in a head on collision less than a mile from my home. I'm 66 years young and feel like I need to tell my story. I also suffered 8 broken ribs, monteggia fracture of my left arm, and severe burns on my right hand that required surgery to remove the joint and close the wound on my thumb. Still in recovery suffering from diplopia and learning about TBI. Forgetfulness, finding words, and extreme fatigue are my symptoms.


Learn from the young
Thanks for your talk.
I'm 43 years old. I have bipolar 2 disorder.
I had a TBI last January. I hit my head when I was riding my bike.
Depression has worsened due to post-concussion symptoms.
It's good to hear you.
See the good in the midst of the bad.
Congratulations on your recovery and on your way of seeing life.
I admire you


I can't imagine losing my long term memory! My short term memory was almost non-existent. I felt like Drew Barrymore in the movie 50 first dates and on bad days like the character 10 second Tom (his memory erased every 10 seconds). Definitely made starting life over a challenge. Having to relearn everything when you can't retain new information has made life a struggle for sure! I always thought of my accident as the day I died because the old me did die that day. It took me awhile to realize that I just began a new life that day. My slate was wiped clean and I had a new chance at life. Such a brilliant and hopeful perspective you shared. Loved your talk!❤❤❤


Any Disney peeps here who immediately thought this wonderful speaker looks like the perfect combination of Dylan and Cole Spouse !?!

Thank you Ryan for this much needed inspiration and speech 💙


I am the closest to this gentleman as you can get. Was 2 weeks out from graduation in senior year and I rolled my car 4-5 times @146 n was the only person in my full car to be inj at all. Relearning to walk n talk @ ab 70-75% w each. Have what’s called spasticity in my right “affected” arm that was contracted (bent) in for the entirety of my 39 day coma n my right pupil was also fixed at full dilation for my whole coma which still remains dilated more than my left letting in too much light in distorting my vision. Biggest thing I’ve learned in the past 2.5 years since Sept 12, 2020 is that u can actually do anything u set ur mind to u j need to want it bad enough.


Keep at it...I had 2 TBIs...a more serious one in 1994 and a second one in 2015...I'm glad you shared your's important for people to see this...My re-birthday was 12/20/1994...


3 TBI’s every single “hit” to my brain removed something from my personality and how I think, it hurts so bad knowing I will never be myself again


Ryan, you’re a living Miracle & a Warrior. I too was 17Yrs & just a single Day before finals of Junior Yr. HS. Back in ‘94 & it will 30Yrs in June.

I Was struck by a Car while on a bicycle. A paramedic witnessed the accident rt infront of him? Ordered me a helicopter to be flown to hospital. I had #2 seizures. Brain damage to 3sides? My lft arm went through Windshield and my body was covered in Roadrash! I Broke my leg also. In a Coma for 2wks. I had No feeding tube an lost 35lbs. I Was on a ventilator bc, of a bruised lung & My parents had me taken off! They refused to allow a trac to be inserted. 1wk after I was out of coma. I got transferred to an inpatient rehab a few states away. For 2Mo.s! Where I too had to learn to walk & talk too… Then I came Home for 6Mo.s of Out patient rehab? I too was on Home schooling for a few MO’s. I Grad HS on time w/class. An went to a Junior college. Grad a jr college in 3Yrs. Floated around 8Yrs doing diff jobs? Before, opening a landscaping biz w/friend… I did that for about 20yrs. I met my wife shortly after starting my biz? An have been blessed w/a Smart, beautiful, wonderful daughter that’s 13yrs. She starts HS nxt yr in Honors! We also are Homeowners for the last 8yrs.

There is a Life after an Injury. It may be different? Ea. injury is like a Snowflake… No two are the Same! God Bless you, I am proud of your recovery! An Wish you the very BEST.


"Where would you start, if your past was erased? Which parts of yourself would you let go of?" This is such a powerful question! Thank you for sharing your experience and the life-altering lessons that you took away from your TBI! Having suffered a stroke at the age of 28 & having the mindset of a newborn - I relate to you on so many levels. We've all been new borns, we've all come into this world once - there aren't too many of us that get 2nd Birthdays and get to talk about it. Thank You! Thank you! Thank You! You are an inspiration!


I was in my first year of university and walking through a crosswalk I got hit with an suv and suffered a severe tbi this helped me so much


That's good Ryan. TBI is something we don't expect to happen to us.


It’s not easy to share that story, I’ve been through a tbi and it was life changing. Good and bad. I understand what you’re going through ❤


Normally I don’t comment on youtube, however this is different for me. I too got a TBI last year (20 years at the time), lost control of my left side entirely and couldn’t remember for days straight why I was in the hospital, I even fell out of bed 3 times bc I didn’t realize I couldn’t walk. I didn’t remember everything from a week before the accident, but however everything else was there, I couldn’t remember why I was in the hospital for longer than 5 min but I did know my social security number. I totally understand the help and the appreciation for the people who helped you while you were …. not able by far to take care of yourself. This was a year ago for me and people don’t notice anything; they are amazed by it. I too was so full of confidence to get better, and it happened (def not everybody, nobody I had seen in the centre where I leaved at the time for therapy was as good as I was within 2/3 weeks while they were there for months). My depression got cured since my accident, before I would never say with certainly that I was, after my accident I realized how depressed I was and have only felt like that once, a brief moment of 10 seconds. That’s when I knew my depression got fixed, because of my TBI. Life’s crazy, I went from dr’s saying I might not wake up (however they were NOT sure, they just didn’t know) to being happier than ever, even with the things I still notice. Taught me more than any therapist talking about depression, learned more about myself than I ever could.
